

A Study on the Theory of Hierarchical Network of Concepts and Its Application in BA Sentence Comprehension

【作者】 郭敏

【导师】 梁锦祥;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 概念层次网络理论,简称HNC(Theory of Hierarchical Network of Concepts)是黄曾阳创立的以语义研究为基础的自然语言理解系统理论。HNC主要服务于计算机语言理解,同时适合于人的语言理解。其中,“把”字句作为典型的汉语句型之一,被设计成特殊处理模块。“把”字句是现代汉语常用句型之一,在汉语语言研究中占有重要地位。它体现了汉语虚词对特殊句型理解的关键性作用。虚词是汉语作为语义型语言的特征之一,对句式的理解焦点起着重要的影响。然而自1924年黎锦熙第一篇关于把字句的文章以来,近80年的研究一直以句法分析为基础,对于虚词“把”影响下的把字句的理解焦点,研究者没有形成统一确定的标准,以至“把”字句成为对外汉语教学和计算机汉语理解的难题之一。因此,一种更充分的、符合汉语特点的语义分析方法将会对“把”字句的进一步研究有理论和实用的价值。HNC的“把”字句研究为原有的纯语言理论为角度的研究提供一些新的分析手段,引起语言学界的兴趣,具有研究价值。 本文的目标:A Study on The Theo理oftheHierarchicalN七tworkofConcePts(HNC)anditsApPlicationin ComPrehension of the BA Sentenee本文以把字句的传统研究为出发点,结合HNC的分析方法,以“把”字句的语义焦点为考察目标,对比两种研究方法对“把”字句的语义焦点确定的效果。本文的内容分布:本文分五部分。第一部分介绍HNC与语言学研究的关系。阐述1卫呵C的语言观和据此设计的表征系统。第二部分通过展示具体的HNC分析方法介绍这套理论的句子理解模式。第三部分是对传统“把”字句研究的概述,重点介绍“把”字句语义焦点确定的几种不同观点。第四部分选取传统“把”字句研究中的一种分析与HNC方法作对比,考察HNC语义核心块E块能否与原有分析的“把”字句的语义焦点吻合,以判断HNC确定语义焦点、理解“把”字句的效果。第五部分为,总结。本文的研究特点:首先,“把”字句的传统成果丰富,但主要服务于人的理解,应用于计算机理解得不多。本文以计算机自然语言理解应用方向为契机,拓宽原有的研究视角。其次,HNC属于交叉性学科范畴,目前参与其研究的人员包括计算机和语言学两大类。由于HNC语料库首先完善了汉语语言语料库,语言学方面的研究者又以汉语研究的居多。以外语学习为背景的学习者,单纯从语义分析方法的角度来研究它不多。与计算机专业研究者关于HNC的论文不同,本文立足于语言学研究A Study on The Theo理oftheHiera理丙应“才八喻阳旧成ofCo.c印。(H NC)and三tsAPPlieationin 仰单P熙妙辫脚of玄熊然平拜热平熙..……范畴,挖掘闭闷C语义分析方法的实质,通过对“把”字句语义焦点的检验,考察其合理性。

【Abstract】 The Theory of Hierarchical Network of Concepts, HNC for short, is a series of theories for natural language processing on the basis of semantic study. Although HNC is particularly designed for computational comprehension, it is also applicable to human comprehension as well. The comprehension of the BA sentence is designed as a special processing module in the HNC due to its common occurrence in Chinese language learning.The BA sentence is one of the basic Chinese sentence patterns in common use. The study of this sentence pattern is of importance in modern Chinese language study, because it reveals a crucial effect of the function word, BA on the comprehension of the focus in a regular pattern. Chinese, a semantic language, contains function words. However, since the first article on the BA sentence by Li Jinxi in 1924, studies of nearly 80 years have been depending on syntactical analysis, which is more applicable to Indo-European languages instead of Chinese. Insufficient semantic studies of BA sentences produce comprehension difficulties for computers as well as foreign learners of Chinese. Therefore, a more thorough semantic analytical method that matches Chinese characteristicsis needed for further theoretical and practical value.HNC provides an innovative means to BA sentence study, compared with other traditional methods, which arise from a pure perspective of linguistics. HNC has aroused the interest of linguists and is worthy of further study.Objectives:Based on the traditional studies, this thesis applies the HNC method to BA sentence comprehension. A comparative analysis will be conducted to test comprehension of a BA sentence semantic focus using the traditional and the HNC way.Distribution of contents:There are five chapters in this thesis: The first chapter is an introduction of the correlation between HNC and linguistic researches. The chapter will cover the linguistic view of HNC and the representational system based on it. Chapter two will be a presentation of the HNC comprehension mode. Chapter three involves a summary of traditional BA sentence studies. Based on a review of the history and significance of BA sentence studies, this chapter will concentrate on diverse views of the semantic focus. Chapter four is a comparative study of one of thetraditional analyses and the HNC way of BA sentence comprehension. The subjects in the investigation are E-Chunk, a semantic kernel of HNC, and the semantic focus in traditional studies of the BA sentence. The purpose of this comparison is to test whether the HNC method can achieve comparable results of to traditional techniques. Chapter five is the conclusion of this comparative study.Features of this thesis:Firstly, this thesis will demonstrate that traditional studies of the BA sentence are fruitful but are mainly targeted toward human comprehension. Few of them apply to computational comprehension. This thesis attempts to widen the original perspectives into the field of computational comprehension. Secondly, the HNC theory is combination of computer science and linguistics and its researchers are from these two fields. Since HNC’s knowledge based is established on Chinese, the linguists involved are particularly scholars of Chinese language study. There are few researchers who are scholars of other languages. This thesis does not deviate from the linguistic field intocomputer science studies, but instead, focuses on the linguistic nature of the HNC method to determine its effectiveness through an investigation of the semantic focus of a BA sentence.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【下载频次】143

