

【作者】 熊彬

【导师】 陈宏光;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 提高立法质量水平是现阶段我国立法工作最重要和最紧迫的课题。依法治国使人民对法律法规规章提出了更高期待,立法者制定的法律法规规章必须接受人民和社会实践对其价值的评判和检验。随着中国法治化进程的逐步深入,中国立法工作取得了举世瞩目的成绩,积累了许多宝贵的经验;但与此同时,在立法技术、立法程序、立法实效等方面也存在不少问题,直接影响着立法质量。立法质量问题愈益明显地凸现在我们面前,成为我国法制建设的“瓶颈”。然而,我国法学界并未真正重视对立法质量问题的理论研究,在此方面的研究成果也较少。本文紧密结合我国立法实际,对立法质量的概念、影响立法质量的主要因素、立法质量的评判标准进行了初步的探讨,介绍了国外立法质量立法情况,对我国立法质量存在的问题和提高立法质量的对策进行了认真分析,提出了具体看法和对策。全文共分六大部分。论文第一部分是立法质量的概念,主要从立法质量的狭义范围和广义范围展开论述,并通过对狭义概念和广义概念的分析,提出立法质量的概念应当兼有狭义概念和广义概念两种,在本文中仅探讨广义概念上的立法质量,即立法质量是指除立法活动或立法结果的优劣程度外,还应是指反映立法满足人民依法管理国家各项事务需要能力的特性的总和。论文第二部分是影响立法质量的主要因素,主要从立法原则、立法权限和主体、立法的形式等方面进行探讨,提出这些因素都直接影响着立法质量。本部分论述的意图在于通过对影响立法质量 因素的分析,寻找到我国立法质量较差的症结所在。论文第三部分是 立法质量的评判标准。论文从理想的立法所应具备的条件出发,尝试 性地提出了评判立法质量的具体标准,即合法性标准、公正正义性标 准、合目的性标准、完整性标准、明确性标准和和谐性标准。论文第 四部分是国外立法质量立法情况介绍,对英美及其他一些国家立法质 量立法总体情况进行了介绍,本部分论述的意图在于找到我国与国外 先进经验的差距。论文第五部分是我国立法质量存在的问题,对我国 立法质量的现状进行了认真分析,提出立法名称使用不规范、立法规 划缺乏科学的指导依据、立法中地方利益或部门利益倾向明显、立法 语言文字使用不规范是我国立法质量存在的主要问题。论文第六部分 是提高我国立法质量的对策,这是探讨研究立法质量问题的最终目的 的价值。无论是立法质量评判标准的确立,还是对影响因素的透析, 归根结底都是为切实提高立法质量服务的。论文从我国立法质量存在 的问题入手,提出了具体的解决对策,认为采取正确处理立法工作中 的几个主要关系、防范和克服部门利益或地方利益、防止和解决立法 冲突、完善立法程序保证立法质量、提高立法技术运用水平、建立完一 善立法质量评价体系等具体对策,可以在一定程度上解决我国立法质: 量存在的主要问题。

【Abstract】 To improve the legislative quality is the most urgent and the most important task in legislative activities in China at the present stage. Administering the country according to law makes the people expect laws and regulations of higher quality .As the developing of the rule of law in China, China’s legislative work has achieved world recognized marks and accumulated a lot of valuable experiment. However, problems, still existing in the areas of legislative technique, legislative procedure and legislative effects, affect the legislative quality. It is more and more important to improve the legislative quality, which becomes the bottlet-neck of the construction of the legal system. However,we still haven’t attached enough importance to the research of the theory of legislative quality, the research production is few. And in accordance with the practice of our country’s legislation, the author makes a primary discuss of the concept of legislative quality, the main factors working on the legislative quality, the judgement standards of the legislative quality, introduces other countries’ lawmaking instances of the legislative quality, analyses the problem of china’s legislative quality and advances countermeasures. This paper has six parts. The first part focuses on the conception of legislative quality. The discussion starts from the narrow sense of legislative quality and the broad sense of legislative quality, onlybroad sense of legislative quality is discussed in the paper, That is the legislative quality reflects all the characteristics of the capabilities that are necessary for legislation to regulate specific social relationships. The second part focuses on the factors working on the legislative quality, mostly from the legislative principle, the legislative purview and main body, the legislative format, which affected the legislative quality. The purpose of this part is to target on the problems of China’s legislation, through the factors working on the legislative quality, The third part focuses on the judgement standards of the legislative quality. The author put forward several testing criterions which ideal legislation should possess. The fourth part focuses on the introduction of other countries’ legislative quality. It introduces the legislative quality in England, USA and other countries. The purpose of this part is to tell the difference between China and other country. The fifth part focuses on the problem of China’s legislative quality. He analyses the practicality of China’s legislative quality, advancing the main problem in China such as the nonstandard legislative name, legislative programming without scientific instruct gist, locality benefit and department benefit. The sixth part focuses on the countermeasure of improve China’s legislative quality, which is the ultimate value and destiny of researching legislative quality, because the establisment of the legislative quality accessing standard or the analysis of the factors which affect it, both serve the destination ofpromoting the legislative quality. The author advances the right means to deal with several relations in legislation, to keep away or conquer the locality benefit and the department benefit, to keep away conflicts in legislation, to perfect legislative procedure, to improve legislative technic level, and to construct and perfect legislative quality estimate system, which are the countermeasures dealing with the problem of China’s legislative quality.

【关键词】 质量概念标准问题对策
【Key words】 qualityconceptionstandardproblemcountermeasure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D901
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】514

