

Research on the System of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers Training in Impoverished Area

【作者】 黎琼锋

【导师】 訚金童;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 贫困地区教育事业的发展是贫困地区经济发展的重要支撑,教育的关键在教师。而受许多主、客观因素的影响,贫困地区教师队伍的总体素质还低于全国平均水平。提高贫困地区教师的素质是推动贫困地区基础教育事业发展的关键,教师培训是提高教师素质的有效途径,因此,研究贫困地区教师培训问题极为重要。贫困地区中小学教师队伍的总体现状是:教师数量不足,分布不平衡,代课教师比例过高,教学水平偏低,教师队伍的整体素质不高。通过对贫困地区中小学教师培训现状深入细致的调查,笔者在综合分析的基础上,概括出贫困地区中小学教师培训有如下特点:对教师继续教育缺乏足够的认识,培训目的不明确;培训内容脱离实际,培训过程缺乏活力;培训基地建设投入不足,难以满足教育发展的需要;培训管理制度欠完备,缺乏必要的监督机制。基于教师培训对贫困地区教师素质提高的重要性以及上述现状、特点,本文从培训目标、内容、方法、机构及制度保障等方面提出构建适应贫困地区特点以及教师发展方向的教师培训体系,发挥这一体系的整体功能,促进贫困地区教师培训健康、有序发展。本文认为,构建适应贫困地区特点的教师培训体系,应立足实际,根据教师培训的总目标,着重从以下几方面考虑:(一)制定合理的培训目标,确保培训方向。要以教师专业发展为方向,通过培训使教师获得知识拓展能力以及形成完善的人格。(二)科学选择课程内容,实现培训目标。在发展性、适应性、均衡性等原则指导下设计课程,以教师的需求为中心选择课程内容,以服务中小学教育为宗旨开发地方教材。(三)探讨灵活、多元的培训方法,提高培训实效。本文选择了“送教上门”、“以点带面、辐射全体”、“远程教育”、“校本培训”、“自修——反思” 等几种切合贫困地区特点的培训方式。(四)完善培训机构建设,增强培训功能。如多渠道筹措资金,保证培训经费来源;集中财力、物力建立现代化培训基地;建设高素质的培训师资队伍。(五)健全培训评价制度,保证培训效果。应成立专门的评价机构、组织专门的人员实施评价;本文还试构了对中小学教师培训机构、培训内容以及参加培训的教师进行评价的指标体系。

【Abstract】 The development of education is an important sustentation for economy in impoverished areas, and the education rests more on teacher. However in impoverished areas, most of teachers’ professional quality is under the average national level due to some subjective or objective factors. The key task to improve the elementary & secondary education in impoverished areas is to improve the quality of teachers. In-service training is an effective way for improving teachers’ quality. So it is fairly important to study the issue of in-service teachers training in impoverished areas. In impoverished areas, the quantity of teachers is inadequate, and the distribution of teachers is unbalanced, the total quality is low. There are still many teachers who are taking over classes for school in impoverished areas. By investigating the condition of teachers’ training, it is evident that some people know little about teachers’ further education. In the procedure of teachers’ training, the contents are often divorced from reality, the outlay for training is lacking and the system of training management isn’t consummate, the methods are so monotonous etc. According to the author’s survey & analysis on in-service teachers’ training in impoverished areas, the paper brings forward a tentative plan------to build up an in-service training system that is suitable to the characteristic of impoverished areas. By bringing the system into play, it is conducive to promote the development of teachers’ training in impoverished areas. The paper points out that the training system should base the fact of impoverished areas. According to the aim of teachers’ training, the system should include the following: Ⅰ. A rational goal can ensure the direction of teachers’ training. The aim is to develop teachers’ professional quality. By training teachers can expand their knowledge and perfect their personality.Ⅱ.Set up scientific & efficient courses served for elementary & secondary school teachers. These courses base on the requirements of teachers. Compile training teaching materials for serving elementary & secondary education.<WP=5>Ⅲ. Probe into flexible, multifarious training methods so as to improve the training effect. The paper considers several training methods such as "take education to home", "long-distance education", "school-based training", "selfstudy-reflection training", and so on.Ⅳ. Perfect the training organization and swell the training function. Raise enough money for the training outlay; centralize manpower, finance and material resources to build up a modernized training base; form a group of teachers who are special in training.Ⅴ. Perfect the training evaluation system and ensure the effect of training. In this paper, the author tries to build up the index system for training evaluation.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】574

