

A Research on the Instructional Strategy of Infiltrating Environmental Education in the Teaching of Chemistry for Normal School

【作者】 黄忠东

【导师】 文庆城;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 人类社会经过几千年的发展,在取得辉煌文明的同时,也面临全球人口、健康、粮食、能源、资源、环境等的威胁。在这样情况下,渗透环境教育,可以让学生了解这些情况及可能带来的严重后果,促使他们产生危机感和紧迫感,并且培养学生关注人类生存和发展的责任感,使他们成为具有良好环保意识和环保行为的高素质公民,从而促进人类生存和社会的可持续发展。通过对建构主义理论、绿色化学理论及可持续发展理论的深入研究,我们认识到这三个理论有很密切的联系。建构主义学习理论把“情境”、“协作”、“会话”、“意义建构”作为学习环境的四要素。它强调以自主性、探究性为基础,通过学生自己的自主学习、主动建构事物的意义,从而获得知识、技能、态度和方法。而绿色化学的目的是培养学生自觉防止环境污染的行为和意识。可持续发展理论,从根本上说,就是要促进人类和自然的和谐。绿色化学是实现可持续发展的一条重要途径。为了达到提高学生的环保意识和环保能力的目的,我们通过以环境问题为情境的设计,在学生自主探究、合作学习的基础上,通过学生的主体感受、实践体验,进行渗透环境教育知识的意义建构。这样,不仅有利于学生的知识获得,而且也有利于提高他们的环保意识和环保行为,树立可持续发展观念。而在以往渗透环境教育的中师化学教学理论和实践研究中,对如何综合地运用建构主义理论、绿色化学理论及可持续发展理论于渗透环境教育的化学教学中的研究很少涉及,为此我们建构了以三种理论为基础,在中师化学教学中渗透环境教育的教育原则和教学策略,以期通过遵循渗透环境教育的教学原则,运用良好的渗透环境教学策略,提高学生的环保意识和绿色化学实验设计能力。在认真研究了建构主义理论、绿色化学理论及可持续发展理论的基础上,我们提出了在中师化学教学中渗透环境教育的教学原则和教学策略。以广西合浦师范学校三年级的008班为实验班,进行实验研究,以同年级的009班为对比班。在化学教学中,我们运用渗透环境教育的教学原则(绿色化学实验原则;主体感受、体验的原则;环保结构(环境)<WP=6>与认知结构(已有知识经验)相结合原则;环境教育校本课程与国家课程相结合原则;师范性与示范性相结合原则;实践性原则)和教学策略(全渗性策略;绿色化学实验策略;通过研究性学习渗透环保教育策略;开展多种形式活动策略)对实验班进行教学,而对比班则以常规教学方式进行教学。在实验班的化学教学中,我们根据不同的教学内容,依据渗透环境教育的教学原则和教学策略,构建了各具特色的渗透环境教育的教学课型:如绿色化学实验设计教学;废物回收利用的教学;研究性学习教学)。另外,我们还通过专题讲座,开展社会调查、现代多媒体演示等活动,对实验班进行渗透环境教育。经过半年的教学实验,我们对这两个班进行了定量和定性的测评(通过环境意识调查问卷和绿色化学实验设计对两个班进行定量分析;通过访谈方式对两个班进行定性分析)测评结果表明:在教学中运用渗透环境教育的教学原则和教学策略进行教学的实验班,在环保意识、绿色化学实验设计能力方面比实施常规教学的对比班有显著提高,在定量分析的对比中,两个班存在显著差异,而且在学生的学业成绩、学习兴趣方面,实验班也比对比班提高的程度大。实验结果初步说明,在中师化学教学中,运用我们构建的渗透环境教育的教学原则和教学策略进行环境教育是可行的,而且效果明显。当然,由于我们的理论水平有限和不足,在研究方法、研究过程方面还有待进一步完善和发展,研究结果还待进一步的实践检验。

【Abstract】 Mankind society has gained brilliant civilization through a history of thousands of years and meanwhile it is also facing the threaten of the world population, health, grain, energy sources, natural resources and so on. Under such circumstance, infiltration of environmental education may let students understand these circumstances and probably brings about serious consequence. It makes them produce the feeling of impending crisis and the sense of urgency, moreover it fosters students<WP=8>to concern about the responsibility of mankind’s existence and development, and makes them become the citizens which possess good mentality and behavior of environmental protection. Thus, it promotes the sustainable development of mankind’s existence and society.Through the deep study of the theories of constructivism, green chemistry and sustainable development ,we find that these three theories are intimately related .Constructivism learning theory considered "context", "cooperation", "conversation", and "meaning construction" as the four basic factors of leaning environment. Constructivism emphasized that students gain knowledge, mastery of skill, manners and method by means of students’ subjective learning and initiative construction of the meaning of a thing on the base of subjectivity and investigation. And the goal of green chemistry is that we develop the behavior and consciousness which students spontaneously prevent pollution. In essence, the theory of sustainable development is to promote the harmoniousness of mankind and nature. Green chemistry is an important way to realize sustainable development. In order to attain the aim of the mentality of environmental protection and the ability of environmental protection, we carry out the meaning construction on the knowledge of infiltrating environmental education through the design of the context on environmental problem, students’ subjective and learning through<WP=9>practice on the base of subjective investigation and cooperative-learning. In this way, it is beneficial not only to attain of students’ knowledge, but also to the improvement of their mentality of environmental protection and their behavior of environmental protection, and this will set up the ideas of sustainable development. But in the former studies theory and practice in infiltrating environmental education in chemistry teaching for normal school, the studies on how to comprehensively apply constructivism theory, theory on green chemistry and the theory of sustainable development to the chemistry teaching of infiltrating education are seldom concerned. With this purpose, we construct the teaching principles and teaching strategies of infiltrating environmental education on the base of these three theories, so as to improve the mentality of environmental protection and the ability of the experimental design on green chemistry by following the teaching principles of infiltrating environmental education and utilization of good teaching strategy of infiltrating environmental education .Having carefully studied theories of constructivism theory, theory on green chemistry and theory of sustainable development, we propose the teaching principles and teaching strategies of infiltrating environmental education in chemistry teaching for normal school. With class 8, Grade 2,HuPu normal school as the experimental class, we<WP=10>constructed experimental study, and the same grade ’s class 9 as the correlation class. In chemistry teaching of the experimental class, we utilized the teaching principles and teaching of infiltrating environmental education .For example: Principle of Experiment on Green Chemistry; Principle of Subjective Feeling and Learning Through Practice; Principle of Combining Structure of Environmental Protection (Surroundings) with Cognition Structure (Experience); Principle of Combining School-based Curriculum on Environmental Education with National Curriculum; Principle of Combining Teacher-training with Demonstration; Practice Principle; Strategy of Infiltrating Environm

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【下载频次】376

