

Study on Railway Network Plan in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张松涛

【导师】 朱从兵;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国近代铁路史的研究,是中国近代史研究的重要组成部分。铁路规划是铁路建设的先决条件,对于铁路规划思想的研究,也是铁路史研究的重要环节。在中国近代铁路史的研究中,对铁路规划思想的研究非常薄弱,仍需开拓和创新。中国铁路建设是在晚清才发生的,由于中国半殖民地半封建的社会性质,铁路建设经历着艰难曲折的历程,铁路路网规划思想也表现着特有的时代性、政治倾向性等特征。因此,对此方面的研究需要综合运用历史学、政治学、经济学、社会学等多种学科的理论和方法,通过对晚清铁路路网规划思想的发展,透视中国近代以来的社会变迁。自从1840年鸦片战争之后,中国开始一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会。而此时的西方列强已开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义,即帝国主义过渡。资本主义经济的规律之一在于侵夺国际市场,而国外市场的扩大和深化,也有赖于该国交通的发展程度。因此,在中国修筑陆上通道——铁路,更有着殖民扩张的特殊意义。随着铁路知识在中国的传播和清政府对铁路价值认识的步步深入,对铁路的态度也有拒办、筹办、试办发展到“毅然兴办”转化过程。铁路路网规划问题也是随着铁路建设进程而产生发展的。首先是洋务派因运煤等方面的需要,修建了中国自办的第一条铁路——唐胥铁路,路网规划问题此时还没有提上谈论日程。后来唐胥铁路展筑至阎庄、大沽、天津等处,逐渐成为北洋防务的一部分,路网规划思想也随之初步形成。在中法战争和中日战争之后,大规模铁路建设才成为清政府的既定政策,朝野上下,仁者见仁,智者见智,对铁路问题各抒己见,路网规划问题也有了很大发展。这一时期,铁路建设的方式主要是由国家筹集资金办理,但由于国内资金的短少,清政府主要还是通过向国外贷款为主要的筹资方式,这就导致了路权的大量外溢。在20世纪初,由于收回利权运动的兴起,各地出现了商办铁路的高潮,但由于各省各自为政,各分畛域,统一问题便突显于外,最后由邮传部收回进行了统一规划,路网规划思想也更进一步发展。随着路网规划问题的不断发展,晚清对路网规划的一些基本原则也有了更加深入的认识。大体上有三个原则,即(一)关于铁路路网规划的总原则,主要包括“统筹全局”的思想和“由腹达边”的思想;(二)关于铁路路网规划的具体原则,主要包括四个方面:第一,关于路网规划的政治原则,其主要考虑到路网规划要以政治中心为本位的原则;社会稳定和开通社会风气的原则;铁路与吏治、赈济等方面的原则;第二,关于路网规划的经济原则,主要是考虑到与富强国家,兼顾各产业发展的原则;与洋争利的原则;沿线矿藏和经济开发的原则等;第三,关于路网规划的军事原则,这也是铁路建筑的初衷,是中国近代铁路修筑的原始动力。在路网规划时充分注意到铁路在国防、边防以及军事征调方面的意义;第四,关于路网规划的工程原则,资金缺乏是后发展国家普遍存在的问题,所以在规划时要注意先从地势较易处、近水处和繁富处修起的原则。(三)关于铁路路网<WP=4>规划的实施原则,主要包括先分干支和分段修筑的原则。基于以上各方面原则的考虑,形成了一系列铁路路网规划设想。其主流主要是以北京为中心的铁路路网规划和以武汉为中心的路网规划。首先最早对中国进行路网规划的是英国人斯蒂文生,后有中国的薛福成。其次,是以李鸿章为首的洋务派,规划设想主要是以海防为目的,以京师为中心的铁路路网规划;再次,是以张之洞为首,较单纯的军事目的更进一层,侧重于“利民”、“利商”,以武汉为中心的铁路路网规划思想。最后是商办铁路时期的路网规划设想和干路国有政策时期的路网规划设想,这些从局部和整体的路网规划设想,都有力地促进了铁路建设的进程。通过对晚清铁路路网规划思想的透视,可以从一个新的角度找到铁路路网规划思想与晚清社会的关系,体现在半殖民地半封建社会下,铁路路网规划思想所反映的近代中国社会半殖民地的历史特征;经济落后的特征和半封建的政治政治倾向性等特征;进而从一定层面上反映中国社会向现代化迈进的艰难性。对于晚清的路网规划思想,在其评述形成过程的同时,广泛而复杂地涉及到中国近代的政治、经济、国际关系等各个方面,对于铁路规划思想与社会间的互动,政治事件对规划思想形成所影响的深度等问题,都还有待于作进一步的探讨。

【Abstract】 Study on history of China modern railway is an important part in the study of China modern history. Railway plan is precondition of railway construction, but the study of railway plan thought is an important link of railway history, too. In the study of China modern railway history, research on railway plan thought is very weak and still needs to open up and innovate. China railway construction took place till Late Qing Dynasty. Because of China semi-colonial and semi-feudal social nature, Railway construction went through difficult and arduous course, railway network plan thought displaying peculiar era nature, political tendentiousness, and so on. So study on this respect needs to synthetically take advantage of theories and methods in history science, politics, economics, sociology etc. Probing into the social changes of China modern times with the development of railway network plan thought in Late Qing Dynasty.China was becoming semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step after the Opium War (1840-1842). And the Western imperialist powers at this moment had already begun transition from non-monopoly capitalism to monopoly capitalism, namely, imperialism. One of the laws of capitalist economy lies in that seizes the international market, and the enlargement and promotion of the overseas market mainly depended on the development degree of traffic in the country. So, building the passageway on land in China --The railway, even more there was a special meaning of colonial expansion. With railway knowledge spreading in China and Qing government deepened knowing the value of railway gradually, it’s attitude toward railway developing from refusal, making arrangements for, running as an experiment to " set up resolutely ". Problem of Railway network plan would produce and develop with the process of railway construction, too. Firstly, Westernization group built 1st railway that Chinese manage by oneself -Tangxu railway because of the need of transporting coal and so on, while problem of railway network plan was not talked about at this moment. Then, Tangxu railway continued to build and reached Yanzhuang, Dagu, Tianjin, etc; which was becoming a part of Beiyang’s defense; Network plan thought took shape gradually with it. After Sino-French war and Sino-Japanese war, the extensive railway construction just became the set policy of Qing Government, The royal court from senior officials to junior officials, different people having different views, issuing one’s own views to railway, network planning problem had grown a lot on the way, too. This period, the manner of railway construction mainly was to raise funds by the states, but because of the deficient of domestic funds, to borrow from abroad was the main fund-raising way to be used by Qing Government. Which had resulted in the overflowing in a large amount of rights. At the beginning of the 20th century, because of movement rise of regaining economic rights, all parts appeared the climax, which businessmen ran railway, but because each province did things in his own way, reunification problem was conspicuous to deal with. Finally the Ministry of Post and Transportation regained all railway rights and carried on unified planning, railway network plan thought went still one step further. With the development of railway network planning problem continually, the people in Late Qing had deep understanding to some basic principle of planning on network plan. On the whole, including four main respects: First, about political principles of railway network plan, which mainly considered that network plans to satisfy the principle taking political center as standard; the principle of the social stability and enlightening people’s mind; the principle of the railway and administration of local officials and reliving, etc; Second, about the economic principles of railway network plan, considering mainly the<WP=6>principle of prosperous and strong country and every industry development; the principle of fighting for the profit with the foreigners; the principle

【关键词】 晚清铁路路网规划思想
【Key words】 The Late Qing Dynastyrailwaynetwork planthought
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】480

