

Studies on Iron Deficiency Chlorosis of Grapevine in Lanzhon Area

【作者】 王翠玲

【导师】 曹孜义;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文调查和研究了兰州地区葡萄缺铁黄化病发生的原因、防治措施以及铁高效葡萄基因型的筛选指标。 调查兰州地区葡萄主要栽培品种,黄化现象较严重,表现在不同葡萄品种之间抗缺铁的能力存在很大差别,欧亚种群比欧美杂交种有较强的抗黄化能力;同一种群内,不同品种抗黄化能力也不同;同一品种,在不同土壤条件下,黄化程度也不同。 黄化对葡萄植株的生长、果实产量和品质都造成一定的危害,主要表现在:葡萄植株发生重度黄化时,整个植株从下部到顶部逐渐出现轻度—中度—重度—特重黄化叶片,植株生长缓慢;叶片叶绿素含量和光合能力与未黄化植株相比,显著下降,叶片气孔导度与黄化程度没有明显关系,且未黄化、轻度、中度到重度黄化叶片叶绿素含量呈显著递减;重度黄化植株紫珍香和藤稔坐果率极低,果粒大小和品质低于未黄化植株。量级对影响葡萄黄化的因素进行研究,结果表明主要有以下四个影响因素: 土壤pH值:葡萄园中土壤pH值大于7.5,为碱性土壤。葡萄植株有酸化能力,且酸化能力从重度黄化植株到无黄化植株呈增加趋势。 土壤铁的类型:土壤全铁含量为6790mg/kg,活性铁含量只有6.81 mg/kg,含量极低。土壤中活性铁远远不能满足植物所需含铁量,这是造成葡萄铁营养不酒足的根本原因。 品种与黄化:不同品种葡萄植株新叶到老叶活性铁和全铁含量逐渐增加,重度黄化植株新叶活性铁含量显著低于未黄化植株,各植株叶片的全铁含量无明显规律。叶片全铁含量不能反应植株黄化程度,所以它不能做为黄化指标。叶片活性铁含量与黄化程负相关,可作为参考指标应用于铁高效基因型葡萄品种的筛选。 嫁接与黄化本:硬枝嫁接苗在生长初期多数植株未表现黄化现象,各品种扦插苗也未出现黄化症状。绿枝嫁接苗:以520A作砧木,嫁接酿酒葡萄品种,未出现黄化症状;紫珍香嫁接在砧木贝达上,植株生长正常,叶色正常;而紫珍香和里扎马特正反嫁接,接穗叶片出现中度黄化;红井川低截后分别嫁接不易黄化品种,愈合后,随着枝条的生长,出现不同程度的黄化。这与红井川和砧木根系吸收铁的机制和愈合部位铁以及其它营养物质的运输有关。为了防治黄化,生产上可以选用铁高效葡萄砧木品种。 对黄化植株叶片喷施和灌根铁肥进行黄化病矫治试验,结果表明:单纯喷施硫酸亚铁效果不明显,而喷施复合铁肥矫治效果良好,叶片喷布后,复绿快,但仍会再度出现黄化;结合灌根施用铁肥,增加土壤有机质含量,降低土壤pH值等综合措施有效地矫治黄化病。喷施铁肥后,重度和轻度黄化植株的各级黄化叶片叶绿素、活性铁和全铁含量都有增加,但重度和轻度黄化植株新叶叶绿素和活性铁增加显著。 断根铁肥输液时铁肥从根木质部被动吸收。而整根对铁的吸收是需要耗能的主动吸收。而嫁接苗红色铁肥在通过愈合处后颜色变浅,说明愈合处输导组织不通畅,影响了铁的运输。断根输液时铁肥的吸收运转分部不均,易出现肥害,生产上不宜推广应用。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the causes of grapevine chlorotic disease were investigated in Lanzhou eara measures for controlling chorosis and indexes of screening for iron-efficient genotype were studied .The investigation results indicated that chlorotic diseases of grapevine cultivars in Lanzhou region were very severe. Difference in tolerating iron deficiency stress was significant in grapevine cultivars.V.vinifera L have strong tolerating iron deficiency stress, while V.Labrasca.l is low. Different cultivars in the same species groupe have difference in the Fe-deficiency stress response. The degree of chlorosis of the same cultivar is different in the different fertilization soil.Chlorosis causes baurgeon wither of grapevine plants, poor growth and lower or no yield, bad quality of fruit. Grapevine plants that developed severe chlorosis appeared gradually light-mild-severe-more severe chlorosis leaves. Compared with normal leaves, the chlorophyll content and photosynthesis of chlorotic leaves significantly decreased. The stomatal conductance of chlorotic leaves did not obviously correlate to the degree of chlorosis. A large number of florescence of severe chlorotic Zizhenxiang and Fujiminori plants dropped and fruit set ratio decreased.The studies showed some factors that effected on grapevine chlorosis.Soil pH value: the pH value was over 7.5 in the grapevine fields, so soil was the alkaline or calcareous soil. The rhizosphere grapevine plants had reducing capacity, the more the chlorotic rate increased, and the more the rhizosphere pH value decreased.The type of iron of soil: The soil total iron content was 6790mg/kg, the active iron content was only 6.81mg/kg,it cannot satisfy the iron need of plants. The essential cause of iron nutrition deficiency lie in that soil soluble iron cannot satisfy the need of plants.Vultivars and chlorosis: The active and total iron content of different grapevine cultivars gradually increased from young leaves to old leaves, especially young leaves of severe chlorotic plants, the active iron content was remarkably lower than that of normal plants, while the total iron content of all plants had not obvious regularity, so it neither react to degree of chlorosis nor be a index of chlorosis. The active iron content of leaves positively correlate to degree of chlorosis and chlorophyll content, it can be a reference index to screen Fe-efficient grapevine genotype.Graft and chlorosis: Many seedlings of branch grafting and all seedlings of hard twig cutting did not appear chlorotic disease at the initial growth stage. Seedlings of green grafting that winegrapevine cultivars grafted on 520A disapeared chlorosis, when Zizhenxiang and Rizamat mutually grafted, leaves of scion appeared mild chlorosis. Several Fe-efficiency cultivars respectively grafted on Benizuiho, with growth of scion, twigs appeared different degree of chlorosis. These related to absorption of iron of different cultivars and rootstocks and transportation of iron and other nutrition substance at healing site. To control chlorosis, Fe-efficiency rootstocks are screened and used in production.Experiments were conducted to correct chlorosis by spraying iron fertilization on leaves and drenching iron fertilization into root. Results showed that the effect of foliar spraying simple FeSO4 was not obvious, the effect of spraying compound iron fertilizer on leaves was better, chlorotic leaves recovered green rapidly, but they appeared chlorosis again. The best effect was obtained by combining spraying with soaking root. Based on above results, proper use of organic matter to decrease soil pH value are important measures to improve and remain Fe availability in soil. After correcting chlorosis, the chlorophyll content and active and total iron content of all slight and severe chlorotic leaves increased, especially those of young leaves of chlorotic plants significantly increased.Cutting root soaked in the red iron fertilizer liquid. Iron was actively uptaked by cutting root through transpiration in plant.

  • 【分类号】S436.63
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】232

