

The Practice and Research of Chemistry Teaching in Vocational Hygienic Middle School

【作者】 郭幼红

【导师】 朱则善;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 职业学校的教育目标是培养在一线工作的高素质劳动者和中初级实用技术人才,职业学校的学生对文化课学习普遍存在起点偏低的情况。化学课程是卫生职业学校各类专业学生必修的主要文化基础课,化学学习对于提高学生思想政治素质和科学文化素质,对于学生学好医学知识,形成综合职业能力、创业能力、继续学习和发展,具有重要作用。卫生职业学校的化学教师,应根据学生特点、学科特点、职业特点因材施教。在长期的教学实践中,我深深地体会到要改变卫生职业学校学生的化学学习状况,应体现科学认识过程,教给学生科学方法;加强例题教学,培养学生综合能力;加强实验教学,培养学生实验能力;改革课堂教学方法,发挥学生的主体性;改革学生学习评价的内容和方法,促进学生的个性发展;教学中渗透绿色化学理念,重视化学教育的人文价值。实践证明,卫生职业学校化学教育的研究是必要的,也是可行的,卫生职业学校的化学教师树立科学的职业教育观念,以正确的心态对待学生,并采取行之有效的对策,卫生职业学校的学生的化学学习状况是能够得到改善。

【Abstract】 The objective of vocational hygienic middle school education is to provide the society with laborers of high-quality and persons of practical abilities of primary and middle level. There exists a common phenomenon that most of the vocational hygienic middle school students are backward in cultural course learning. As Chemistry course is a main required course of general knowledge for vocational hygienic middle school students of all specialties, it is of great importance for them to study Chemistry in enhancing their mental and political quality as well as scientific and cultural quality, learning medical knowledge, developing integrative occupational and creative abilities and carrying on their further study and development. Chemistry teacher of vocational hygienic middle school should teach the students in accordance of their aptitude on the basis of the special characteristics of the students, specialties and occupations. In my long-term teaching practice, I have keenly realized that in order to change the situation of Chemistry studying of vocational hygienic middle school students, Chemistry teachers should teach their students scientific methods by representing the process of acquainting science, cultivate their comprehensive abilities by enhancing example teaching, foster their experimental ability by intensifying experiment teaching, exert the subjectivity of the students by reforming the course-teaching method, promote the development of the personality of the students by innovating the content and the method of evaluation on the chemistry learning of the students, and cherish the value of humanity by infiltrating the conception of green chemistry in the process of the teaching. It has been proved in practices that the research of chemistry education in vocational hygienic middle school is necessary and feasible as well. As long as the Chemistry teachers of vocational hygienic middle school build up the concept of scientific vocational education by adopting a correct attitude towards their students, and take effective countermeasures, the situation of Chemistry learning of vocational hygienic middle school students can be changed.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】320

