

On the Construction of Ethic Institutionalization

【作者】 古晓峰

【导师】 欧阳林;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 以现代化为导向的当代中国改革开放,是一场深刻的社会变革。在这场已经进行和正在进行的社会变革中,人们的思想道德观念发生了亘古未有的变化,严峻的社会现实将实践的目的性问题也严肃地摆到每一位炎黄子孙面前。为此,人们积极探索各种方法、方式,以增强道德建设的实效。但是,长期以来理论界对道德建设的研究着眼点放在加强和改进道德教育上,偏重于道德的内在养成机制,对道德建设的外在调控的制度约束机制谈论较少。这种模式上的“失衡”是道德建设不能取得应有实效的重要原因。本文正是基于以上认识,以道德建设的制度约束机制为切入点,对道德制度化建设作了一个初步的尝试。当前,理论界对制度伦理的研究主要集中在概念的表述上,因此,道德制度化建设首先需要对其概念和特征进行厘定,并阐明其在现实生活中的必要性。在道德建设中,将一些基本的、抽象的、不固定的道德观念、道德原则赋予“刚”性的光环,使道德成为普遍的、明晰的、具有强制约束性的现实制度力量的手段和过程的统一,称之为道德制度化。通过道德制度化的道德具有道德和制度的双重特征,除了具有一般道德特征外,还具有如下特征:1、权威性和强制性;2、平等性和可操作性;3、直接性和普遍适用性;4 、转换性与目的性 。 道德制度化不是将道德与制度的简单混合,也不是将制度、法律从形式上加诸道德的运作,而是制度与道德之间,既有外在的关联,又有内在契合的有机结合。道德制度化建设是由我国的道德国情决定的,它对于维护社会生活的基本秩序有重要的意义。1、道德制度化是维护市场经济健康运行的重要保证;2、道德制度化是重塑道德权威的重要途径;3、道德制度化是促进社会稳定的需要。道德制度化作为改进道德建设的重要途径,建构的可行性在于:(一)道德建设的内在规律的要求,这是理解道德制度化建设可行性和摆脱道德建设单一模式的关键。无论从道德建设的重要内容之一的道德教育,还是从个体道德活动机制来看,他律的制度建设都是个体道德生成和发展为自律的基础和前提。(二)道德调控与制度调控相辅相成,两者呈现为一种互补互动关系,并且有其内在的机理。其中包括:1、互补的基础:道德和制度的同一性。2、互补的条件:道德与制度的相异性。3、互补的体现:道德与制度的相容性。(三)道德制度化蕴含的功能的要求,从道德制度化具有的、对社会有益的内在价值角度来阐明道德制度化在道德建设中的地位和作用。总的来说,主要有以下功能:1、辐射功能;2、扬弃功能;3、指引功能。现实生活中,如何科学、合理地进行道德制度化的建构是当前加强和改进道德建设的迫切任务。(一)从道德制度化建构原则来看,主要包括:1、弹性、适度原则。坚持这一原则是建构活动的前提,有利于把握道德与制度的关系定位;2、公正、公开原则。这一原则是建<WP=4>构实践的关键和核心,有助于道德制度化在社会生活实践中的有效实施;3、稳定、发展原则。这是取得建构实践的严肃性、科学性、统一性的保证。(二)从道德制度化建构范围来看,道德制度化的范围就是全体公民或特定群体都应该而且必须做到的基本的道德要求、道德准则。这一范围蕴含两层含义:一是由于制度性道德属于对人们的基本要求,所以制度约束相对人应该而且必须做到;二是由于制度性道德是要面对所有人的,所以它只能是一些基本的道德要求。这一范围定位实际上又是对道德制度化的另一种限定,即那些超越这种基本要求的较高层次的道德要求不能被制度化。从道德制度化建构内容而言,主要包括:1、道德立法。它作为加强“硬”件建设的一项具体内容,是当前道德制度化建设的应有之义。2、道德监督制度。道德的自律特征和社会功能赖以发挥的他律性,是道德社会监督成为必需的缘由所在。道德的社会监督,由群众监督、组织监督和法律监督三部分组成。3、道德赏罚制度。这是道德制度化建设的另一项重要内容,它在道德建设中占有不容忽视的地位和作用。道德制度化建设从总体上而言是方向性的,并不是把它视为道德建设的唯一途径或看成是包治百病的药方,良好的道德建设效果是多方面“合力”作用的结果。因此,人们在不断加强和改进道德教育的同时,辅之以道德制度化建设,使道德建设处于“内”与“外”、 “软”与“硬”的互动之中,是克服当前道德建设“失衡”症结,走出道德建设效果低迷状态的希望所在。

【Abstract】 Aiming at modernization, the contemporary reform and opening-up in China has brought about profound changes to people’s ethical concepts, and the purposive problem of the practice has been brought seriously to all members of Chinese nation. Therefore, all kinds of methods and ways are explored actively so as to increase positive effects of the ethic construction. However, the research of the ethic construction has been focused for long on strengthening and improving moral education, which lays particular stress on the self-improvement mechanism of ethic and meanwhile little about the externally restraint mechanism which is the core of regulating mechanism of the ethic construction. This "imbalance" is responsible for failure due results in the ethic construction. Basing on this recognition and understanding, this thesis tries to a tentative discussion about the construction of ethic institutionalization starting from its institutionally restraining mechanism. At present, since the research of institutional ethics is mainly focused on its terminology, the construction of ethic institutionalization should give its first priority to the collation of its concepts and nature, and clarify its necessity in our social life. In the ethic construction, some basic, abstract and changeable ethic values and ethic principles are added a quality of "rigidity" to make ethics become a combination of the process and tool of the exiting system, a combination that is general, clear and full of compulsory force. This is called the ethic institutionalization. The institutionalized ethic have characteristics of ethics and of institutions, and apart from its universal characteristics, the ethics has the following one: (1) Authoritative and compulsory; (2) equal and operational;(3) direct and generally-applicable; (4) transformable and purposive. The ethic institutionalization is neither a simple mixture of ethics and system nor a forced operation imposed on ethics from the outer patterns of system and law, but an organic combination of system and ethics, which embraces the outer links and the inner agreement of the two. The construction of ethic institutionalization is caters for the current situation of our country’s ethics, which is very important in guaranteeing the basic order of social life. First, it is an important assurance for<WP=6>protecting the healthy running of the market-oriented economy. Second, it is an important way for reestablishing of the authority of ethics. Third, it is needed for the stability of our society.As an important way of improving ethic construction, the feasibility of ethic institutionalization lies in (I) the inherent law of ethic construction is the key to understand the feasibility construction of the ethic institutionalization, and the key to avoid the one-way of ethic construction concerned. From both the moral education and part of the individuals, the institution construction of outside-discipline is the basis and premise of the shaping of one’s ethics and the basis and premise for one to become self-disciplined. (II) the regulation of ethics and that of the system supplements each other, and they show a mutual and interacting relation and they has their inner mechanism, including (1) the foundation of the supplement of each other: the homogeneous nature of ethics and institution;(2) the condition of the supplement of each other: the heterogeneous of ethics and institution; (3) the realization of supplement of each other: system and ethics are compatible with each other. (III) the function embraced in the ethic institutionalization expresses the role it plays in ethic construction from its inner values that are benefit to the society. All in all, it mainly has these functions: (1) spreading and influencing;(2) discarding function; (3) guiding function.Today, how to make ethic institutionalization in a scientific and reasonable way has become an urgent task for us. On the principles of construction, ethic institutionalization should mainly include: (1)flexible and appropriate: This is

【关键词】 道德制度化必要性可行性建构
【Key words】 ethic institutionalizationnecessityfeasibilityconstruction
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】356

