

The Research and Practice of Accommodation in Chemical Problem-solving

【作者】 龚龙生

【导师】 黄垂权;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文在《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的指导下,以现代认知心理学理论为基础,针对目前中学化学问题解决教学中存在的问题,从理论和实践两方面对化学问题解决中的顺应进行深入探讨。全文主要包括四个部分。第一部分分析了化学问题解决的心理学研究现状及其研究成果,指出中学化学问题解决教学不能吸收这些研究成果的原因。第二部分从理论的层面分析化学问题解决中的顺应的含义;化学问题解决中的顺应研究的必要与价值;化学问题解决中的顺应的过程(包括五个相互联系的环节:信息获取、空隙认知、规则生成、问题解决、过程反思,并认为“规则生成”是顺应过程的主要环节);化学问题解决的顺应策略(有统摄策略、转化策略、融合策略、归纳策略等)。第三部分从实验层面对中学生的问题解决过程进行研究。认识到个体化学问题解决的心理活动中确实存在顺应过程;在解决问题时,确实有采用顺应策略;教师的指导对学生采用“规则生成”解题路径具有重要作用。最后阐述了在问题解决教学中如何培养学生的问题解决能力。给中学化学问题解决教学提出的建议是:化学问题解决教学应引导学生常使用“规则生成”解题路径;要在实际的问题解决中引导学生构建化学问题解决的顺应策略,以达到培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力的目标。

【Abstract】 Guided by the Outline of Curriculum Reform in the Elementary Education, based on the theory of modern cognitive psychology, this thesis makes a deep study ’of accommodation in chemical problem-solving from the view of both theory and practice, aimed at present existing problems in chemical problem-solving teaching in high school.The whole thesis consists of four parts. In the first part I have analyzed the present situation and achievements on the research of psychology of chemical problem-solving, and have pointed out the reason why present chemical problem-solving teaching doesn’t take in the achievements.The second part is on the theory plane. I have analyzed the meaning of accommodation in chemical problem-solving, the necessity and value of the study of accommodation in chemical problem-solving, the process of accommodation in chemical problem-solving (including five contacting links mutually: information-obtaining, crevice-perceiving, rule-bearing, problem-solving, process-anti thinking, and I think the rule- bearing is the vital link of the process of accommodation),the strategy of accommodation in chemical problem-solving (having strategy of subordination, strategy of conversion, strategy of fusion, strategy of induce etc).The third part is on the experiment plane. I have studied the process of student’s problem-solving. Realizing the process of accommodation really exists in chemical problem-solving, while solving problem they really have to adopt the strategy of accommodation. The guidance from the teachers has an important effect on the students in adopting the rule-bearing path of solving problems.Finally, I have elaborated how to help students to gain the ability of chemical problem-solving in solving problem teaching. I have given some suggestions to chemical problem-solving teaching in high school. Chemical problem-solving teaching should guide the students to use the rule-bearing path of problem-solving often, should guide students to construct strategy of accommodation of chemical problem-solving, and then attain to the target of developing the students ability of analyzing problems and solving problems.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【下载频次】376

