

【作者】 白锦松

【导师】 梁艳;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 涤纶是我国化纤行业产量最大、应用最广、进口纤维及面料数量最多,同时又是综合差距最大、竞争力最差的品种。目前,我国的涤纶产量占世界第一,因此我国是涤纶生产大国;但由于技术水平比较低,我国同时又是涤纶生产的弱国。因此,企业迫切需要建立、健全一套能适应市场竞争的、有利于企业长远发展的营销策略来指导企业的经营,提高市场应变能力和竞争能力。 本论文直面全球化给石化企业带来的挑战,在查阅大量文献的同时,结合辽阳石化现状进行实证研究,采用运用数理统计、对比分析和同业讨论等方法和信息互通等技术手段获取所需最新数据,针对辽阳石化公司涤纶短丝产品市场营销工作中存在的主要问题,通过对涤纶短丝产品的国内外供需状况进行分析预测,对市场竞争态势与主要竞争对手进行研判,对企业内部条件进行深入剖析,最终提出辽阳石化涤纶短丝产品目标市场选择与产品定位战略,以及产品、价格、促销和销售渠道等策略,以期对企业经营战略的制定有一定的借鉴作用。 本论文关于辽阳石化涤纶短丝产品市场营销策略主要研究结论如下: 1.产品策略方面,提出产品差异化策略和产品组合等策略,创造性地提出与下游中间商和纺织企业“三方联合经营模式”。 2.价格策略方面,针对辽阳石化涤纶短丝产品的品质和地域特征,提出弹性定价、折让与回扣和地理定价策略。 3.促销策略方面,提出传媒沟通、人员推销等策略,并在合作营销和网络公共关系等方面提出前瞻性建议。 4.销售渠道策略方面,对完善现有的销售渠道和网络、建立有效的客户关系管理系统以及建立网上营销等策略在企业的应用,提出针对性和实用性较强的实施办法。

【Abstract】 Ranking first in the amount of imported fiber and materials, polyester fiber is a kind of chemical fiber which boasts the largest yield and widest application in chemical fiber industry in China, however with the biggest comprehensive disparity and weakest competition. Though leading the world in the output of polyester fiber at present, China is very weak in the production due to its less developed technology. Hence, it’s very urgent for the domestic enterprises to establish and perfect a set of marketing strategy which can meet the market competitor as well as benefit the enterprises’ long-term development In this way can the operation of the enterprises be directed well and the ability of meeting a flexible and competitive market be increased.In this article, facing the challenge that globalization brought to the petrochemcial enterprises, the author makes a case research combining the present situation of LiaoYang Petrochemical Co.(LYPC) by means of studying many literatures. In order to obtain the up-to-date datas, the author uses some methods such as statistics, comparative analysis and the-same-business discussion as well as technical ways like information exchanging. Aiming at the major problems in the staple fibre marketing of LYPC, the author makes the analysis and forecast of the supply and demand of staple fibre products home and abroad. The author studies the tendency of market competition and the main competitors, making the in-depth analysis of the enterprises’ internal conditions. Finally the strategies of target market choice and product orientation of staple fibre marketing of LYPC are worked out as well as the strategies such as product, price, promotion and sales channel etc., the above of which are expected to be for reference on the enterprise’s operation strategy to a certain extentThus the conclusions are made as follows on the marketing strategy of LYPC staple fibre: (1) Product Strategy : The strategies of product differentiation and combination are worked out and the 3-party combined operation pattern with downstream intermediate dealer and textile plant is put forward creatively. (2) Price Strategy : The methods such as flexible pricing, discount, sales commission and regional pricing are raised according to the product quality and region. (3) Promotion strategy : The strategies such as media communication and salesman direct promotion are raised. In addition, the foresighted suggestions are made on co-operative marketing and network public relations etc. (4) Sales Channel Strategy: The more practical methods are put forward in view of perfecting the present sales channel and network , establishing effective customer relation managing system, as well as implementing the marketing on the Internet

【关键词】 辽阳石化涤纶短丝市场营销策略
【Key words】 LYPCStaple FibreMarketingStrategy
  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【下载频次】192

