

Talent、Appearance、Loyal and Steadfast

【作者】 黄若萍

【导师】 黄伟林;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 我国传统文化中,对于男女形象的书写有一些固定的模式,例如“男才女貌”、“女子无才便是德”;又如对“失贞”的女性持极端严苛态度而宽容甚至纵容男性的“性自由”。其实这些都是男性中心主义的表现,它深刻而持久地影响着我国的文学创作。在女性主义西风东渐的今天,不但女作家们由于女性意识觉醒而创作了一大批令人耳目一新的作品,男作家们无疑也一样受到女性主义的影响,固有的思想观念会受到冲击,这种影响和冲击一样会在他们的文学创作中表现出来。因此,本文将对“有才”的男女、“有貌”的男女、“失贞”的男女在两性写作文本中的形象进行比较分析,来探讨跨世纪时期男女两性对性别关系设想的相同及差异。人物的外表形象对他或她在小说中的命运的影响,在男女作家笔下有所不同,其中即包含了男女两性对于自己这一性及另一性的理想。男性理想中的女性必须是外表美丽的,男性心目中的男性,其长相的美却是极为次要的,这种处理其实从某个方面显示了男性高度张扬的自信。而女性理想中的男性和女性都具有美的外貌,这一方面显示了她们作为美的欣赏者这种女性主体意识的崛起,另一方面,其实也在一定程度上显示了她们对于女性性别的缺乏自信。对于男性而言,有智慧、有才华既是他们对于自身的要求,也是女性对他们的期待。但是,男人因为有才华而自信甚至自负,女人却只是把是否有才华当作衡量男性优秀与否的一个前提。另一方面,自古以来“无才便是德”的女性的才华,在当今社会中也得到了正视,女性作家和男性作家的笔下都出现了知识女性的形象,表现了她们在这个物化社会中的无奈与辛酸,但其目的并非一样。前者表达了女性意识觉醒的女性希望获得一方明朗、自由而宁谥的天空的理想;暗寓着一种浪漫主义的理想色彩,后者则是冷冰冰的现实。无论如何,女性已经闯入了这个曾经是清一色男性世界的社会里,接受也好拒斥也好,这是事实。在中国这一现实场景中,已经不可能再有什么超级男子汉去支撑人生的苍穹,有的只是男人和女人共同面对的沉重、艰辛而生机无穷的日常生活。在这个纷纭复杂波诡云谲的社会中摸爬滚打,必得付出极大的精力和心血,无论男女,都会有疲倦的感觉,都会需要安慰,也都会由于在疲倦时得不到期望中的安慰而痛苦和伤感。因此,在一个家庭里,工作着的丈夫和妻子之间,冲突肯定不可避免,对对方的理解及相互之间的沟通就显得特别重要。也没必要像某些激进的女权主义者那样,动辄把夫妻之间日常生活中的冲突上升到男女性别之战的高度来加以批判,<WP=4>那样不但于事无补,反而只能适得其反,更加扩大男女之间的“性沟”,男女之间的和谐共处局面将因此而更加遥不可及了。性本来是一件很自然平常的事,然而长期以来,它一直以不自然的状态存在于人们的生活和心理中,这当然也同时影响到文学。表现为在文学中对性闭口不谈或大加批判。这一现象直到八十年代中后期才有了转变。此时,“性”在经历了对禁区的冲决之后,开始不加掩饰地在文学中出场,并与新的经济生活中的人生行为相呼应,成为世纪末独特的文化风景。女性小说中对女性婚外性行为最常见的有两种解释:一是由于“性”原欲的萌动,二是由于“情”动于中无法自拔。男性对自身的婚外性行为最为普遍的一种解释,就是把它当作一种生活方式,在潜意识里是把婚外性行为当成了“三妻四妾”之梦想的模拟实现。女性作家则往往把“失贞”男性塑造成可笑、可悲或者是可恶的形象,其实就是要对“男性天生具有性自由”的传统观念进行反拨。男性对女性婚外性行为的解释,与来自女性的解释也不完全一样。刚刚从长期所受的压抑中解脱出来,获得言说权利的女性,她们的生命利比多被女性主义的高扬燃烧得汹涌澎湃之际,她们的话语,便不由自主的带上了一些理想化的色彩。男作家的目光也许显得更加清醒和理智。他们明白:女性的婚外性行为与男性的婚外性行为一样,是会产生恶劣后果的。无论如何,男作家们在小说中表现出来的对女性婚外性行为的理解和同情,是值得女性,尤其是女性主义者注意的,毕竟它表明了男性对女性在最关键的“性”方面的态度已经发生根本性的改变,这对于男女两性和谐局面的实现,也是一个好的信号。解决两性关系的终极目标应该是两性的和谐,而并不是要以别种权力(女权)代替此种权力(男权)、以别种(女性)偏执代替此种(男性)偏执。虽然在中国也有一些女性的和男性的作家和评论家开始思考如何能在反抗男性歧视的过程中既避免因张扬女性价值而重蹈变相的性别主义——女性至上的偏激态度,又能够彻底走出屈从男性、向男性倾斜的心理定势,但至少从目前看来,还没有出现成熟的、可以完美诠释这一愿望的文本。当然,从社会实践的意义来说,有了正确的目标,便有了努力的方向。男人与女人同等地面对着世界的温情与灾难,两性是朋友而非敌人。女性的自由、解放,男女两性和谐局面的实现,有待于两性进一步相互沟通,进一步超越自我,超越性别差别。两性的理解与合作将是人类文明发展的必然结果。

【Abstract】 In traditional civilization of our country, as for men and women some built-in models were written, such as "the man is able and the woman is beautiful " and "the woman who hasn’t talent is virtuous"; and the female who lost her chastity was sternly treated and the male had sexual liberty. These all were the shows of male sex center doctrine actually, and it influenced the literature creation of our country deeply and lastingly. Today the female sex doctrine disseminated in our country from the west, not only the female writers but the male writers had been aroused by it. They had been creating one batch of works that made us finding something fresh and new. This thesis will see through the similarities and difference about the sexual concept by delving into the characters of the male and female’s works who had talent or had good-looking or lost their chastity. The appearance of the characters influenced their destiny in novels, and it hinted the male and female’s envisagement about the sexual relation. In man’s eyes, the ideal woman must has beautiful appearance, and the man’s outward appearance was not important. And this kind of arrangement showed the male sex self-confidence. In woman’s eyes, the ideal man and woman all possessed the beautiful appearance, on the one hand it showed the rising of the female consciousness, on the other hand it showed that they lacked confidence for the female sex. Man and woman all consider it important that a man had talent. The male were self-confident or conceited for their talent, but the female only considered it an essential prerequisite if a man was excellent. And the female’s ability was faced squarely today, there were many female characters who had ability in the male and female’s novels. The male and female writers revealed the women’s helplessness and sadness, but their purpose was different. The former revealed the callous social reality, and the latter expressed the female’s ideal that they hope to gain one side which is bright and clear and freely. Women has entered into the society which had belonged to men in one time. It was impossible already that superman uphold the life. Working in the society which is complicated and ruthless, man and woman all must paid very big<WP=7>energy and painstaking, and the conflict between wife and husband was inevitable, so promoting mutual understanding was very important. It wasn’t necessary that some radical feminist consider the conflict between husband and wife as the combat between men and women. Sex was a very naturally originally, however for a long time, it was existed in life and the mentality of people with the unnatural state, and this also influenced the literature at the same time certainly. Showing in literature was refusing to say anything about it or adding great criticism. This phenomenon was changed today. Now " the sex" began to come on the stage in literature. The woman’s sexual behavior outward marriage in the female’s novels had two kinds of explanations: for libido or for the innermost feeling. The most universal explanation about the man’s sexual behavior outward marriage was regarding it the way of life in the male’s novels. But in the female’s novels, the male characters who lost their chastity were laughable and sad and hateful; in the man’s novels, the explanation of the woman’s sexual behavior outward marriage was also completely not as with the explanation that came from the female. The women who freed themselves from the long-term sexual suppression manifested some idealizations. Perhaps the sight of male writers looked more reasonable. They understood: not only the male’s but also the female’s sexual behavior outside the wed would give rise to the odious consequence. The understanding and pity concerned the female’s sexual behavior out the wed in the male’s novels was a good signal as for the realization of harmonious aspect between men and women. The ultimate objective to solve the sexual relations should be the harmoniousness of both sexes, and should not substitute this kind

  • 【分类号】I207.42
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