

The Quantifying Study on Teachers’ Nonverbal Behavior in Classroom Instruction

【作者】 周鹏生

【导师】 邓健;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 非言语行为的涵义有广狭之分,同样,教师课堂非言语行为也有广狭之分。广义的教师课堂非言语行为既有教师个体自身的动作或姿态,还有借助依附于身体的物体等单元而发出的动作或姿态;狭义的教师课堂非言语行为仅指教师借助个体身体态势符号发出的动作或姿态,主要有头势、手势、面部表情等方面。研究教师课堂非言语行为具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。理论上,它促进了教学过程中非智力因素的研究,深化和完善了教学交往研究;推进了对教师教学行为的量化研究;实践上,教师课堂非言语行为研究有利于更新教师的素养观念;有助于课堂教学整体改革;有益于教师职前和职后的教育培训。教师课堂非言语行为研究是在人类非言语行为研究基础上进行的。人类对非言语行为的关注虽然很早就开始了,但真正开展非言语行为的研究还是近代的事。20世纪50年代以来,人们对非言语行为的研究逐渐和具体的职业联系起来,教师职业也不例外。国外对教师课堂非言语行为的研究在十几年前就已经达到了相当高的水平。我国在20世纪80年代以前受语言学研究氛围的影响,教师行为研究很少考虑非言语行为。80年代以后,我国学者才逐渐认识到非言语行为在教育教学中的作用,在重点介绍引进国外著述的基础上,开展非言语行为研究。我国学者研究教师课堂非言语行为主要采取三种方式,即:直接照搬人类学、心理学的有关非言语行为研究成果;借鉴教师以外其他职业非言语行为研究结论;开展教师课堂非言语行为的职业特色研究。应该肯定,人们在教师课堂非言语行为研究中取得了一定的成绩,有些还具有前瞻性。如人们公认的教师课堂非言语行为运用原则有师生共意原则、善意尊重原则、协调一致原则、程度控制原则、最优搭配原则和自我意识原则等。人们认识到教师课堂非言语行为不是固定不变的,而是可以通过训练得到改进的,此外还提出了相应的一些训练方法。但是总的说来,前人对教师课堂非言语行为的研究基本上是经验性的、笼统的,采用的是定性的研究方法,缺乏定量研究;教师课堂非言语行为研究一般都是宏观的描述,缺乏微观的分析;总是从理想状态分析教师课堂非言语行为,而忽视教师课堂非言语行为的实际状态。因此对教师课堂非言语行为实际状态的量化研究是一项很有意义、很有价值的探索。开展这方面的研究需要有一个研究工具,而研制量化工具成为首先要解决的问题。这也是本研究的主要目的所在。本研究中研制的量化工具是教师课堂非言语行为的观察表。教师课堂非言语行为观察表编制是有其理论与实践依据的。根据人类学、广义语言学、组织行为学和教育学及心理学等学科的研究成果,我们认为,教师课堂非言语行为是可观察和可分解的,其功能具有确定性的和多重性;教师课堂非言语行为具有多维性。教师课堂非言语行为可按不同标准划分为不同类型,各种类型在不同阶段又具有不同的功能。国内外的实践证明,教师课堂非言语行为是可分解和可训练的,而且训练成效是显著的;师生言语相互作用分析系统的成功使用为教师课堂非言语行为的微观分析提供了方法上的支持。教师课堂非言语行为观察表主要有两个维度,一个是教师课堂非言语行为表现形式,一个是教师课堂非言语行为的功能。每个维度的确定都遵循如下的程序:提出维度—→试观察—→修订维度—→再观察—→确定维度。时间作为一个参考维度,是和这两个维度紧紧结合在一起的。对第一个维度,经过三次调整,确定的项目有象征性动作、说明性动作、表露性动作、工具性动作、适应性动作、调节性动作和距离性动作等七项;对第二个维度,经过两次调整,确定的项目有支持修饰言语行为、代替言语行为、表达用言语难以表示的情感或态度、适应生理和心理需要、调控组织言语教学等五项。教师课堂非言语行为观察表的主体是具有两个维度的观察表,附加的部分有对新授课的教学环节等情况的记录。观察者运用编制<WP=5>出的观察表进行记录时,要严格按要求记录,如以每5秒一次或每分钟10—12次的速度连续进行记录,等等。经过对20节新授课的教师课堂非言语行为的记录结果表明,所编制的观察表具有较高的信度。和教师课堂非言语行为等级评价表所得结果进行比较,发现运用所编制的观察表评价教师课堂非言语行为在主观程度上低,而在准确程度上要高。编制出教师课堂非言语行为观察表后,不仅可以通过一节课对科任教师的非言语行为进行分析,还可以通过对许多教师课堂非言语行为的分析总结出带有普遍性的结论来。根据不同维度各项目所占比例来分析教师课堂非言语行为是一种有效的尝试。教师课堂非言语行为观察表的使用有一定的条件,如观察者至少在三名或三名以上,而且是受过培训的有经验的教师;等等。教师课堂非言语行为观察表主要用于课堂教学研究,也可用于在职教师和师范生的教学技能培训。教师课堂非言语行为观察表的编制只是教师课堂非言语行为研究的一部分。随着教育教学改革的发展,教师课堂非言语行为研究将呈现出如下趋势:教师课堂非言语行为研究和学生课堂非言语行为研究结合起来;教师课堂非言语行为研究和其言语行为研究结合起来;研究设计课型从单一的新授课转向多样

【Abstract】 The meaning of nonverbal behavior can be comprehended in a broad sense or in a narrow sense. In the same way, teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction can be understood in a broad sense and a narrow sense. In a broad sense, teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction not only means body movement and posture which is from teachers’ body itself, but body movement and posture which is from something stick to body such as clothes etc.; while in a narrow sense, teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction simply means body movement and posture which is from body itself, mainly including head movement, gesture, facial expression, etc. It had important theoretical sense and practical sense to probe into teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction. Theoretically, the study will promote study of non-intelligence factor in the course of instruction; deepen and improve the study of instructive association; carry the microcomic study of teachers’ behavior in instruction forward. Practically, the study will be beneficial to renew teachers’ concept of attainment; contribute to the entirety reformation in classroom instruction; be beneficial to the educational training of pre-job and professional teachers.The study on teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction is based on human nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction study. Though people had started to pay close attention to human nonverball behavior in ancient times, thescientific research on nonverbal behavior began in modern times. Since 1950s the study on nonverbal behavior had been gradulally connected with specific vocations, including vocation of teaching. More than ten years ago, the research abroad on teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction had reached some high level. Researchers on nonverbal behavior in China before 1980 were influenced by the study on linguistics; hence studies on teachers’ behavior in classroom instruction rarely contained teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction. Since 1980 the effect of teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction was gradually considered in Chinese education and instruction. Scholars in China laid stress on introduction and interpreting works written by foreign researchers. Besides, they started to probe into teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction. Three types in studying teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction are listed as follows: copy the conclusion of the nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction study in anthropology and psychology; use for reference the conclusion of the study on nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction in other vocations; develop the characteristic study on teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction. What we should confirm is that the former study on teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction had made some achievement, some of which were perspective. For example, some principles which most of scholars approved of in the demand of teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction are as the following: principles of common will between teachers and students; principles of respecting students out of good will; principles of coordination without inconsistence; principles of controlling to a certain extent; principles of best arranging in groups and principles of self consciousness, etc.. Scholars knew that teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction was not fixed but improved though proper training.<WP=7>Besides they put forward the corresponding training methods. In a whole, however, former studies of teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction were experienced and general; most methods of which belonged to qualitative analysis, but not quantitative analysis; most of the studies were description of macroscopic but not microcosmic; teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction was always analyzed in an ideal state but not in a practical state. So the quantifying study on teachers’ nonverbal behavior in classroom instruction i

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