

On the Legal Status of High Institutions in China

【作者】 石正义

【导师】 李晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高等学校的法律地位是指高等学校在教育法律关系中所具有的主体资格,及其所享有的权利和应履行的义务。研究高等学校的法律地位应该包括3个方面的内容:一是高等学校与社会构成哪些法律关系;二是高等学校在教育法律关系中作为一方主体,具备什么样的主体资格;三是高等学校享有哪些权利,应当履行哪些义务。本文以公立高等学校为例,从以上三个方面展开。 教育法所调整的教育关系主要有:学校与政府的关系,学校与社会的关系,学校与教师的关系和学校与学生的关系,这些关系依据其特征不同可分为两类:一类是教育行政关系,另一类是教育民事关系。因此学校在参与社会活动时,就具有两种主体资格:当其参与行政法律关系时,它是行政法律关系主体;当其参与民事法律关系时,它是民事法律关系主体。所以高等学校的法律地位包括高等学校在行政法律关系中的地位和高等学校在民事法律关系中的地位。也就是说,在研究高等学校法律地位时,既要确定高等学校在行政法律关系中的主体资格及其权利和义务,还要确定高等学校在民事法律关系中的主体资格及其权利和义务。 行政法律关系主体有两个:一个是行政主体,一个是行政相对人,高等学校在不同的法律关系中表现出不同的主体资格。在高等学校与政府的法律关系中,政府是行政主体,高等学校是行政相对人;在高等学校与教师、与学生的法律关系中,高等学校是行政主体,教师和学生则是行政相对人。这里需要说明的是,高等学校作为行政主体时,它与一般的行政主体(如政府机关)是有区别的。其一,两者的授权依据和职权范围不同;其二,高等学校并不是在任何场合都是行政主体,而只有在行使法律、法规所授职能时才是行政主体,在不行使法律、法规所授职能的场合,学校处于行政相对人地位。 学校在民事法律关系中是以法人的身份出现,公立高等学校依行政命令设立,自成立之日起就取得法人资格,私立高等学校则必须经过法人登记后才能取得法人资格。高等学校法人既具有一般法人的共性,也具有自己的个性。高等学校从事的是以“培养人才,科技开发和服务社会”为目的的公益性事业,⑤糕位论文它不以营利为目的,这是高等学校法人区别于其他法人最突出的特征。 由于高等学校在不同的法律关系中具有不同的主体资格,因而高等学校在不同的法律关系中享有不同权利和义务。高等学校的权利包括了3个方面:一是在民事法律关系中,高等学校作为法人所享有的权利,即民事权利;二是在行政法律关系中,高等学校作为社会组织所享有的权利,即固有权利;三是教育法授予学校的权利,即办学自主权。与此相对应,高等学校的义务也包括3个方面:作为法人应承担的义务,作为社会组织应承担的义务,作为教育法律关系主体应承担的义务。 高等学校的法律地位最终要体现在具体的法律关系中,因此本文在最后讨论了高等学校与政府的关系,高等学校与教师的关系以及与学生的关系。高等学校与政府、与学生的关系是分析高等学校法律地位的重点,两者之间既有行政法律关系,也有民事法律关系,且以行政法律关系为主。高等学校与教师的关系主要体现在3个方面:即平等的自主关系,隶属的工作关系、领导与监督关系。

【Abstract】 The legal position of a higher institute is defined as the principal qualification the rights and commitments which belong to a higher instate in the legal relations of education The study of the legal portion of a higher institute ought to comprise as follows: l.what kinds of relations exist between higher institutes and souety? 2.ahat kind of principal qualification does a institute possess ashen it is as a subject in the legal relations of education? 3.ahat rights does a college enjoy and what commitments does it carry out? Taking the state-run higher institutes for ensample, this thesis exploits around the above three aspects.The educational relations adjusted kg the educational law mainly refer to the relation between school and government, the relation between school and society, the relation between school and teachers and the relation between school and students According to their different characteristics, there relations can be classified into two kinds: the administrative relationship in education and the civil takes part in social activities it possesses two sorts of principal qualification, I.e. the subject in administrative legal relations and the subject in civil legal relations Therefore the legal portion of a college includes the position in administrative legal relations.The subject in administrative legal relations refers to the administrative subject and the opposite representative of the administration. In different legal relations the college manifests different principal qualification. In the legal relations between colleges and government, the government acts as the administrative subject and the colleges as the opposite representatives of the administration. In the legal relations between the college and teachers and students, the college acts as the administrative subject and teachers and students as the opposite representatives of the administration. It must be emphasized that the college as an administrative subject is different from the common administrative subject (e.g. government organizations) On one hand, their authorization basis and function limits are different: on the otherhand, the college does not act as an administrative subject all the time. It is an administrative subject when it exercises the functions granted by the law and the statute. But under other circumstances it is the opposite representative of administration.In the civil legal relations the college takes its place in the capacity of a corporation. A public college is funded under the administrative order and possesses the qualification of a corporation from the founded day on Only by the law registration can a private college possess the lawful qualification The common corporations besides its own peculiarities. What the college embarles upon is the cause of public welfare with "Training talent, developing science Se technology and serving society "instead of seeking profit as its good This is the particular feature of the college corporation in comparison with others.The rights of a college refer to: 1) the rights the college enjoys as a corporation in the civil legal relations, namely the civil rights; 2) the rights the college enjoys as a social organization in the administrative legal relations, namely the inherent rights; and 3) the rights granted by the educational law, namely the independent rights in running a school, The corresponding commitments refer to: 1) the commitments it should assume as a corporation; 2) the commitments as a social organization; and 3) the commitments as the subject in the legal relations of education.Since the legal position of a college fids the ultimate expression in the concrete legal relationship, the final part of the thesis analyzes the relation between the college and teachers and the relation between the college and students. The emphasis of the analysis lies in the relation between the college and students. The relation between the college and teachers mainly finds expression in the independent relationship of leadership and supervision.

【关键词】 高等学校法律地位
【Key words】 higher instituteThe legal position
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】550

