

【作者】 欧婉杏

【导师】 张卫;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用艾森克个性问卷、Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL)对129名患白血病、哮喘病、肾病综合征、糖尿病的儿童和57名正常儿童进行评定和比较。从而分析慢性病患儿在个性特征、社会能力和行为问题上与正常儿童的区别,并分析不同病症、不同性别、不同患病时间、是否独生子女、以及不同生活环境下慢性病患儿的心理特点。 结果表明: 一、慢性病患儿与正常儿童相比,在个性上具有较冲动、渴望冒险、刺激,并有焦虑、担忧、郁郁不乐、忧心忡忡的情绪,孤独、不关心人、感觉迟钝的精神质的特点。糖尿病患儿较白血病、哮喘病、肾病综合征三种病症的患儿更加易冲动、焦虑、孤独。对糖尿病这一特殊化人群,更要注重身心的整体护理。性别、患病时间的长短、家庭环境对慢性病患儿的个性发展无影响。非独生的慢性病患儿较独生的更具冲动性、神经质、倔强和掩饰性。 二、在社会能力上,慢性病患儿在活动情况、社交情况、学校情况三个方面均低于正常儿童。非独生患儿的活动能力较独生患儿低。不同性别、不同患病时间、不同家庭收入和居住地患儿社会能力则差异不明显。 三、在行为问题上,男患儿与正常男孩之间在分裂样、抑郁、交往不良、强迫性、体诉、社交退缩、多动、攻击性、违纪、内向因子、外向因子及总分上都存在显著性差异。女患儿与正常女孩之间在抑郁、分裂样强迫、性问题上达到显著的差异。不同病症对慢性病孩子的行为问题影响有不同,其中哮喘病孩子在攻击性上的问题显著,糖尿病孩子在社交退缩上问题显著。不同性别患儿在行为问题上的表现也有差异,男孩在分裂样强迫性与外向因子上的问题显著大于患病女孩,患病女孩在抑郁上的问题大于患病男孩。非独生慢性病患儿在分裂强迫和社会退缩上的问题显著大于独生慢性病患儿。长期居住于乡镇的患病孩子在分裂强迫上的问题显著大于长期居住于城市的孩子。而患病时间的长短和家庭月收入对行为问题的所有方面影响均不显著。

【Abstract】 The author adapt the EPQ revised by professor Gong Yaoxian and the Childe Behavior Checklist, in which contrastive analysis is made between 57cases of normal childen and 129 cases afflicted with Leukaemine, Asthma, Nephritic syndrome, Diabetes. The purpose of this thesis is compare the differences between chronic enfant and normal childen in temperaments, social ability and behavior problem. Find out what are effect the chronic enfants’ mental character: disease, sex, stages of disease, gleton or famely status.Result:1. Temperamant characticCompare to normal childr en, chronic enfants are more actiation,long for advention, stimulate, nevorse , fear, lonely , ot care others and feeling slowness. Diabetes effect the child more than the other three chronic diseases. Children who suffering from Leukaemia temperament are similar to the normal children. The chronic enfants, whose sex> stages of disease , family status are different, not different in temperament. Insingleton enfants are more actuation, nevorse, lonely, not care others and like cover up.2, Social abilityfChronic enfants’ social ability is lower than normal children. Sex, famely status not influence on chronic enfants social ability. In all, stages of diseases not influence on social ability, but when enfants ill 1?year, their social ability lower. Nonsingleton’ s movement lower than singleton.3, Behavior problemChronic enfants’ behavior problems are bader than in normal children. Sicken boys’ behavior problems are severiter than sicken girls’ . Different, diseases influnce on enfants are different. Asthma’ s are the most attaction in four, and Diabetes’ are the most backward-looking. Sex effect chronic enfants’ behavior problems. To the girls, the sicken bpys are more divisive force, extraversion, but less blahs. Stages of disease and economy of the family not influence on the behavior problem. Insingleton enfants are markeder in divisive force and backward-looking. The enfants live in town are more divisive force than whom live in city.

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】389

