

Logical Semantic Analysis on Transitional Complex Sentences in Modern Chinese

【作者】 刘永红

【导师】 范先钢;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 关于现代汉语转折复句的问题,学界早有论述并且已经取得很大成绩,但仍然存在未解决的问题,本文试图通过数理逻辑中的命题逻辑理论以及传统逻辑范畴的预设、蕴涵等理论,进一步考察转折复句的语义内涵和语义关系,验证语言学家对转折复句所下的一些结论和解决转折复句研究中还存在的一些问题。文章主体共分四部分。第一部分,转折复句的逻辑语义内涵。指出转折复句最基本、最广泛的逻辑语义关系就是蕴涵对立,也就是说,在人们看来“A”在大多数情况下蕴涵了“非B”,这时蕴涵的非B与实际的B相反,构成对立。根据转折复句分句间的逻辑事理关系,我们将转折复句分为对比性转折、补充性转折、让步性转折三大类。第二部分,转折复句的语义结构规则。总结出人们使用转折复句时所遵循的四条语义结构规则,通过数理逻辑命题公式及求简化范式的演算,解释和验证了转折复句结构语义规则的正确性。第三部分,转折复句间的联系和变换。通过求简化范式,我们发现转折复句各子类的联系和区别,他们有共同的语义基础,通过实例转换,我们发现它们又各有特性,在形式上有联接词的差别,在表达作用上也各有不同,同时发现了六条转换的规律。第四部分,转折复句的语意重心。通过对转折复句语意重心的求证,我们知道转折复句的语意重心在正句B上,多重转折复句“虽然……但是……因此(因为)……”的层次划分在转折复句语意重心问题解决后,也得到解决,应是第一层为转折,第二层为因果。本文的创新之处主要有:(1)比较全面考察转折复句的逻辑语义内涵,对其进行重新分类。(2)首次讨论转折复句语义结构规则,并对其进行深入解释。(3)通过数理逻辑手段揭示转折复句子类间的联系变化。(4)求证转折复句的语意重心,验证语言学界两个比较有分歧的问题。

【Abstract】 Quite a few articles have been written on the transitional complex sentences, and have got great achievement. It still has some questions. this article will give a logical semantic analysis to prove and settle some questions by the way of mathematical logical matrix ,traditional presupposition and traditional implication.The paper’s main body includes four sections.The first section points out that implicating opponent is primary relationship of logical semantic in transitional complex sentences .we think that "A" implicates "?B". In fact, "?B" is against to "B" .We can divide the transitional complex sentences into three groups by the relationship of logic. They are contrastive transitional complex sentence,additional transitional complex sentence and concessionary transitional complex sentence. The second section summarizes four rules of semantic structure in transitional complex sentences. we have proved those rules correctly by the way of mathematical logical matrix and prepositional formula.The third section explores relationships and differences of all kinds of transitional complex sentences by way of reduced canonical form. They have common semantic basis. In the same time , we find six rules of conversion in transitional complex sentences.The fourth section proves the semantic stress of transitional complex sentences lay on the main clause (B). We find the stage of the complex sentence "suiran……danshi……yinci(yinwei)……". The first stage is transition. The second stage is sequence.There are some new achievements in this paper. (1)It investigates logical semantic in transitional complex sentences allroundly and divides it into three groups.(2)It firstly discusses rules of semantic structure in transitional complex sentences.(3)It finds relationships and differences of all kinds of transitional complex sentences by way of mathematical logic.(4)It proves the semantic stress of transitional complex sentences.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】694

