

Study on Context and Discourse Understanding

【作者】 曲菁菁

【导师】 汪国胜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 语境是人们运用自然语言进行言语交际的言语环境,语境的构成因素有语言知识与非语言知识。非语言知识又包括情景知识与背景知识。人们对话语意义理解依赖于具体的语境,语境对话语理解的作用有三种:(1)制约与解释;(2)推断与弥补;(3)误读与偏移。 语境的研究是随着语用学的兴起而蓬勃发展的一个课题。但关于语境的定义、语境的分类与语境的构成要素一直没有一致的意见。本文同意索振羽对语境的定义:“语境是人们运用自然语言进行言语交际的言语环境。”(2000:22)并按不同的标准对语境分了类。并认为语境的构成因素有语言知识与非语言知识。非语言知识又包括情景知识与背景知识。情景知识包括交际活动的时间、地点、话题、正式程度,参与者的相互关系,背景知识包括文化常识。语境与话语是互相依存的,只有在具体的语境中,自然语言才能得到准确理解。在具体的语境中,语境可对话语意义起到制约与解释的作用。同时,话语意义还有很多超出字面意义以外的言外之意以及话语形式中常常有很多省略的内容,在具体的语境中,语境可对言外之意进行推断,并弥补省略的内容。然而言语交际并不总是能够完成,由于交际双方时代语境,文化知识背景,历史文化背景,风俗习惯的不同往往会对话语意义的理解造成误读与偏移。

【Abstract】 With the pragmatics development, the study of context have improved accordingly. But the scholars have not had the same ideas about the difinition of the context the classification of the context and the constitution of the context.The author considered that the context is the speech situation in which people conduct speech intercourse. The author considered that the language knowledge and the non-linguistic knowledge make up of the constitution of the context. The context and the discourse understanding are so closely associated that the understanding of discourse meaning depends on context. In specific context, the context can restrict and explain the discourse understanding. Also the context can infer the implication and complement the discourse meaning which is omitted. But the speech intercouse can’ t always complete.Many times, people are different in period context, educational level, culture and social customs. This often make them misunderstanding and deviate the discourse understanding.

  • 【分类号】H0
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1144

