

Mechanical Design and Analysis of the Cable and Cabin System of Large Radio Telescope

【作者】 赵泽

【导师】 段宝岩;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国拟在贵州建造世界上最大、口径达500m的先导天线大射电望远镜阵(FAST项目)。由于FAST的工作频率高,馈源的定位精度要求高,因而,采用何种结构方式实现馈源扫描跟踪运动成为项目成败的关键。段宝岩教授提出了以悬索支撑馈源的初级平台、将Stewart平台并联机构固定于初级平台,由悬索的初调和Stewart平台的精调共同完成馈源的高精度定位控制的方案。课题源于中科院知识创新工程与国家自然科学基金项目“大射电望远镜馈源支撑与指向跟踪系统仿真与实验研究”,基于上述背景,本文的目的在于:将悬索馈源支撑概念具体化;分析并解决项目工程实施中可能遇到的机械技术方面的关键问题;完成5m、50m缩比模型的设计;支持项目的实验仿真;为500m工程的实施奠定基础。从运动、动力、功用几方面分析了大射电望远镜悬索馈源支撑系统机械的特点,本文将其分解为悬索驱动装置、支撑塔顶上的导向机构、馈源舱三个主要部分,在应用数学、力学等方法对各部分的设计方案进行比较、分析、综合和论证的基础上,研究了各机械部分所特有的问题与解决对策:提出了将驱动装置与悬索布置相结合的设计思想;解决了悬索支撑塔顶导向轮承受斜向拉力的问题;从运动、受力及结构方面深入研究了悬索与馈源舱的连接。通过结构、机构、强度、工艺等设计逐步完成整个模型的机械设计。通过模型的设计、加工制造、安装调试及其机械性能的测试,取得了大量有关馈源支撑机械设计的一手资料。两年多来,模型的正常运行证明了本文机械设计的合理性、有效性以及在500m工程中的可推广性。作为“大射电望远镜馈源支撑与指向跟踪系统仿真与实验研究”重要的组成部分,系统机械与项目其它内容一同于2002年2月成功地通过了中科院组织的验收。为保证500m工程机械的顺利实施,还必须开展以下几方面的研究:1.使用何种动力驱动(如液压伺服驱动)及何种安全制动方式仍需针对500m工程的实际具体研究。2.500m工程实际中,馈源舱的直径达6m,重量为20t。由于其结构形式与LT5m、50m模型馈源舱不完全相同,因而,需对馈源舱结构形式做深入研究。3.支撑塔上防止悬索脱落还可采用其它方法解决,并应作更深入的研究。

【Abstract】 China hopes to build the Largest Radio Telescope (namely FAST) in the world. Because of the very strict demand on the tracking precision, the mechanical design of the telescope becomes a key of the project. Professor Duan Baoyan proposed an innovative optomechatronic design project of large radio telescope: using six cables to control the feed cabin to which a Stewart platform is connected. The elementary adjustment of cables and the fine-adjustment of Stewart platform cooperate together to reach the precision demand.The thesis aims at concretizing the design project, studying and solving the mechanical problems. To reach the aims, an indoor 5m model and an outdoor 50m model are designed respectively by the author which lay solid foundation for FAST.LT mechanism is divided into three main parts: cable drivers, structure on the top of cable tower and the cabin. The characteristics and special requirement of the mechanical structures are analyzed in detail and the corresponding design proposal is developed firstly. Then the final design of mechanical structures is proposed by means of analysis, comparison and proof methodology. Finally, both indoor 5m model and outdoor 50m experiment model have been built.By the design, the manufacture, the assemblage, the adjustment and the tests of both the indoor 5m model and the outdoor 50m model, many datum on supporting cable are obtained. A lot of site experiment on model are made to demonstrate the design. To carry out LT500m project, the following researches should be done further:1. To study further driving power and safely breaking way, such as using hydraulic power.2. Cabin in the model is not completely similar to that in 500m project, so the structure of Cabin also should be further probed.3. Other ways also can be used as Structure of Protecting Cable from Lapsing.

  • 【分类号】TH743
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】264

