

【作者】 张志亮

【导师】 于学兵; 马先元;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 动力工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪知识经济已成为主导经济,制造业面临新的环境。为了适应新的变化,各国政府,产业界和科技界提出了各种先进的制造技术,其中逆向工程技术作为先进制造技术之一,得到各国普遍重视。 狭义的逆向工程技术是指以实物原形为设计制造出发点,继而进行分析制造产品。 我国汽车开发,尤其是车身开发技术目前远远落后于发达国家水平,如何利用先进的制造技术提升我国汽车车身开发技术水平,这正是本课题研究的出发点:即探索利用逆向工程技术来提升我国汽车车身开发水平。 本文首先将阐述逆向工程的基本概念,分析车身逆向工程的基本原理以及车身逆向工程中三坐标测量技术与原理,车身表面三维数学曲面模型建立的理论基础,其次介绍车身外形曲面光顺方法,以及车身逆向工程中点数据处理技术及曲线曲面重建技术,最后结合福田重卡车身逆向开发,重点阐述车身逆向工程技术的应用与流程。

【Abstract】 In 21cn, knowledge becomes dominant in economy. Manufacturing faces the new environment, in order to adapt this change, the governments bring up all kinds of advanced manufacturing technology. The companies all over the world think highly of Reverse engineering as one of advanced manufacturing technology.In the narrow sense, Reverse engineering is the technology which analyses the product and then makes the product based on the existed object.In our country the development about automobile, especially development technology level of auto-body drops far behind the level of advanced countries. How to raise the development level about auto body through utilizing the advanced manufacturing technology is the main content on this thesis. It is to say to research on the development of auto body through the application of Reverse-engineering in our country.Firstly the thesis expatiates the basic concept of reverse engineering, analyzes the basic principle of reverse engineering, the technology & theory of three dimensional measuring and basic theory of building 3-dimensional free-form surfaces model. Secondly it introduces the smooth methods of the free-form surfaces of auto body and solves point-data and surface reconstruction. Finally the thesis expatiates applications and technology of auto body of FuTian heavy truck through reverse engineering.

【关键词】 车身汽车开发逆向工程
【Key words】 BodyAuto developmentReverse engineering
  • 【分类号】U463.8
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】341

