

【作者】 杨利民

【导师】 傅永刚;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 大连石油化工公司是中国石油天然气集团公司重组改制后下属的存续企业。我国加入世贸组织后石化及其服务市场逐步开放,竞争日益激烈。作为从石油化工主营业务中分离出来,以围绕中油大连石化分公司进行工程技术服务、生产服务、多种经营、生活服务和社会服务为主营业务,长期生存于计划经济体制封闭市场环境下,产业结构不合理的存续企业——大连石油化工公司的生存面临着前所未有的市场考验。为了生存与发展,企业需要变革,对产业重新定位,制定发展战略。而制定发展战略并保证其得以实现,则必须进行人力资源规划。 本文通过对人力资源规划理论、方法及其历史发展的论述,阐明了人力资源管理在现代企业管理中的地位日益突出,人力资源规划在企业发展战略制定和实施中的角色日益重要。 运用人力资源规划的理论和分析工具,在对该公司的发展战略、人力资源管理现状、环境等进行深入分析的基础上,制定出基于企业发展战略的人力资源规划方案。 通过对大连石油化工公司人力资源规划个案研究,探讨适合改革过程中中国石化企业乃至其它类似国有企业特点的新的发展战略下的人力资源规划思路:承担国有企业应付的历史和社会责任,在保证社会和企业稳定的前提下,充分发掘、开发企业内人力资源潜能,变冗员为再生资源,实现人力资本的保值增值;适当引进关键人才,增强企业的人才竞争力;根据管理、专业技术、操作服务三支队伍各自的特点,有所侧重地进行开发,系统地进行整合。 进行组织变革,建设灵活地型组织,增强企业对市场的反应和适应能力;发挥企业传统文化优势,塑造新形势下的企业文化,在员工的头脑中形成符合企业发展需要的一致的企业宗旨、企业精神、经营理念、人才观和价值观;建立科学的人力资源引进、开发、激励、绩效评价、职业生涯规划、薪酬福利等人力资源管理制度,激励和约束员工实现战略目标;完善人力资源信息管理系统,及时、准确地分析人力资源状况,判断人力资源问题,进行人力资源规划的调整。以灵活的组织、良好的文化、科学的制度和完善的人力资源管理信息系统保证人力资源规划的有效性,使人力资源发挥出创造性、能动性、决定性作用,实现的企业战略目标。

【Abstract】 Dalian Petrochemical Corporation is one of the remained corporations which belong to China National Petrochemical Corporation having been reorganized and taken apart. The national petrochemical market and its service market were being opened and getting more and more competitive since China had entered WTO. Its principal customer is Dalian Petrochemical company. It works in the engineering technical, producing, diversification, life and social service. Dalian Petrochemical Corporation had taken the main petrochemical business leave. Its industry structure is unfit because it has lived in the planed economic system for a long time. It faces a severe market competition. It had to transform, and establish developing strategy. And that it must set down a human resource planning in order that the developing strategy can be established and carried out.This thesis expatiates the theory, means and history of human resource planning, and illuminates that human resource managing has been getting more important for enterprise management, human resource planning has been more important for establishing and earring out enterprise developing strategy.Using the theory and analytic tools of human resource planning, analysing the enterprise developing strategy, the human resource actuality and the circumstance of Dalian Petrochemical Corporation, a human resource planning basing on the enterprise developing strategy is established.Through studing this case , it tries to probe into a new method of human resource planning basing on the enterprise developing strategy which fit those similar enterprises.State-owned enterprises must be charged of the historical and social duty, and keep the society and the enterprise be stable, then sufficiently exhumes and develops interior potential human resource, change those surplus employees to regenerate resource in order to achieve the valueof human capital to be kept and increased. They must recruit properly key persons with ability to boost up the human competitive power of themselves. They must exploit, conform and construct their manager team , technician team and operator or servant team.They must innovate the organization and set up an active organization in order to strengthen the reactivity for market. They must keep the traditional culture of themselves, and form a new culture. They must build a scientific human resource management system to prompt and restrict employees. They must consummate the information system of human resource management to ensure to offer the exact data in time. These measures will ensure that human resource planning valid, those enterprises achieve their strategic goal.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】973

