

【作者】 焦玉瑞

【导师】 李新然;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来中国石油大连石化分公司正积极筹备与组建2000万吨炼厂工程建设项目,累计投资将超过100亿人民币,是“十五”期间国家大型投资建设项目之一。 作为建设单位,工程管理水平的高低,将直接影响到项目的投资、进度和质量目标的实现,尤其象石化这样的大型项目,其影响将是几个亿甚至几十个亿。因此运用所学的理论知识,并结合多年来在石化建设项目管理中所总结的一些经验和教训,运用理论联系实际的方法,通过案例系统地研究大连石化分公司工程建设管理模式及理念,并在以后的工程实践中加以推广应用,在实践中求得发展与创新,探索出一条适合炼厂工程建设的新思路。 在项目管理中要想取得优异的成绩就得有新的观念。观念的创新会带来事半功倍的效果。在这一理念的指导下,大连石化分公司运用了目标管理,将投资、进度、质量三大目标层层分解,并保证目标点的设置和时间段的划分切实可行,方便合理;目标分解结构在较粗的层次上与组织分解结构一致,实现了组织结构设计与目标分解设计的配套;努力提高作为建设单位为各参建方的服务意识,注重与参建各方的有效沟通和相关单位的全方位协调;采用同步管理、关口管理和分块管理等多种有效的新模式,在保证工程质量的前提下,赶工期,抢进度;用关键线路法、净值法等有效的科学手段和现代管理技术来实现建设工程中资源的合理配置。 采用案例法是本文的特点,真诚地希望能通过此文为从事这方面研究的同仁提供有益的借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 Dalian Petrochemical Company (hereinafter referred to as DPC) is throwing itself into the building of 2 x 107t/a crude oil processing project, which is one of the national large-size investment project in the past two years and next three years with investment budget over 10 billion yuan .The level of project management will directly affect the actualization of the goal of investment, schedule and quality, especially for this kind of large-scale project, the cost difference will up to several hundred millions, even to several billions.Using various cases, combing theory with the actual conditions of DPC and some experiences and lessons came from the construction project management, the article expounded systemically the management pattern, concept and detail operation of DPC project construction.The administrative structure must be suited to concrete conditions of a project, ideas innovation of the project process management is necessary. Following this principle, DPC adopted the method of "goal management", i.e. disintegrating the three goals of investment, schedule and quality to different levels in accordance with different administrative levels to keep their consistency generally. Moreover, DPC tried some effective new pattern such as in-phase management, strategic pass management and block management to shorten the time limit on the premise of ensuring the project quality.Using some effective science way and modern management technology such as key line method to realize the reasonable resources allocation, including human resource, material resource and financial resource.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】297

