

The Influence of Chinese Population on Sustainable Development and It’s Countermeasure

【作者】 林长云

【导师】 陈建成;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “可持续发展”(Sustainable Development)是近年来国际社会出现的一种新的发展思想和发展战略,已被世界各国普遍接受,成为人类21世纪发展道路所追求的目标。由于当前世界各国基本上都以经济产值和经济增长速度作为衡量社会经济发展的主要指标,为了增强自身的综合经济实力,各国都在最大限度地利用所能获得的现有资源,但由此造成的对资源掠夺式利用,特别是以牺牲环境为代价,片面追求经济高速增长的生产模式和消费模式,已给全球带来一系列的问题。 人口自身的可持续发展是整个可持续发展战略的关键,它在空间上是全球性的,在时间上是长远性的,在内容上是多因素的。中国作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,人口问题将在未来较长时间内成为制约我国经济、社会协调发展和可持续发展的关键因素和首要问题。尽管目前我国生育特点是低出生率、低自然增长率、低死亡率,但三低存在的同时还存在这样一种情况,就是低出生率、高增长量,预计未来十几年里每年平均净增1000万人以上,给经济、社会、资源、环境和可持续发展带来巨大压力;人口总体素质较低的状况在短时期内难以根本改变;劳动年龄人口大量增加,就业压力居高不下;在经济尚不发达情况下又将进入老龄社会,给建立完备的社会保障体系增加了难度;地区间经济和社会发展不均衡现象将长期存在;消除贫困的任务依然艰巨;流动人口增加、农业人口进入城镇以及人口在不同地域间的重新分布,对传统的经济社会管理体制、国家稳定及相关人口政策都将产生重大影响。 本篇从我国人口数量、人口结构、人口分布、人口素质和人口收入等方面剖析中国人口与可持续发展的辨证关系,旨在通过国内外专家学者的分析和国家的有关人口政策,寻找出中国人口与可持续发展的最新思路。

【Abstract】 Sustainable development has been as a new guideline and strategy, which is more accepted worldwide and a goal for development in the 21st century. As the fact that production output and economic growth is defined as an indicator to evaluate social development, increase of economic strength may make a country use its existing resources at maximum. There is a possibility for a country with a high economic growth rate at the expense of environment. The production mode dependable upon resources obviously causes a series of problems.Population development is closely related to sustainable development strategy. China, as a developing country with a largest population, has exposed to a problem with population affecting its economic, social and sustainable development. At present China is characterized with low birth rate, low natural growth rate and low death rate, but along with low birth rate and high birth quantity. New-birth population of 10 million a year will go on for several decades. Thus, economy, society, environment, and sustainable development is challenging with great pressures, population quality is hardly improved to much in a short time. Number of working people increases and employment opportunity decreases. Under the situation in which economy is less developed and the aged society is coming, establishment of mature social insurance will be more difficult. Unbalance among regional economy and social development will be long run. Difficulty of poverty eradication, increase of migrants to urban areas and resettlement of people has broken up with original management system and traditional social economy structure as well as stability and population policies.This paper discusses the relations of Chinese population sustainable development, involves with population amount, structure, distribution and quality, for the purpose of a better understanding of implication of China population and sustainable development based on specialists’ and scholars’ studies home and abroad.

【关键词】 可持续发展中国人口问题
【Key words】 Sustainable developmentChinaPopulation problem
  • 【分类号】F124
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】756

