

【作者】 李方

【导师】 王东华;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 学习型组织的管理理念是20世纪90年代以来,在管理理论和实践中发展起来的一种全新的、被认为是新世纪管理新模式的理念。 学习型组织是指通过培养弥漫于整个组织的学习气氛,充分发挥员工的创造性思维能力而建立起来的一种有机的、高度柔性的、扁平化的、符合人性的、能持续发展的组织。这种组织具有持续学习的能力,具有高于个人绩效总和的绩效。因此,创建学习型组织成为许多企业的目标。 胜利油田经过40年的勘探开发,资源接替的矛盾十分突出,发展后劲明显不足,开发难度加大,人力资源结构不合理,制约着企业的可持续发展,这是胜利油田当前面临的严峻考验。通过创建学习型组织,胜利油田可以克服面临的困难,可以增强核心竞争力和可持续发展的能力。 本文在对学习及学习型组织理论深入研究和对胜利油田面临的主要矛盾进行全面分析的基础上指出,创建学习型组织是胜利油田解决上述难题的有效途径,也是保持持续发展的必由之路。在此基础上,本文分析了胜利油田创建学习型组织的可能性,并提出了相应的对策。最后得出结论——胜利油田通过持续不断的努力一定会在创建学习型组织中取得好的成绩,企业的学习能力会得到增强,勘探、开发技术会得到突破,财务状况会得到改善,人力资源水平会得到提高,同时也能建立起优秀的企业文化。总之,企业的核心竞争力会得到增强。 本文既在理论上进行了阐述,又与实际进行了结合,不仅对胜利油田具有指导作用,而且对中国类似的石油企业也具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The administrative notion of Learning Organization is a completely new one that is regarded as a new administrative pattern in this century, which is developed from the management theory and practice.Learning Organization is one, which is organic, highly flexible, flat, conforming to humanity and continuously developing. It is established through developing the learning atmosphere over the company and bringing the creativity of the employees into full play. This organization has the ability of continuous learning and the achievement that is much more that the total of the individual achievements. Therefore, it is the goal of many companies to establish Learning Organization.As a result of 40 years’ of exploration and exploitation in Shengli Oilfield, the problem of the replacement of resources is outstanding. The stamina of development is insufficient. The further exploitation is extremely difficult. The structure of the human resources is unreasonable. All these restrict the continuous development of the company, which is the severe test of Shengli Oilfield at present time. Through establishing the learning Organization, the difficulties confronted with Shengli OilField can be overcome and the core competitive power and the ability of the continuing development can be strengthened.Based on the further study of the theory of learning Organization and the overall analysis of the principal contradiction of Shengli Oilfield, this paper points out that establishing learning Organization is the effective way to overcome the difficulties mentioned above and is also the only way to keep the continuing development. Based on this, we analyze the possibility to establish learning-pattern organization in Shengli Oilfield and put forth thecorresponding countermeasures. So we come to the conclusion - throughpersistent effort, Shengli Oilfield can make dramatic progress in establishing learning Organization; the learning power of the company may be strengthened; the breakthrough can be made in the technology of exploration and exploitation; the financial situation can be improved; the level of the human resources can be raised and at the same time an excellent company culture can be set up. In a word, the core competitive power of the company may be strengthened.This paper not only makes a systematic exposition in theory but also deal with reality, which is a guide for Shengli Oilfield and the other similar oil company may also use this for reference.

  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【下载频次】234

