

On Counterplead Right of Guarantor

【作者】 鲍进

【导师】 汪金兰;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 保证人抗辨权是保证人因保证行为的成立而获得的一项重要权利,是指债权人向保证人提出承担保证责任的请求时,保证人根据一定的抗辨事由所享有的反驳债权人请求,拒绝或延缓承担保证责任的一种权利。从广义角度看,保证法律关系应当包含三个合同关系、三方当事人,即债权人和债务人的债权债务关系,债务人和保证人的委托关系,保证人和债权人的保证关系,因此,保证人对债权人享有的抗辩权不仅仅来自双方的保证合同,还来自债权人与债务人签订的主合同,故而拥有了一般抗辩权和专属抗辩权。我国《担保法》中有关“监督支付专款专用保证”和“注册资金保证”不符合债的保证的法律概念,但现实生活中确实存在,由这两种保证所产生的抗辩权只能被视为特殊的保证人免责抗辩权。 一般抗辩权是指保证人基于所保证的主合同债务人抗辨权而享有的在债权人提出保证之债履行请求时予以拒绝的一种抗辩权,本质上是属于债务人的基本的、常态型的抗辨权,保证人行使一般抗辩权的权限与债务人完全相同,同时因保证的独立性,保证人行使一般抗辩权不受债务人是否放弃的约束。一般抗辩权包括:撤销抗辨权,时效抗辨权,主合同终止抗辨权,同时履行抗辨权,不安抗辨权等。 专属抗辩权,是指基于保证合同的从属性和相对独立性所决定的,不以主合同债务人的抗辨权为前提,而由保证人直接享有的对抗债权人之请求权的一种抗辩权,其取得不以主合同债务人的抗辨权为前提,这一专属抗辩权只能由保证人直接享有和行使,排斥债务人的享有和行使。包括:主合同无效抗辨权,保证合同无效抗辨权,欺诈行为抗辩权,保证期间抗辨权,保证范围抗辩权,先诉抗辩权,物保优先抗辩权,特殊免责抗辨权等。 论文就上述各种保证人抗辩权,分别阐述了其定义、形成要手卜、法律后果、行使限制以及当前司法实践中的疑点问题,并针一对一所存在的疑点问题特别是最高人民法院的司法解释提出了自己的观点。女日:可撤销抗辩权中,债务人行使撤销权超期或放弃行使,不影响保证人行使可撤销抗辩权,主张《担保法》第二十条“债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权的,保证人仍有权抗辩”的规定应当作相应的扩人解释,债权人提出债的请求前“债务人没有行使撤销权”或者“债务人放弃撤销权”情形也应当被视为“债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权”;时效抗辩权中,“超过诉讼时一效期间,债务人自愿履行的”应当被视为新的债权债务的建立,保证人不对该新债务自动延续保证责任;先诉抗辩权中,最高人民法院《解释》第一百二十五条“一般保证的债权人向债务人和保证人一并提起诉讼的,人民法院可以将债务人和保证人列为共同被告参加诉讼”的规定与先诉抗辩权的宗旨背道而驰,其并案审理的理由“为避免因驳回债权人的诉讼请求而加大诉讼成本和债权人对一般保证人因保证期间的届满而丧失”不能成立,结果是以诉讼方便原则为借口变相剥夺了保证人的“后诉利益”;物保优先抗辩权中,《担保法》第二十八条“保证人对物的担保以外的债权承担保证责任”的规定没有考虑物的担保是由债务人提供还是由第三方提供的情形,刘-提供物保的第三方不公,但最高人民法院《解释》第三十八条第一款“同一债权既有保证又有第三人提供物的担保的,债权人可以请求保证人或者物的担保人承担担保责任。当事人对保证担保的范围或者物的担保的范围没有约定或者约定不明的,承担了担保责任的担保人,可以向债务人追偿,也可以要求其他担保人清偿其应当分担的份额”的规定虽然弥补了《担保法》的立法不足之处、给予了提供物保的第三方和保证人平等的担保人地位,却又没有分清保证人是承担一般保证还是连带责任责任的保证方式上的区别,因而过于绝对化,对于承担一般保证的保证人而言,因为享有先诉抗辩权,不能和提供物保的第三方处于同一债务人位次,所以依然应当享有物保优先权。 笔者认为,与抵押等物的担保相比较,保证虽然存在着使债务落空的风险,但同时一也具有清偿主体和保全财产扩大、成立手续简便、经济成本低且有利于社会资源的充分利用以及有利于整个社会信用体系的建立等诸多优点,因此必须站在保证担保法律制度构建和完善的高度充分认识和看待保证人抗辩权制度的重要意义。鉴于现有保证法律制度严重滞后于我国经济发展的速度、制度建设的架构极不合理、现有保证的名词和范围鱼目混珠、不能符合保证受债权法调整的法律制度性质等弊端,故应当从保证关系包括主合同关系的订立、变更、解除、履行等各个方面充分体现和落实保证人抗辩权,使其在法律__[与债权人权利得到对等体现和切实保障,而当前构建和完善保证人抗辩权法律制度的重中之重是破除保证一单务性的观念局限,树立保证关系当事人权利义务对等的民法基本观念。

【Abstract】 Counterplead right of guarantor, the important right of guarantor obtained with the foundation of his guaranty, means the right enjoyed by guarantor to contradict the requests of obligee and to refuse or delay bearing guaranty liability according to certain grounds of opposition when obligee asserts the request of guaranty liability to guarantor. Broadly speaking, guaranty legal relation should include three contractual relations and three interested persons, that is, the relation of obligatory right and debt between obligee and debtor, the clientage between debtor and guarantor, and the guaranty relation between guarantor and obligee. So the Counterplead right of guarantor to obligee comes from not only the guaranty contract between the two parties, but also the major contract between obligee and debtor. Thus guarantor has both the exclusive and general Counterplead rights. The guaranty of supervision over special payment for special purpose and the guaranty of registered capital in Guaranty Law of our country are not qualified with the legal concept of the guaranty of debt, but in practical life, it does exist that the Counterplead right of those two guaranties can only be regarded as no-responsibility Counterplead right of special guarantor.General Counterplead right is a kind of Counterplead right enjoyed by guarantor to give a refusal on the basis of the Counterplead right of the guaranteed debtor of the major contract when obligee request guarantor to perform the guaranty of debt. It essentially belongs to debtor’s basic and normal Counterplead right. The competence of guarantor’s Counterplead right is the same as debtor’s. Meanwhile, because of the independence of guaranty, the general Counterplead right of guarantor is not limited whether debtor surrenders it or not. General Counterplead right includesthe counterplead rights of discontinuance, of prescription, of termination of major contract, of simulations performance and of no agreement.Exclusive counterplead right is a kind of counterplead right directly enjoyed by guarantor to counter debtor’s request right on the basis of the subordination to and relative independence from guaranty contract and it is not predicated on the counterplead right of the debtor of major contract. This exclusive counterplead right is only enjoyed and performed by guarantor directly and it excludes debtor from enjoying and performing it. It includes the counterplead rights of invalidity of major contract, of guaranty range, of prior appeal, of priority of material guaranty, of special exemption from responsibility, etc.On those kinds of counterplead rights of guarantor mentioned above, this treatise explains the definitions, important conditions, legal consequences, limitations of performances, and suspicious problems in present judicial practices respectively and in view of those problems it gives some suggestions. For example, in the counterplead right of discontinuance, if debtor performs the right of discontinuance beyond due time or surrenders to perform it, it doesn’t effect guarantor to perform counterplead right of discontinuance. This treatise holds the opinion that the stipulation of the twentieth articles of Guaranty Law that "if debtor surrenders the counterplead right on debt, guarantor still has counterplead right" should be explained more broadly. The situation that debtor doesn’t perform discontinuance right or that debtor surrenders discontinuance right before obligee makes the request of debt should also be regarded as that debtor surrenders the counterplead right on debt. In the counterplead right of prescription, that debtor fulfils obligation on his own will beyond prescriptive period of appeal should be regarded as that the new obligatory right and debt is founded and guarantor doesn’t continue the guaranty responsibility automatically. In the counterplead right of priorappeal, the stipulation of the twenty-fifth article of Explanation of the Supreme People’s Count that, if obligee of general guaranty appeals debtor and guarantor t

【关键词】 保证债权人保证责任抗辩权
【Key words】 GuaranteeObligeeGuaranty liabilityCounterplead right
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】236

