

A Study on the Mode of Mathematics Teaching in Middle Schools from Modern "Communicative" Perspective

【作者】 柯跃海

【导师】 陈清华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “学会交流,学会合作,学会学习,学会生存”是信息时代对人才培养的基本要求,重视交流的作用,注重数学交流能力的培养已成为国内外中学数学教育界的共识,正在成为中学数学教育改革的潮流和趋势。开展现代“交流”观点下的中学数学教学模式研究,顺应了时代的要求和改革的潮流。 本文对数学交流及其相应的中学数学教学模式作了较为全面、系统的理论研究,阐述了数学交流教学模式及其相关的基础理论,构建了数学交流教学模式的实施模式,给出了模式的操作流程图,并对其中的各环节做了详细的说明,使实施模式具备了较好的可操作性。在此基础上,本文介绍了数学交流教学模式在中学数学课堂教学中的实践,给出了实验课例,对实验过程收集到的信息和数据进行了定性与定量的分析,得出了实验的阶段性结论,验证了实施模式的实用价值。为更进一步开展现代“交流”观点下的中学数学教学模式研究提供了初步的理论和实践两个方面的基础。

【Abstract】 Learning to communicate, Learning to cooperate, Learning to learn, and Learning to survive" are essential for talent fostering in the information era. The opinions that the function of communication should be valued and that importance should be attached to the development of the students’ communicative ability of mathematics have become a consensus in the educational circles of middle school mathematics. And they are now the trend of the reform taking place in middle school mathematic education as well. Thus carrying out researches into the modes of middle school mathematics teaching from modern "communicative" perspective conforms to the requirements of the times and the trend of the educational reform.This thesis undertakes an overall systematic theoretical research into mathematic communication and relevant modes of middle school mathematics teaching. It expounds communicative teaching modes of mathematics and relevant fundamental theories, constructs a practical pattern of communicative teaching modes of mathematics, sets forth the flow chart of the pattern and also, illustrates each step in details to make it more operational, hi addition, this thesis introduces the application of communicative teaching modes of mathematics to middle school mathematics classroom, presenting experimental cases. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the data collected during the experiments have been made and phased conclusion has also been drawn, which has tested and verified the practical values of the mode. All these provide an initial base both theoretically and practically for furthering the research on middle school mathematics teaching modes from modern "communicative" perspective.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】492

