

Research on the Protection of Criminal Rights

【作者】 张瑞华

【导师】 鲁雪英;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 罪犯权利,是指罪犯作为特殊身份的人所享有和应当享有的权利。罪犯虽然因为实施了犯罪行为而被判处刑罚,但他仍然是人,仍然是国家的公民,其未被依法剥夺的权利仍然应当受到保障。 人类社会提出罪犯权利并使之最终在法律上得到确认经历了一个漫长的历史过程。这个历史过程与人权思想的兴起及人权最终在法律上得到确认的历史过程是相一致的。近代,随着资本主义生产关系的产生和发展,资产阶级在人类历史上第一次提出了“人权”的口号,并将罪犯权利的内容载入法律。十八世纪末到十九世纪初,西方监狱改良运动对于推动罪犯权利的发展起到了重要作用。进入20世纪50年代以后,随着国际人权运动的广泛开展,保障囚犯权利问题日益引起国际社会的重视,先后形成了一系列有关囚犯权利问题的国际协议和公约,对推动世界范围内罪犯权利的保障起到了积作用。我国直到清朝末年实施狱制改良时才出现罪犯权利保障的萌芽。中华人民共和国成立之后对罪犯权利的保障不断加强,特别是1994年12月29日,《中华人民共和国监狱法》颁布实施,不仅宣告了罪犯享有广泛的法定权利,而且通过规范监狱执法者的执法活动来保障罪犯权利的实现。从改造罪犯出发,我国一直强调对罪 犯发展权的保障,使一大批罪犯成长为社会主义建设的有用之 才。此外,我国还十分注重对罪犯出狱后权利的保护,保障他 们能够和普通公民一样享有宪法和法律规定的权利。 总的来看,尊重和保障罪犯权利是一直是新中国监狱工作 的一项基本原则,并且在实践中得到了贯彻落实。但同时必须 指出,目前,我国对罪犯权利的保障还有不足之处,一方面我 国监狱的设备条件和犯人的物质生活水平总体上还比较低;另 一方面,监狱执法过程也存在一些违法行为,损害了某些罪犯 的权利。突出表现在:一是存在侵犯罪犯人格权的现象。二是 罪犯超时劳动的现象还比较普遍,侵犯了罪犯的休息权;罪犯 的劳动报酬制度也不完善。三是罪犯物质生活待遇权的保障上 存在不足,突出问题是监狱过分拥挤,一些监狱监舍老化,罪 犯住宿条件比较差。一些监狱罪犯医疗卫生状况较差,有的罪 犯生病时得不到及时有效的救治。出现这些问题,根本原因是 我国商品经济不发达,民主政治不完善,经济文化发展水平较 低,全社会人权意识不健全;直接原因则是:绝对的监禁刑固 有的弊端;监狱经费保障机制不健全;监狱立法的不完善;对 监狱执法活动的监督不力;少数监狱警察素质人权意识、法治 意识不健全。 保障罪犯权利首先是人权的普遍性的要求,罪犯与其他普 通人共同作为人类大家庭的成员,根据属人的本性,当然也有 人的价值、尊严和理性,也有人的本能需求和欲望,因而也应 Z 当拥有他被剥夺部分以外的其他权利。保障罪犯权利还基于保 障宪法规定的公民权利一的要求,罪犯也是公民,国家对罪犯的 刑事惩罚,并不能否定罪犯的公民资格,只是改变了罪犯公民 的权利状况,即作为罪犯的公民的法定权利变得不完整。保障 罪犯权利也基于改造罪犯的要求,因为保障罪犯权利实际上就 是满足罪犯所具有的和正常人一样的需要和自尊心、荣誉感, 使其感到自己仍然是“‘人”,仍然是公民,自己没有被社会所抛 弃,而且仍然能够享受到做人的尊严,体会到做人的价值,从 而唤醒对正常的美好生活的向一往,克服消极心理的影响,加快 走向“新生”。 从长远角度看,罪犯权利保障的完善有赖于社会经济、政 治、文化等各方面的全面发展。但从现实角度看;推进监狱改 革和现代化对加强罪犯权利保障有着直接的意义。首先,要推 进监狱执行刑罚的社会化。就是改变当前完全封闭的监狱执行 刑罚的方式,在监狱执行刑罚的某些方面扩大社会的参与程度, 以及使监狱管理的某些方面更接近普通社会生活。这样,更有 利于保障罪犯权利,尤其是社会生活方面的权利,也便于社会 加强对监狱执法活动的监督。其次,要推进监狱体制改革,完 善监狱经费保障机制。要将监狱执法和管理所需经费,按照实 际需要全额纳入财政预算予以保障,使监狱经费支出与监狱生 产收入脱钩,监狱经费摆脱长期依赖于生产的状况。再次,要 限制监狱的自由裁量权。完善监狱立法,对罪犯的基本权利、 夕基本处遇的规定应尽可能明确、具体,以限制监狱自由裁量的范围和程度,并为监狱行使自由裁量权设置必要的程序。加强监狱执法监督,并赋予罪犯一定的救济手段。最后,?

【Abstract】 Criminal rights mean the rights that are and should be enjoyed by a criminal as a special person. Although a criminal is sentenced because of guilty, he is still a natural person and a citizen of the country. His rights that aren’t deprived should still be protected.It was a long historical process before the criminal rights were put forward in human society and confirmed into the law. This process is consistent with the rise and the confirmation of human rights into the law. As the capitalist production relations appeared and developed in modern times, capitalists put forward the slogan of "Human Rights" for the first time in human history and recorded the criminal rights into the law. The Western Prison Reformation Movement from the end of 18th century to the beginning of 19th century played an important part to promote the development of criminal rights. Since the 1950s of 20th century, as the movement of international human rights is put into full wing, the problem of protecting the criminal rights has caught more and more attention of international society and a series of international agreements and conventions about the criminal rights have been formulated one by one, which has great significance in promoting the protection of criminal rightsworldwide. In China, not until the carrying out of the reformation of the prison system at the end of Qing Dynasty did the protection of criminal rights sprouted. Since the PRC was founded, the protection of criminal rights has gradually been strengthened. Especially the promulgation of Prison Law of the People’s Republic of China on December 29, 1994, which means not only the declaration that criminals enjoy wide legal rights, but also that the criminal rights are protected through regulating the law-enforcing activities of law enforcement of officials. Proceeding from the reform of criminal, our country always emphasizes the protection of the criminal development right and makes a large number of criminals into useful persons for socialist development. Moreover, our country pays much attention to protecting the rights of criminals after they are discharged from prison and ensures that they can enjoy the same rights stipulated in constitution and law as ordinary citizens.In all, respecting and protecting criminal rights is a fundamental principle in prison work of the new PRC, and is realized in practices. Meanwhile, It should be pointed out that we haven’t done enough to protect criminal rights. First, the level of the equipments in prisons of our country and the standard of material life are rather low in general. Secondly, some illegal actions exist in the process of law enforcement, which impairs the rights of some criminals. This can be indicated in the following aspects. First, the personal right of some criminals is violated. Secondly, the phenomenon of criminal working overtime is prevailing,which has violated the criminals’ right of rest. The system of the payment of criminal labor is not complete. Thirdly, there are some problems in the protection of the right of criminal material life reward. For example, prisons are too crowded. The rooms of prisons are too old. The living conditions of criminals are bad. The medical and health conditions in some prisons are poor. Some criminals can’t be treated punctually and effectively when they are ill. The principal reasons for those problems are the low-developed commercial economy, the incomplete democracy and politics, the low level of economic and cultural development and the lack of the awareness of human rights in whole society. The direct reasons are the disadvantages of absolute penal servitude, the incomplete system of prison’s expense security, the incomplete prison legislation, the ineffective supervision over prison law-enforcing activities and some prison policemen’s lack of the awareness of law and human rights.The protection of criminal rights is first the general demand of human rights. Criminals and other ordinary persons are all members of human society, so according to the nature

【关键词】 监狱罪犯权利保障
【Key words】 PrisonCriminalProtection of Rights
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】712

