

Information Technology and Modern Enterprise Business Management Creativeness

【作者】 周劲梅

【导师】 罗知颂;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 国民经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是信息技术和生物技术高速发展的世纪,信息技术使企业经营环境发生了革命性的变化,它改变了企业生产、经营及服务方式。为了应对激烈变化的市场,企业必须提高响应市场的速度。要迅速响应市场,企业内部必须打破原有的生产、组织结构,即打破原有传统的管理方式,进行管理创新,以适应日趋激烈的市场竞争。现代企业必须借助于信息技术,把先进的信息技术与先进的管理思想相结合,创造性地利用信息技术,在企业内外进行一场企业业务流程再造。 信息技术的发展,对21世纪企业管理提出了新的挑战。本文纵观了企业管理理论演进变化,对信息技术条件下企业面临的环境进行了分析。 管理理论的演进都是与组织以及社会环境的变化和科学技术的进步密切相关的,因而管理理论和实践的发展和变化的过程实质上是组织环境、社会环境、技术环境不断作用的过程,而技术环境的变化是最为迅速的,因而是造成管理变革的最活跃和最重要的因素之一。 由于大网络环境的形成、行业竞争结构的改变、顾客需求行为的变化必然引发企业交易模式的改变与价值链的再造。而企业的传统组织管理模式是职能式的、金字塔式的,职能部门之间经常出现职能重迭、职能空缺的现象。传统的管理模式造成企业出现大企业病,生产、销售是被动的,有效信息传递是静态的、间断的、财务管理是无序的。从而使得企业赖以生存的有效信息在组织、供应、生产、销售过程中的采集、加工、处理和传递上产生了内容失真,信息阻隔、传递速度衰减等现象,这些现象造成有效信息严重不足,决策失去可靠基础,企业对市场反应迟钝,使企业缺乏竞争力。 党的十六大报告指出:坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。<WP=4>本文通过对“海尔”案例的实证分析,阐明业务流程再造是基于信息技术基础上、为满足用户需求服务、系统化的、改进企业流程而提出的一种企业管理哲学。业务流程再造包括进行观念的彻底再造、建立扁平化组织、进行业务合并与扩大授权,充分发挥每个人在整个业务流程中的作用、面向客户和供应商整合企业流程、利用IT手段协调分散与集中的矛盾,把现代企业管理程序化,创造出新的工作方式。 企业基于信息化的业务流程再造,形成了企业外部一张网(现代电子商务所结成与外部环境的互联网),内部一条链(现代的供应链管理,即企业资源计划系统),将企业与市场紧密相联,信息流、物流、资金流在这一网和一链上高速、畅通地流动,为企业与客户保持零距离,使企业实现零库存,零流动资金,从而提高企业运作的效率和为企业在激烈竞争的环境下,创造出新的市场,创造出顾客满意的产品,使企业生产和经营进入良性循环,提高企业的核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 The twenty-first century is marked by the revolution and rapid development of information technology and biotechnology. It has changed the way that the enterprises do business: production, management and services. In order to accommodate the dramatic and ever changing condition of the market, enterprises must response to the market rapidly. To do so, enterprises should stop continusly using traditional ways of doing business, from production, organization structures, etc. Furthermore, they need to be creative in business management to survive the dramatic competition in current market. Modern enterprises should take advantages of the information technology and the advanced management techniques, and combine the two together to rearrange the flows of lines of business, both internally and externally. The rapid development of information technology has presented new challenges to the enterprise management in the twenty-first centenary. This paper reviews the historical evolution in enterprise management theories, analyzes the environment that modern enterprises is facing due to the development of information technology. The evolution of management theories has always been closely related to the progress of social environment and sciences and technologies. In fact, the development of management, both practices and theories, has been the result of progress of social and technology environment, particularly the advance of technology, which has therefore became one of the most important and active factors behind evolution of management. Because of the formation of the network, the change of the nature of the competition and the change of the behavior of customers, the trading models and the value chain must be changed accordingly. The traditional management model is based on functions, astructure similar to pyramid. There is often redundancies or lack of functions among different departments. In traditional enterprise management model, enterprises often suffer bureaucracy, passiveness in production and sales, stagnancy in information exchange, disorder in financial and accounting management. Hence the information that is the one of key elements to the success of enterprise is lost, blocked, slowed down or deteriorated during the processes of supply, production and sales. This has resulted in the lack and inefficient use of information, which is a key to decision making. Because of this, enterprises responses slowly to the market and inevitably lost their competitiveness. <WP=6>It was pointed out in the report of the16th Convention of the Chinese Communist Party that industrialization should be guided by information modernization, in turn industrialization should provoke information modernization. Industrialization should particularly focus on high tech, high economic profit, low cost in resources, less environment pollution and greatly realization of human power. This paper use Haier the case study to illustrate that business flows regeneration is a modern enterprise management philosophy that is based on information technology and is brought up to serve the purpose of customer needs, systematization and improvement of business flows. Business flow regeneration includes fundamentally changing our view and thinking processes, building flat organization structures, merging business units and expanding the power of units and individuals, fully realizing manpower in all aspects of the business flows,integrating the business flows to accommodate the customers and suppliers, resolving the conflict between decentralization and centralization using IT technology, standardizing the management processes and create new ways of conducting business and doing work. Enterprises that based on information business flows regeneration form an external network (the network that combines modern electric business and external environment), and internal chain (modern supply-chain management, i.e. enterprise resource planning system), and establish a very close relation between enterprises and the market. Flows of infor

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】713

