

【作者】 苏茂盛

【导师】 唐丽艳;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 辽阳石化分公司是中国北方最大的化工原料生产基地,曾有过辉煌的历史,对建设国家支柱产业和发展地方经济做出过重要贡献。但是随着市场经济发展,固定资产投资成本高,产品结构不合理等问题随之暴露出来,公司连续几年亏损。为了彻底扭亏解困,必须尽快进行技术升级增产改造已降低成本,依靠技术创新,实现产品结构调整。基于对市场的分析、判断和企业自身条件和发展的需要,对己二酸装置进行增产扩能技术改造是十分必要的。它可以使辽化公司充分利用现有优势,提高企业效益,对企业今后的发展大有益处。 对己二酸装置进行扩能改造是提高辽化尼龙厂经济效益的有效手段,本文首先对公司外部市场环境进行了分析,并着重从国际、国内两个市场来分析预测了己二酸在未来年份的需求量及价格,得出了在未来10年己二酸的需求量将大幅度增加的结论。 其次从公司产品内部环境分析来看,辽化公司生产的己二酸具有技术上的优势、原料供应的优势、产品质量的优势、产品成本的优势及销售优势。同时辽化公司在市场竞争面前又有很大的劣势,主要表现在开发能力不强、组织机构庞大、富余人员过多及产品品种单一、附加值低的不利条件。 通过以上分析,我们可以认为对己二酸装置进行扩能改造是较为适合的,因此提出了三种可行的方案,即在原有装置上利用本公司的技术优势进行改造、引进法国罗地亚公司的技术进行改造以及引进日本旭化成公司的专利技术进行改造。通过对三种方案的技术分析及费用评估后,使用“增量法”对前两种方案进行了财务评价,运用技术经济学的基本原理,对各个方案的净现值、内部收益率等进行了计算,并且进行不确定性分析,得出最后结论。即在辽化公司现有条件下,有必要对现有己二酸装置进行扩能改造,以尽快取得经济效益。

【Abstract】 Liaoyang petrol-chemical company used to be the biggest supplier ofstaple in Northern China. But as the market economics developed and theinvestment of fixed cost was too high, the problem of unreasonable products structure occurs.Almost every year, the company is losing profits. To change thissituation and solve the problem, the company shall distribute new technology and increase the production ability. So that it can decrease the production cost. After market analyzing, the company thinks it is very necessary to increase the production ability of adipic acid. This can help Liaoyang Petrol-Chemical Company develop steadily and make more profit.To reorganize the adipic acid unit is the most effective way to increase the profit of the Nylon Plant of Liaoyang Petrol-Chemical Company. This report begins with the analyzing of market environment, and at the same time studies the consumptive quantities and price of the local and the international market. So it clearly shows in the next 10 years, the consumptive quantities of adipic acid will be much more than what it needs now.Secondly analyzing the company, the company has the advantage of technology staple supplying quality control low production cost in producing. In another hand, the company has its weaknesses too, such as it doesn’ t has a very high ability of reserch&developing, its organization is too big and it has too many staff. Unfortunately it has very few kinds of products and the products’ added value is low and so on.From above analysis, the report makes three plans. After technical analysis and cost valuation to the three plans, the report makes financial valuation to the No. 1 and No. 2 plans. By using the basic theory of Technical economics, the report analyses the net value, inner profit rate. Then it gets the conclusion: reorganizing the adipic acid unit is necessary and the company will make more profit after this.

  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【下载频次】143

