

【作者】 曹海清

【导师】 陈结淼;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 犯罪中止作为故意犯罪过程中的一种停止形态,其特殊性在于行为人出于本人意愿停止犯罪,这也是犯罪中止区别于犯罪预备、犯罪未遂的本质特征。本文结合中外刑法关于犯罪中止的历史沿革和立法现状,对犯罪中止的时间性、自动性和有效性特征,设立准中止犯的可行性和必要性以及共同犯罪中成立犯罪中止的条件等问题加以探析,文章最后还对我国刑法关于犯罪中止的立法完善提出了自己的见解。 在犯罪中止的历史沿革和立法现状一章中,文章先对英美法系和大陆法系国家刑法关于犯罪中止的一般规定加以介绍和分析,分别列举了我国古代和近代刑法关于犯罪中止的规定,对我国刑法犯罪中止的起源和发展过程进行研究。结合我国现代刑法关于犯罪中止的立法规定,认为中外古代刑法典几乎没有关于犯罪中止的明文规定,更没有独立的犯罪中止制度,犯罪中止一般依附于犯罪未遂。而我国刑事立法将犯罪中止规定为一种独立的制度,是一种创新,它对于研究犯罪中止和丰富刑法理论有着重要的意义。 文章在论述犯罪中止的特征中,首先概述了我国刑法理论界关于犯罪中止特征的各类学说,通过对比,认为时间性、自动性和彻底性应系普通犯罪中止的构成要件,而特殊犯罪中止除具备上述三个构成要件外还应具备有效性特征。 在犯罪中止的时间性特征一节中,文章对犯罪预备阶段存在犯罪中止的可能性和必要性进行了探讨,通过与国外刑法典的规定比较,认为从世界各国刑事立法趋势来看,犯罪预备阶段的中止行为已不宜再作为犯罪中止处罚;此节中,作者还对放弃重复侵害和犯罪既遂后能否成立犯罪中止从理论上进行了深入地探讨,认为放弃重复侵害的情形下,还需要同时具备有效性条件才可能成立犯罪中止,而危险犯既遂后自动有效地防止实害结果的发生,应作为一种事后的悔罪表现,而不应归属于犯罪中止。 文章在论述犯罪中止的自动性特征时,在比较“主观说”、“限定主观说”、“客观说”和“折衷说”的基础上,认为“折衷说”以“主观说”为基础,兼顾客观判决标准,较为可取,从而得出成立犯罪中止自动性的三个条件。 在犯罪中止的有效性特征一节中,文章认为有效性是贯穿整个犯罪中止制度的特征,是对犯罪中止的奖励政策的依据,奖励政策则是有效性的法律结果。文章还对成立犯罪中止有效性的情形分别进行了阐述。文章同时认为,我国现行刑法关于犯罪中止有效性的规定过于狭窄,犯罪中止制度设立的伦理基础在于通过刑法对道德上的善予以褒奖,而不完全在于这种道德上的善是否实际产生了某种有形效应。认为只要行为人实施了中止行为,并作出真诚的努力即使危害结果的不发生与其真诚的努力没有因果关系,也应将之视为中止犯,对其减免处罚。 在对上述犯罪中止有效性进行阐述的基础上,文章主张修改现行刑法关于犯罪中止的规定,设立准中止犯条款。在准中止犯一章中,文章对准中止犯的概念、理论依据提出了自己的观点。在此基础上,认为成立准中止犯必须具备的条件是:行为人在主观上必须具有弃恶从善的真诚性;在客观上必须具有为消除危害而作出真诚的努力;行为人的补救行为并未奏效是行为人意志以外的原因造成的。上述三个条件相互补充,缺一不可。 文章在第四章中,对在共同犯罪中成立犯罪中止进行了深入地研究。认为共同犯罪中犯罪中止的自动性、彻底性和时空性特征与单独犯罪相比并无较大的区别,而在有效性特征方面,共同犯罪中行为人的义务范围不仅限于自己的行为,而且还应包括其他共同犯罪人的行为。在对刑法理论界和司法实践中的五种观点进行比较研究后,认为“解体说”综合考虑了共同犯罪人成立犯罪中止在主客观方面的要求,是比较合理的标准。以此为标准,文章根据共同犯罪行为人的分类分别对主犯、从犯、胁从犯和教唆犯成立犯罪中止的情形进行了论述。 在对犯罪中止进行上述分析和探讨的基础上,文章最后对完善我国刑法犯罪中止制度提出了自己的观点。认为应排除犯罪预备阶段成立犯罪中止的可能性,将时空范围限制在行为人着手实行犯罪后,犯罪既遂以前;建议扩大犯罪中止的范围,增设准中止犯的条款;建议刑法典按照共同犯罪人在共同犯罪中的地位、作用分别加以详细规定,以避免司法实践中的困惑,提高司法效率、统一执法标准。

【Abstract】 As a kind of inchoate conformation, the peculiarity of crime discontinuance is that the discontinuance of crime should be out of the will of the conductor himself, and just at this point, crime discontinuance differs from crime preparation and crime attempt. Crime discontinuance has great significances in the theory of crime construction as well as in criminal policy: In order to understand crime discontinuance better and try to improve legislation and justice concerning crime discontinuance, the author tries to make relatively thorough research on crime discontinuance in this article.This article consists of five parts.The first part concentrates on the history and practical legislation on crime discontinuance at home and abroad. On the basis of making a comprehensive introduction of the history of crime discontinuance, the author finds that there is no definite legislation about crime discontinuance, let alone independent crime discontinuance system in history, and the independent crime discontinuance system in Chinese Criminal Law is a great innovation, it helps to study the theory of crime discontinuance and to enrich criminal law theory.In the second part of this article, the author tries to summarize the features of crime discontinuance. After studying various kinds of doctrines on crime discontinuance in China, the author thinks that there are two kinds of crime discontinuance: ordinary crime discontinuance and special crime discontinuance. As for ordinary crime, it has the following three features: (i)the action of crime discontinuance should take place in special stage: (ii)the discontinuance of crime should be out of the will of the conductor; (iii)the conductor should give up the conduction of crime for ever. And as for special crime discontinuance, it has four features, i.e. except the foregoing three features of ordinary crime discontinuance, the conductor should take effective measures to prevent the result of crime and practically avoid the happening of the crime result.The third part studies the semi-criminal discontinuance. Based on deep research on crime discontinuance’s features, the author proposes that our criminal law should prescribe semi-criminal discontinuance. And in this part, the author gives the definition of semi-criminal discontinuance and studies its rationale. On the basis of these, the author points out that in order to establish semi-criminal discontinuance, the following elements should be satisfied: (i)the conductor should give up the conduct of the crime from the bottom of his or her heart; (ii)the conductor should make great effort to avoid the happening of the crime result; (iii)though the conductor’s effort to avoid the happening of crime result failed, the reason is beyond the control of the conductor. In the fourth part, the author makes a deep research on crime discontinuance in complicity. The author regards crime discontinuance in complicity as a type of special crime discontinuance. Therefore, the establishment of crime discontinuance in complicity entails satisfaction of four elements. As for the concrete element, the first three elements in crime discontinuance are the same as in special crime discontinuance, but the fourth element is somewhat different. In complicity, in order to constitute crime discontinuance, the conductor should not only take measures to prevent the result of his or her action, but also take measures to prevent the result of his or her accomplice’s action and practically avoid the happening of crime result. Moreover, this part studies the elements of crime discontinuance according to the types of accomplices.In the last part of the article, the author makes his suggestions on how to perfect the system of crime discontinuance in Chinese Criminal Law. The author points out that our criminal law should abolish crime discontinuance in the stage of crime preparation, add provisions regulating semi-crime discontinuance, prescribe crime discontinuance in complicity according to the types of accomplices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】608

