

【作者】 冯纪云

【导师】 宋振寰; 余东华;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 动力工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,由于科学技术不断进步和经济的不断发展、全球化信息网络和全球化市场形成及技术变革的加速,围绕产品的市场竞争也日趋激烈。技术进步和需求多样化使得产品寿命周期不断缩短,企业面临着缩短交货期、提高产品质量、降低成本和改进服务的压力。所有这些都要求企业对不断变化的市场快速反应,源源不断地开发出满足用户需求的、定制的“个性化产品”去占领市场以赢得竞争。 为提高竞争力,企业管理模式发生了深刻变化:20世纪80年代由制造资源计划(MRP)变化为准时化(JIT),到90年代的精细生产和精细供应,到2000年的供应链管理,利用现代信息技术,通过改造和集成业务流程、与供应商建立协同的业务伙伴联盟、实施电子商务,大大提高了企业的竞争力,有人说21世纪的竞争不是企业和企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争。引用日本一学者将其比喻为足球比赛中的中场争夺战,谁能拥有这些具有独特优势的供应商,谁就能赢得竞争优势,显然这种竞争优势不是哪一个企业所具有的,而是整个供应链的综合能力。 本文运用供应链管理中先进的采购方法和管理理论,通过对供应商的战略合作伙伴关系管理,资金流管理,以EDI等技术支撑的信息系统管理,库存管理和绩效评价等方法和措施,在产品细分不足的情况下,实现准时采购,解决满足波动较大的订单需求的问题,使消费者满意最大化,提高顾客的满意度和忠诚度,同时使组织付出的成本最小化,建立起一种多赢的新型采购模式。

【Abstract】 In 21 century, the progress of science technology and the continual development of economy accelerate the formation of worldwide information-network and worldwide market; consequently the competition of product market has been more and more severity. Because technology-improvement and requirement-variety shorten the life cycle of product, the enterprises face the stress of shortening the delivery time, increasing the product quality, reducing the cost and improving the service. All mentioned above require that the enterprises response to the variable market quickly, continuously develop the custom-built product to fulfill the requirements of customer, take the market and win the competition.To win the competition, the pattern of enterprise management has changed essentially: from the Manufacture Resource Planning (MRP) to Just In Time (JIT) in 1980’s, to the lean production and lean supply in 1990’s and to Supply Chain Management in 21 century. By utilizing the information technology, re-engineering and integrating the business process, federating with supplier and implementing the e-commerce, the enterprise management enhances the ability of competition, thus somebody said that the competition in 21 century was not the competition of enterprises, but the competition of supply chain. A Japanese scholar analogizes it as the middle-field contest in a football game, who has the particularly preponderant supplier will win the competition, apparently the competitive advantage isn’t what one enterprise could have, but a synthetic capability of the whole supply chain.Applying the stocking-methodology and management-theory of Supply Chain Management and making use of the supplier cooperation relationship management, the capital flow management, the information management based on advanced technology such as EDI, storage management, achievement evaluation and so on, the enterprise realize the JIT purchasing on the situation of absenting enough detailed classification of product, finally fulfill the requirement of acutely variable order form, maximize the degree of customers’ satisfaction,improve the adherence and contentment of customers, at the same time minimize the cost of the whole organization and establish a new multi-profit purchasing pattern.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】487

