

The Study and Application of the I~2C Bus

【作者】 何轶彬

【导师】 刘志强;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 早在1980’s,飞利浦公司提出了用于芯片间控制的双向两线串行I~2C总线,I~2C也可写作IIC指的是Inter-IC的首字母缩写。没有专门的串行扩展总线时,MCU只能通过并行总线和数据总线扩展外围器件。由于并行总线扩展时连线过多,外围器件工作方式各异,外围器件与数据存储器混合编址等,都给单片机应用系统设计带来布线复杂,线路板面积大,易引起EMI和ESD干扰等困难,这在一些比较复杂的应用系统是难以接受的。而采用I~2C总线仅用一条数据线(SDA)加一条时钟线(SCL)来完成数据的传输及外围器件的扩展,对于各节点的寻址是软寻址方式,节省了片选线。本文所介绍的采用I~2C总线技术设计的多频显示器就充分体现了上述优点。采用I~2C总线的彩色显示器具有高解析度、多功能、高可靠性、低成本和较高的性能,仅采用微处理器的两个引脚就可实现所有的调整功能。采用总线技术可使显示器的调整实现自动化,提高了整机的性能和劳动生产率,节省了成本。采用总线技术可使显示器的几乎所有功能都可通过集成IC实现,提高了系统的集成度,减少了外围元件,利于PCB设计和抗EMI、ESD的干扰设计,提高了整机的稳定性。随着各种通用型外围器件的增多,总线在通讯类产品、仪器仪表、工业测控等领域的应用也会逐渐成熟起来。

【Abstract】 In the early 1980’s, Philips Semiconductors developed a simple bi-directional 2-wire bus for efficient inter-IC control. This bus is called the Inter-IC or I2C -bus. Peripheral devices in embedded systems are often connected to the MCU as memory-mapped I/O devices, using the microcontroller’s parallel address and data bus. This results in lots of wiring on the PCB’s to route the address and data lines, not to mention a number of address decoders and glue logic to connect everything. In mass production items such as TV-sets, VCR’s and audio equipment, this is not acceptable. In these appliances, every component that can be saved means increased profitability for the manufacturer and more affordable products for the end customer. Furthermore, lots of control lines implies that the systems is more susceptible to disturbances by Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).In this paper we introduce the design of multi- synchronization monitor by I2C bus which improvemonitor performance.This paper discusses how to use I C bus automatically adjust in manufacturing process of monitor. Today, the I2C bus is used in many other application fields than just audio and video equipment. The bus is generally accepted in the industry as a de-facto standard.

【关键词】 I~2C总线微处理器高速模式显示器自动调整
【Key words】 I~2C busMCUMonitorHigh-speed modeAutoconditioning
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP336
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】552

