

【作者】 高发清

【导师】 易学东;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题培训绩效的评估研究领域属于人力资源范畴。培训绩效的评估(简称培训评估)一般从员工培训后行为变化和和投资回报率两个方面进行。第一个方面针对员工行为变化、影响进行研究的,主要是用柯克帕特里的反应、学习、行为和结果四级培训评估模型,一般称为定性评估。第二个方面针对员工培训后对企业经营效益贡献进行研究的,主要是用菲力普斯的第五级投资回报率评估模型,一般称为定量评估,本研究完成的是柯克帕特里的四级培训评估模型。 定性培训评估的研究,选择了“九五”期间大连市企业工商管理培训项目,并对参加培训的一百多个企业的一千多名企业经营者为样本进行分析。采用了对参加培训的学员和学员主管领导(主管部门)各分发一份调查问卷的方法,以尽量减少因学员主观因素和时间长对问卷回答的误差。 调查问卷项目设计,采用了对项目概念指标的多因素下多因次的度量设计, 对每个项目分析采用了Spss定量分析方法中的Likert度量设计。形成调查问卷后,对问卷的可靠性用数学方法进行分析论证,对问卷的有效性请培训专家和权威人士提出修改意见,最终形成的调查问卷的项目设计包括了测试影响学员培训前后行为变化因素及培训项目相关因素全部内容。 借助了社会科学统计软件包SPSS方法对调查问卷项目评价,运用了统计分析方法的百分比、前后对比、平均值、标准差、级别顺序和相关因素等方法。通过学员对调查问卷的逐项回答,全面测试了学员背景、工商管理培训项目中的教学活动、课程有用程度、课程对企业急需程度;工商管理培训对学员提高管理能力的程度、学员掌握管理知识和技能的程度、工商管理项目目标的实现程度、管理知识和技能在工作岗位上的实现程度; 学员运用工商管理知识和技能受宏观和微观因素的影响等22个项目的内在联系和规律性及客观性。 通过对培训学员进行行为变化及对行为影响相关因素分析得出了工商管理培训结论性意见:企业经营者系统接受培训可以全面掌握现代管理理论和知识及技能;工商管理培训可以达到提高管理者适应市场经济要求,参于市场竞争能力的目的;通过工商管理培训,管理者管理水平和技能得到了很大的提高对工作有很大帮助,肯定了工商管理教学活动,调整和充实了工商管理课程。 调查问卷数据处理借助计算机运算得出结论的方法可供人力资源部门评价培训项目借鉴。对《“九五”期间企业工商管理培训项目的实证研究》的结论可以指导我市工商管理资格院校的“十五”期间的工商管理培训工作和全市企业的工商管理培训,肯定工商管理培训在全球经济一体化、市场经济、深化体制改革、现代企业制度的作用,肯定了国有企业和国有控股企业管理者培训后增加人力资本价值,并对企业生产经营做出了重要贡献。

【Abstract】 The question of discusstion is train evaluation of performance belong to humane resource category.Commonly, tow aspects are going to reach after the behavior changing belong employee and stuff and contribution to produce and management new adding human capital value.The aspect is to the employee and stuff behavior changing and inflection reached, that is called the fourth class model of train evaluation of performance Kokobotlie’ s feedbacking, learning behaviting , resulting for employee and stuff mainly, it is called the train evaluation of the determine nature. The seconed aspect is researched for coming into being human capital adding quantitatively after employee and stuff had been trained mainly, it is used Phlipous’ training evluate model of five class investment return ratio,it is called the fix quantity training evluate. There is one of searching of determine the nature train evaluate ,selecting from 1996 to 2000 years business administrition item for the top managers of Dalian enterprises, for attening train one thousand top managers that is a sample of one hundred analysis. Adhibit two investigation questionnaires method to attending train the top managers and the leader or director department.The design of the investigation questionnaire items ,adhibiting multifactor under multifactor subordinatively measurement design in index for concept of the items, each item analyses to adhibit the Likert measurement design of Spss software . It is finded the conclusion for businsess administration at last by trained students behavior changing and infection in correlation factor, the top managers of the enterprises accepted the system train which can be masteryed the theorys of the modern management and the knowledge and the skill.businsess administration train can be achieve the need of the top mnangers for adapt market ecnomic, particip aim for compete ability of market ecnomic. The conclusion of data processing of investigate questionnaire in virtue of computer operation can approved appraising train items of human resource department in use for refercece.<<The conclution of the demonstration study of train item of the business administration>> can guidance the task of business administration in our city, affirming the function of business administration in global enconomic integrative, market enconomy, system reformed deeply , the institutional fuction of the modern times enterprise,affirming the top managers of stated enterprises and stated holding company after trained adding human capital value and have been contributed for enterprises produce and mnangement.

【关键词】 企业工商管理培训评估方法研究
【Key words】 business administrationtram evaluationresearch
  • 【分类号】F203.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】447

