

The Disquisition on Chen Ruoxi’s Buddhism Novel

【作者】 杨菲

【导师】 姚代亮;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 陈若曦是一位高产且创作生命力顽强的台湾土著华文女作家。在八十年代中后期,海内外曾掀起热及一时的“陈若曦研究”,对作家和作品的研究论文散见于各个学刊杂志。但进入九十年代,与陈若曦积极活跃的创作状况形成反差的是:国内学界以她为对象的研究相对滞后。《慧心莲》和《重返桃花源》是她最新出版的两部佛教小说,这两部小说在台湾引起了重大的反响。但截至目前为止,关于这两部佛教小说,大陆学界只出现过一篇评论(即夏培文《微妙香洁的宝莲花——读陈若曦小说<慧心莲>》,世界华文文学论坛,2002年第2期)涉及《慧心莲》,而且仅仅是停留在介绍故事梗概的层面。陈若曦的《慧心莲》和《重返桃花源》,议题关怀的焦点在女性与台湾当代佛教现象之关系,尤其着重在比丘尼与佛教之关系。女性与佛教,是一个既传统又现代的议题,正因女性与佛教是相当普遍而平凡的议题,没有成为众小说捕捉鲜奇的焦点,陈若曦的这两部佛教小说就尤为引人注目,而探讨其中的精神内涵就更带有典型性与普遍意义。陈若曦在两本佛教小说里,以浅白、写实的笔法,向我们展示了现代社会台湾众多女性出家的现实与原因,并特别指出造成八、九十年代大批高学历女性出家的原因与佛教在台湾发展的历史背景、台湾当时的社会状况及佛教自身的变革是息息相关的。两部小说着重描述了承依、元真、勤礼、元智等四位比丘尼的佛门生涯,隐晦地告诉读者或许佛教根本就不能作为女性的生命归宿,它只能是一种辅助女性好好生活的方式;女性的桃花源之所在,终归是指向一个清明的自我。陈若曦还在《慧心莲》和《重返桃花源》这两部佛教小说中向人们展示了其内心对佛教世界真正面貌的诠释,并形象地表达了她对佛教与人性的省思。通过陈若曦的佛教小说,读者会渐渐悟到人类及生存环境中所有的苦难和罪恶,皆来源于人心中的贪欲和愚痴。在这个层面上,她意欲借用菩提王国的慈悲精神去净化人心,振兴健朗人性,从而提供改造社会、改造环境的良方。陈若曦在饱含热情地礼赞了菩提王国慈悲济世的一面后,又义正严词地披露了佛教世界中错综复<WP=5>杂的黑暗现象、陈规旧矩和人性丑陋的一面,表现出她对佛教文化的反思与批评。作者在佛教小说中所描写的人物人性与尘俗社会中的没有什么区别,对女性的歧视与侵犯,对权力金钱的追逐和聚敛让人们发现佛界中人其实也是普通凡人一个,也有着内心的狂妄自大与放纵贪婪,让人领悟佛人的人性与俗人的人性都是一样的,单靠颂经念佛是无法尽除内心孽障的,人性中的劣根性并不会因为出家就得到净化。可见佛教世界并不是真正的“人间净土”,它原本就是一个微缩似的尘俗社会,但“人间净土”依旧令人向往。随着大陆和台湾社会学佛现象的增多,但反映这方面社会现实的文学作品却少而又少,陈若曦这两本佛教小说的出现可谓弥足珍贵。它们不仅折射了台湾的社会现实,也反映了作者眼中佛教的真实面目,为大陆学界认识国内佛教兴盛的状况提供了宝贵的文学资料和观点看法。而对于陈若曦自己的写作生涯来说,佛教小说是一种新的尝试,是其题材上开拓性的创作;给予喜爱她的读者眼前一亮的感觉,也给佛教小说这个甚少人涉及的领域里添加了两部不可多得的好作品。

【Abstract】 Chen Ruoxi is a Chinese-language authoress, original inhabitant of Taiwan. In the middle and late period of the 1980s, the study of Chen Ruoxi raised hot both at home and in abroad. The theses of study on writer and works sporadically appeared in many academy periodical magazines. Enter the 1990s , contrast to the active creation of Chen Ruoxi , the research has been lagged behind far away. "Wisdom Lotus" and "Return To The Peach Garden" are the Buddhism novels that she has published up to now. These two novels have caused the great response in Taiwan. But up to now, about these two Buddhism novels, the domestic educational circles has only presented one comment , which involving the novel "Wisdom Lotus", and staying at the introduction of the story. These two Buddhism novels’ subject focuses on the relationship of women and contemporary Buddhism of Taiwan , especially on the relationship between Bhiksuni and Buddhism. The topic of women and Buddhism is not only traditional but also modern. As the topic is quite common, it has not become the fresh and strange focus for many novels to catch. The two novels are particularly noticeable, it will show a universal significance if we probe into the spiritual intension among them.The two Buddhism novels show the realities and reasons that the women becoming Bhiksunies in the modern society of Taiwan. The author especially points out that the reason is mostly related to the historical background, society status and the Buddhism changes of modern Taiwan. Two novels describe the Buddhism life of four Bhiksunies. Perhaps, the author want to tell readers secretly that Buddhism can not be regarded as the end-result of women.The author also shows her annotation to the world of Buddhism, expresses the thinking of Buddhism and the human nature vividly. Through the Buddhism<WP=7>novel, readers will realize that all suffering and crime come from the hearts of people. The author reveals the fact that the world of Buddhism is just a micro-society, not a Pure Land, but all the people are still looking forward to the Pure Land.The two Buddhism novels refract the social reality of Taiwan, reflect the true appearance of Buddhism in author’s eyes. The Buddhism novel is one new try and the pioneering creation on author’s career life.

【关键词】 陈若曦佛教小说比丘尼佛教人性
【Key words】 Chen RuoxiBuddhism novelBhiksuniBuddhismHuman nature
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】168

