

Experiment Research on Constructivism Theory for Normal Humanbody of Secondary Health Vocational Schools

【作者】 林迳苍

【导师】 尤永隆;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,建构主义学习理论成为主流,其核心是:学习并非是学生对教师所授予的知识的被动接受,而是一个以已有的知识和经验为基础的主动建构过程,并且要在一定的社会环境中进行,具有社会性。 目前中等卫生学校专业课程设置已越来越趋于综合性,出现“宽”的特征,体现出对于面向基层第一线工作的医学生更具有实用性,如原有的《解剖学》、《生理学》、《组织胚胎学》等学科合并为《正常人体学》。但传统课堂教学存在着一些弊端,导致了一系列的消极后果。 在教育心理学领域,建构主义教学理论对学习和教学提出了新的解释,。根据国内、外有关资料,构建了适合于课堂教学改革实际教学策略,教学程序的实施流程为:(1)教师根据目标指引,引导学生复习旧知识;(2)创设情景,提出问题;(3)学生协作学习,营造民主气氛;(4)学生独立探索,积极体检;(5)教师引导学生进行反思评价,深化对新知识的意义建构;(6)教师引导学生变式练习,巩固迁移新知识;(7)教师归纳整理,构造新知识体系;(8)根据教学目标完成情况进行反馈调节。 以泉州卫生学校2002级护理3班作为实验班,护理4班作为对照班,进行了教学改革实验研究,取得了显著的效果。得出了几个方面的结论:在实验班能有效提高优生率、及格率,有利于提高学业成绩;有利于提高学生学习兴趣和转变学习态度;有利于提高学生的主体意识;能明显提高优生的成绩,极明显提高中等生的成绩,但不能提高差生的成绩。对实践操作作了探讨和论述,验证了本课题的可行性。

【Abstract】 Constructivism has become the most popular theory in the education field since the 1980s, and its theory focuses on that study is not the passive reception of knowledge which is taught by teachers, but an active process of construction which is based on knowledge and experience learnt by students. Furthermore, the activity of construction must be done in specially social environment and bears the characteristic of sociality.At present, specialized courses offered in secondary health vocational schools have been tending towards comprehensiveness and appear to be more wide spread and more practical. That is more useful to the medical students facing basic levels. For example: Anatomy, Physiology, Histological and Embryology has been merged into Normal Humanbody. How to teach ? The disadvantages which still exist in the traditional class teaching have led to a series of negative effects.In the educational psychology field, the theory of constructivism makes new explanation of studying and teaching. According to the material at home and abroad, this paper criticizes the disadvantages in present traditional class teaching in secondary health vocational schools, brings to light the teaching stralegy and produce of constructivism, as well as makes the experiment study on the reform of class theaching, which is appropriate for the practice of class teaching on the bassis of explaining the theory of constructivism. The teaching strategies of constructivism, which is suggested by this present experiment study, are that: (1) according to target, teacher directs the students to have a review of what they have learned; (2) the teacher innovates environment then varies questiones; (3) the teacher directs the students to coordinate study and forms democratic situations with the students; (4) the teacher directs the students to make independent explorations, and the students participate in the experience actively; (5) the teacher leads the students to make reflective comments, then the students deepen meaning construction of a new knowledge; (6) the teacher directs the students to have changeable practive in order that the students can consolidate and remove a new knowledge; (7) the teacher induce and deduce in order to construct a new knowledge system; (8) the teacher made the reflective adjustment..I chose two nurse classes from Quanzhou Health school. 2002 Gradenurse class 3 is the experimental class, 2002 Grade nurse class 4 is the comparative class. I have made the experiment study on the change of teaching and have yielded notable results. Several conclusions have been drawn from this present experiment study. The results of this excellent students’ ratio and passing grades ratis effectively, it help to improve the scholastis attainments of the students; it can take advantage to improve the study interest of subjects and divert the study manner of the students; it can enhance helpfully to develop the self-consciousness of students; it can improve the scholastic attainments of the excellent students obviously, improve the scholastic attainments of the medium students extremely, but it can not improve the scholastic attainments of the inferior students. I have made explorations and discussions about this experiment and proved this topic practicability.

  • 【分类号】G633.92
  • 【下载频次】115

