

On the Practice of English Extracurricular Teaching and Learning in Chinese Senior Middle School

【作者】 李彩霞

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文阐述了课外教学的目的、意义、原则和方法。在前人研究的基础上,探讨了课外教学的内容和评估方式,对课外教学进行了实证研究。探索我国普通高中,尤其是资源有限的县级普通高中的英语教学新路子,以适应素质教育的要求。 英语课外教学是学校英语教育中一个重要组成部分,是课堂教学的补充和延续。课堂教学的成果必须通过课外教学巩固和发展。课外教学可以营造学生学英语的自然环境,使学生在课外也有尽可能多的接触英语的机会,学和用可以密切结合。课外教学有利于因材施教,进行学法和心理指导,培养自主学习能力,扩大学生的知识面,配合课堂教学,提高教学质量。 研究表明,学习者不仅需要正规的语言教学也同样需要语言接触。中学新课程标准提出,英语教育要改革忽视非正规教育的倾向,形成正规和非正规教育从形式到内容的有机结合。行为主义、认知主义、人本主义和建构主义学习观为课外教学奠定了坚实的理论基础。 2002年9月份作者对课外教学进行了调查。调查分为两部分,即对任课教师访谈和对学生的问卷调查。访谈的目的是调查教师对课外教学的态度和单纯的课堂教学效果。访谈结果表明:教师对英语课外教学缺乏正确认识。由于应试教育的影响,部分教师根本没有考虑创造课外英语学习环境,开展丰富多彩的课外语言实践活动,来提高教学质量。问卷调查的目的是调查在没有开展课外教学时,学生的学习动机,学生课外学习的内容和方法;对将要开展的课外教学活动的看法;学习英语的态度和情感。从调查结果可以看出,大多数学生学英语的积极性很高,也很重视课外学习。可是,他们没有认识到英语学习的特点,课外时间大多花在做选择题上,而忽视听、说、读、写的实践,部分学生过度焦虑,心理素质差,有些学生甚至产生了厌学情绪。因此,我们应该提高教师对课外教学价值的认识,加强对学生学习方法的指导、心理疏导和自主学习能力的培养。 2002年九月笔者开始在河南省郏县一高进行课外教学的实践。所进行的课督硕士学位论文M八SrER’5 Tl犯515外教学活动如下:(1)利用学校的一切资源创设英语自然学习环境。(2)从听、说、读、写四个方面着手培养学生的自主学习能力。(3)探讨了课外作业的批改方法。(4)以学生为本,密切师生关系,进行心理疏导。(5)试探用形成性评价模式来评估课外教学。 通过的将近一学期半的实践,通过观察、访谈、座谈和成绩分析,我们发现学生对英语学习有了正确的认识,学习英语的自觉性和积极性提高了,英语成绩正在稳步上升,口语和书面表达也有进步。 总之,在英语教学中,课外教学是对课堂教学的一种必要的、有益的补充,它能有效地促进课堂教学,提高教学质量,为实现英语教学的最终目标打下良好的基础。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the author aims to elaborate on the purposes, principles and the practice of English extracurricular teaching on basis of others’ researches. The paper also explores English extracurricular teaching contents, technigues and assessment with the purpose of meeting the requirement of education for all-around development in Chinese senior high schools which have limited teaching resources in the county and thus constitute the optimal new pattern of ELT in Chinese secondary schools in the twenty first century.English extracurricular teaching is an important part in the school English education. It’s the continuity and supplement of classroom teaching. The accomplishment of classroom teaching must be strengthened and developed through extracurricular teaching. It can construct the natural environment of learning English, enable students also to have as many opportunities as possible to acquire and practise English after class. It’s helpful to let different students know how to learn in different ways, enlarge students’ knowledge, give students psychological guidance, build better teacher- student relationship, train learner’s autonomous learning ability.Foreign language research shows that learners need not only language learning in class but also acqusition in natural language learning environment. If we combine the two properly, we’ll get better results. New secondary school curriculum criterion agree with the idea in ELT. What’s more, behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism and constructivism learning theories also support English extracurricular teaching.In September 2002 the author carried out an investigation which is composed of two parts: interviews of the teachers and qustionaires to students. The interviews aims at finding out the teachers’ attitudes towards extracurricular teaching and the efficiency of the classroom teaching. The responses of the teachers show that most bf the teachers have incorrect concepts about the extracurricular teaching. They have not fully realized the role that it plays in ELT. Because of the pressure of theunivisity entrance examination, most teachers do not try to create English learning environment and neglect language practical activities .Qustioaires aim to examine students ’motivation for English learning, students’ attitude towards after-class activities, their psychological state in learning Enlish and how to learn English after class .The data from questionaires show that students have intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for English learning. They have positive attitudes to after -class activities. However, they have few ideas about how to learn English. They spend most time to do multi-choice exercises and overlook to develop their hearing, speaking, reading and writing skills. The high affective filter inhibited their motivation to some extent. It was also found that Proper extracurricular learning might have a positive effect on teaching and learning. Therefore, we should raise teachers’ awareness of the value of the extracurricular teaching, give students psychological guidance and effective Learning method , improve students’ autonomous learning ability.In September 2002, the author began to practice English extracurricular teaching in Jiaxian No.l Senior Middle School, Henan Province. The teaching activities are as follows: (1) create English learning natural enviroment; (2) cultivate the students’ autonomous learning ability; (3) discuss ways to comment assignments; (4) respect students, close teacher-student relationship; (5) try to use formatic assessment in the extracurricular teaching.After half a year’s practice, through observation, intercviews, onferences and achievement assessment, we have found the students more active, motivative and effective in learning English. They are having better and better marks in English tests. Their spoken and written English are improving.In conclusion, the extracurricular teaching is a useful supplement to classroom teaching. It can facilitate ELT in Chinese senior high schools and help to

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】497

