

A Study of the Status Quo of the Elementary Education in Baise and Its Countermeasures to WTO

【作者】 张明达

【导师】 訚金童;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 经过长达15年的艰苦谈判,中国终于在2001年11月10日加入世界贸易组织(简称WTO)。加入WTO是我国融入世界经济主流的重要战略选择,标志着我国对外开放进入了一个新的阶段,符合我国的根本利益和长远利益。面对WTO对教育的挑战,国家教育部部长陈至立在《我国加入WTO对教育的影响及对策研究》一文中提出如下对策:“1.要对教育战略地位认识的新觉醒,加快教育事业发展。2.调整人才培养结构,适应经济结构调整的需要。3.深化改革,提高质量,增加我国教育的竞争能力。4.加强职业培训,建立终身教育体系。5.扩大教育开放力度,积极开拓国际教育市场。”陈至立同志提出的教育应对WTO的五条对策具有宏观指导作用。加入WTO,对百色市的基础教育的发展与改革,既有机遇,又有挑战,为了实现百色市基础教育的跨越式发展,对入世开展对策研究是很有必要的。本论文在介绍我国加入WTO对教育服务的承诺和分析了百色市基础教育发展现状及加入WTO对百色市基础教育的影响之后,提出了百色市基础教育应对入世的五条对策。对策之一,树立一种教育新观念:教育是一种服务;要把教育看成是一种服务,把教育的对象变成服务的对象,真正落实教育服务社会主义经济建设,服务人的发展的目标,做到以学生为中心,以社会需求为向导,最大限度向社会提供优质的教育服务。对策之二,贯彻一种新的教育发展战略:推进基础教育均衡发展。均衡发展既是义务教育的本质要求,也是现代教育的本质要求,更是我们社会主义制度的必然要求,同时也是现代社会发展的必然要求。现在开始实行“以县为主”的教育管理体制,教师工资由县统一发放。可以说,已经初步具备了促进均衡发展的条件和体制上的保证。对策之三,抓住一个关键:教师队伍建设。针对百色市基础教育教师队伍的现状,建议采取如下措施: 1.树立新的教师观。教师应是一位爱心宽容的指导者、关怀者;同时应是一位民主平等的参与者、促进者。2.培养合作型教师。3.培养复合型教师。4.培养服务型教师。5.狠抓教师的培训和制度化管理。对策之四,明确一个核心:提高教育质量是生命线。加入WTO后,竞争机制和市场的准入会促使办学者切实树立质量意识和服务意识,通过高质量的教育服务,求得自身生存和发展。对策之五,抓紧推进教育信息化建设。教育信息化是在新的社会历史条件下社会经济发展对教育提出的必然要求,是教育现代化的基础和条件。要以信息化带动教育现代化的跨越式发展,<WP=4>逐步建立良好的网络环境,努力构筑教育信息高速公路和教育资源库,促进科技、教育资源更快、更多的注入学校,从而为西部大开发及可持续发展提供必要的智力和知识准备。本论文是一篇在教育发展现状和分析加入WTO对百色市基础教育产生影响的基础上,提出有新意的五条应对策略,其中对策之二中提出的百色市在推进基础教育均衡发展应坚持的分步推进、因地制宜、以人为本的三大原则,和要处理好的硬件建设与软件建设的关系,教育公平与效率优先的关系,示范学校与薄弱学校的关系、做好为义务教育提供服务和管理的关系等四大关系,具有指导性和针对性。所建议采取的“抓基础,加快学校设施均衡配置;积极开展教师支教;重视机制创新,改革招生考试和教育评价制度;抓重点,切实关心弱势群体四项措施体现了未“普九”地区发展的新思路。本论文是一篇中观对策研究的文章,未涉及微观层面上的探究,期望同仁后期共同深入研究。

【Abstract】 China eventually joined the World Trade Organization(WTO) on November 11th,2001,ending as long as 15 years of hard negotiations. The entry into the WTO in an important strategy for China to be involved in the main stream in the world’s economy, meaning that china’s opening policy has stepped into a new stage and conforming to its basic and long-term interests. Confronted with the challenges in education from the WTO. Comrade Chen Zhili, in her article of A Study of the Influences Over the Education and their Countermeasures after China’s Entry into the WTO, states the following countermeasures:1.The strategic position of education must be recognized anew and the development of the education cause must be accelerated; 2.The structure of talents’ training must be readjusted to adapt to the demands for adjusting the economic structure; 3.The reforms must be deepened and the quality must be improved to strengthen the competence of our education; 4.Profession training must be reinforced and a lifelong education system must be established; 5.The opening of education must be expanded strongly and our international education market must be opened up positively. These five countermeasures play a practically macro-guiding role. For the reforms and development of the elementary education in Baise, China’s entry into the WTO means both opportunities and challenges. To realize the striding development of the elementary education in Baise, it is very necessary to make an investigation on China’s entry into the WTO.This paper introduces the promises of China’s education service, analyses the status quo of the development of the elementary education and the influences over it in Baise, the puts forwards five countermeasures for the elementary education in Baise due to China’s entry into the WTO: 1.A new concept of education must be built up: Education means service: students must be considered as the object of the service so as to significantly fulfill the service to socialist economic construction and the one to human being’s development. Students put in the center and guided by the social demands, education service with high quality must be offered to the society to a maximum; 2.A new strategy for developing education must be implemented: The balanced development of the elementary education must be pushed on , which is the essential demands of the compulsory education and modern education, and the inevitable ones of the socialist system and the development of modern society. At present, and administrative system of education, teachers’ salary being issued consistently by the county, is initiated, preliminarily qualified for guaranteeing the conditions and systems of promoting the balanced development; 3.A crux must be stressed to strengthen the teachers’ quality, In accordance with the status quo of teachers in the elementary education in Baise, the following measures are suppose to be taken: Ⅰ.A new outlook of being a teacher must be acquired: A teacher should be both an instructor and a concern-shower with love and lenience; At the same time should participate in and promote democracy and equality. Ⅱ.Teachers cooperate with each other should be trained; Ⅲ.Comprehensive teachers should be trained; Ⅳ Teachers with concept of service should be trained;Ⅴ Teachers’training and administration must be strengthened. 4.A core, the improvement of education quality being the lifeblood, must be made definite. After China’s entry into the WTO, the competence and the market will make the school runners conscientiously aware of the importance of quality and service so that they must struggle for existence and develop themselves; 5.The<WP=6>information construction in education must be strengthened and promoted, which is the inevitable demands of education because social economy development in the new social history. The information construction must be used to motivate the striding development of educational modernization, so a fine net invirernment must be gradually established, and the information express highway of education and

【关键词】 WTO百色市基础教育对策
【Key words】 WTOBaiseelementary educationcountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【下载频次】109

