

Studies on Characteristics and Micropropagation of Grapevine Rootstocks

【作者】 张金林

【导师】 曹孜义; 李唯; 张金文;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 葡萄是世界第二大果树之一。加快优良葡萄砧木的研究和应用步伐,对于推动我国葡萄与葡萄酒产业的健康和可持续发展,为实现我国早日跻身于世界葡萄和葡萄酒生产大国的行列都具有重要意义。 本试验以甘肃农业大学植物生理生化研究室新引进的13个葡萄砧木品种、3个野生葡萄种和4个酿酒葡萄品种作为试验材料,在葡萄砧木生物学特性、扦插生根成苗特性、抗旱、抗寒、嫁接亲和力以及微繁殖技术等方面进行了系统的研究,以便为我省葡萄砧木的研究、推广和应用提供参考,为葡萄和葡萄酒产业的健康可持续发展,为野生葡萄资源的开发利用提供依据。通过研究,得出的结论如下: 葡萄砧木品种普遍比酿酒品种早萌芽,晚落叶,生育期长。砧木品种硬枝扦插生根能力基因型之间存在很大差异,各品种生根势强弱顺序为:圣乔治>沙地葡萄>5BB>更津一号>110R>520A>161-49>Beta>140Ru>SO4>少毛变叶葡萄>3309C、188-01>5C>101-14>刺葡萄,成苗率与生根率一样与基因型有关。经过抗旱性鉴定,葡萄砧木品种按照抗旱性强弱依次为:沙地葡萄>变叶葡萄>SO4、520A>5C>Beta、5BB、圣乔治、188-01、140Ru>101-14、LN33、3309C,四个酿酒品种抗旱性普遍不如砧木品种。经过抗寒性鉴定,供试葡萄砧木品种的抗寒性强弱依次为:变叶葡萄>Beta>SO4、520A、沙地葡萄、140Ru、5C、圣乔治>3309C、5BB、188-01>LN33>101-14,四个酿酒品种抗寒性均低于砧木品种,这与越冬调查的一年生枝条萌芽率结果一致。在供试的砧木品种中,兼有抗旱和抗寒两种特性的砧木品种有:变叶葡萄、SO4、Beta、520A、沙地葡萄、140Ru和5C。砧木品种520A与4个酿酒品种嫁接亲和性良好,但必须选择合适的嫁接时期,本试验结果表明,绿枝嫁接的最佳时期应为6月上、中旬。 1/2MS培养基对供试砧木品种的初代培养是有利的,表现为:萌发率高(平均萌发率达到74.89%)、萌发早、展叶多,畸形叶和黄化叶少,GS培养基次之。葡萄砧木初代培养的萌发率在基因型之间存在差异,按萌发率大小依次为:Beta>520A>变叶葡萄>SO4>188-01>LN33>5C。基因型对葡萄砧木继代培养生根与增殖有很大影响,在1/2MS+0.2mg/L IAA上进行第二次继代的砧木品种,520A与5C的生根率最高,其次为5C、188-01、LN33和Beta,野生变叶葡萄生根率为0;增殖倍数与生根率的情况相似。适合变叶葡萄生根、增殖和成苗的最佳基本培养基是1/ZMS培养基,其次是GS培养基。在 1o 培养基中,当 IAA为 0.Zing/L、IBA为 0.sing/L、NAA为 0.sing/L时,第四次继代培养中的变叶葡萄茎段分别获得43.90%、44.19%和 38.30%的最高生根率,当生长素浓度低于或高于上述浓度时,表现出生根率下降,平均每株根数减少* 儿 IBA浸蘸茎段基部5分钟预处理结合基部遮光处理有利于变叶葡萄生根,采用2000LX全光培养比红光培养更有利于生根和增殖。随着继代次数的增加,变叶葡萄的生根率、成苗率和增殖倍数均呈明显上升趋势,尤以生根率和成茵率上升最快。

【Abstract】 Grapevine rootstocks are of great importance in grapevine cultivation, which are very beneficial for the sustainable development of grapevine and wine. In this thesis, botanical features, rooting and seedling characteristics, drought resistance, cold resistance, graft compatibility as well as micropropagation procedures of thirteen rootstocks cultivars, three wild grapevine species and four wine grapevine cultivars had been researched for the first time, in order to select fine grapevine rootstocks for wine grapevine cultivars in northwest China, especially in Gansu province and promote researches, development and application of wild grapevine resources in Gansu province. Some conclusions were summarized as followed:Rootstock cultivars, including wild grapevine species, budded earlier and leaves fell later than wine grapevine cultivars. There were significant differences in rooting and seedling rate of hard twig cuttings among different rootstock cultivars. The rooting and seedling potentials of all the rootstock cultivars were as followed: ST. GEORGE> Vilis rupestris Scheele>5BB> Vitis vinifera X Vitis berlandieri>110R > 520A > 161-49 > Beta > 140Ru > SO4> Var. pagnuciii> 3309C, 188-01 > 5C>101-14 > Vitis davidii Foex. Drought resistance of rootstock cultivars was appraised through determining changes of soluble proline content and RWC. The results indicated that drought resistance of all rootstock cultivars was as followed: Vitis rupestris Scheele > Var. Piasezkii > SO4, 520A > 5C > Beta, 5BB, ST. GEORGE, 188-01, 140Ru > 101-14, LN33, 3309C. All the rootstock cultivars were more resistant to drought stress than wine grapevine cultivars. CAT activity was proved not so efficient in appraising drought resistance of rootstocks. Cold resistance of rootstock cultivars was apprised through determining changes of soluble sugar content, soluble protein content and electrolyte osmotic rate. The results indicated that cold resistance of all rootstocks was as followed: Var. Piasezkii > Beta > S04, 520A, Vitis rupestris Scheele, 140Ru, 5C, ST. GEORGE > 3309C, 5BB, 188-01 > LN33> 101-14, which was consistent to surviving and budding rate of rootstocks through the winter. Four wine grapevine cultivars were less resistant to cold stress than rootstock cultivars. Among all the rootstock cultivars, Var.Piasezkii, SO4, Beta, 520A, Vitis rupestris Scheele, 140Ru and 5C are resistant to drought stress as well as cold stress. Four wine grapevine cultivars grafted on 520A performed well. However, the best graft period was the first 20 days of June.1/2MS was the best medium for initial culture of most of rootstock cultivars with average germination rate 74.89%. GS was the second best medium for initial culture. Germination rate was different among different cultivars as followed: Beta > 520A > Var. Piasezkii > SO4 > 188-01 > LN33 > 5C. Rooting rate and proliferation multiples were significantly different among all rootstock cultivars. 1/2MS was the best medium for subculture of Var. Piasezkii; GS was the second best medium. Rooting rates of Var. Piasezkii cultured for three times in 1/2MS with 0.2mg/L IAA, 0.5mg/L IBA or 0.5mg/L NAA were up to 43.90%, 44.19% and 38.30% respectively. Rooting and seedling rate and proliferation multiples of Var. Piasezkii increased significantly through the pre-treatment of micro cuttings with lOOmg/L IBA for five minutes and sheltering the medium from lights. Rooting and seedling rate and proliferation multiples increased gradually with the constant subcultures.

  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】392

