

The Development Research of Physical Education Ideology of Chinese Schools after the Reform and Opening UP

【作者】 范国梁

【导师】 谭华;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 学校体育思想是人们对学校体育本质和规律的认识,是一定历史条件下的社会政治、经济、文化、教育的产物,它来源于学校体育教育实践,并对学校体育实践具有指导作用。本文运用了文献资料法,逻辑分析法和比较法等研究方法,以改革开放以来我国学校体育思想为研究对象,旨在理清改革开放以来我国学校体育思想发展演变的主线索,总结学校体育思想发展演变过程中的主要成就和存在的问题,为我国学校体育改革的进一步深入提供参考。 本文认为,文化大革命后,我国学校体育的发展,经历了学校体育的全面恢复时期、学校体育改革的开始时期、学校体育改革的发展时期、学校体育改革的深入时期和全面推进素质教育的新时期等五个阶段。学校体育思想的演进是沿着其逻辑起点由单一生物学科向生物、心理、社会等多元学科发展这样一条主要线索进行的,虽然一定历史时期以某种学校体育思想为主或几种学校体育思想并存,但其实质是由单纯生物体育观向身、心二维体育观,生物、心理、社会三维体育观和人文体育观演进的。 综观二十多年的学校体育改革历程,学校体育思想的发展取得巨大的成就,具体表现在:对学校体育功能、目标的认识上趋于全面,基本确立了人文体育观的主导地位并形成了多种学术观点共存的良好态势,体育教学也实现了以教师为中心向以学生为中心转变,初步构建了多功能目标的学校体育思想的实践体系。然而,学校体育思想在其指导实践过程中并不成功,具体表现在:增强体质的目标未能达到,锻炼身体的习惯并未养成,传授健身知识的目的大打折扣等。学校体育思想本身也还存在对基本概念认识不清,学校体育的目标体系结构混乱等问题。其症结在于实践过程中,社会的需求和个体的需求存在较大的差距;改革过程中未能正确处理好引进与融合、创新与继承的关系;学校体育理论研究的人员结构不合理,研究队伍尚处于初步形成阶段;学校体育理论研究相对滞后等几方面。

【Abstract】 Physical education ideology of schools is people’s recognition of the essence and rules of school physical education as well as the outcome of social politics, economy, culture and education under a certain historical situation. It comes from the practice of physical education of schools and plays an instructive function on the practice. Targeting the physical ideology of schools, the purpose of this thesis is to straighten out the main clue of the development of this ideology after China’s opening up and reform and analyze the main achievements and some existing problems during the developing course in order to furnish the reference for the furtherance of the reform in this regard.After the "cultural revolution", the development of school physical education has experienced five phases: the periods of fully recovery; the start of reform; the growing period; the period of further reform and the period of promoting quality education. The development of school physical ideology is on its logical basis, transforming the simple physical subject to the multisubject combining, biology, psychology and society. Although one ideology takes the leading position, or several ideology coexist under a certain historical situation, the essence of its development is to transform the simple physical ideology to the one combining body and mind, the one combining biology, psychology and society and the one as man at its core.Viewing the reform course in the over past 20 years, the development of physical education ideology has achieved great success, presented by the following facts: the recognition of the functions and purposes of school physical education becomes mature; the guiding position of human-center concept has been basically established; the good momentum of coexistence among different academic thoughts has formed; physical education has realized the trans formation of object from teacher to student and the practical system of multi-function physical education ideology has been initially established. But the ideology didn’t work well during its guiding practice, for instance, the goal of improving physical quality didn’t realize; the habit of body exercise didn’t come into being; the purpose of teaching healthy knowledge didn’t implement In addition, the ideology has some vague concepts and purpose structure of school physical education also exists the phenomenon of confusion. The knots are as follows: during the practice, the demand between society and individual has a big gap; the relations of inlet and integration creation and inheritance are not appropriately handled during the reform; the personnel structure of theoretic research is not reasonable; the research team is still in the initial phase and the theoretic research of school physical education ideology is relatively back words and so on..

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1525

