

Construction Control and Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges with ANSYS

【作者】 于炳炎

【导师】 沈锐利; 王新敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥隧工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先回顾了国内外大跨度桥梁施工控制的历史,分析了国内外桥梁施工控制的现状;然后介绍了桥梁施工控制理论、方法以及影响桥梁施工控制的各项因素;接着深入讨论了桥梁施工控制过程中的结构模拟计算分析方法以及结构分析中需考虑的有关问题、通用大型分析软件ANSYS的功能以及应用ANSYS对桥梁施工过程进行模拟分析计算的方法。 针对建设中的小西湖矮塔斜拉桥的主体工程,结合已有的桥梁施工控制的理论和方法,利用大型通用计算软件ANSYS的基本功能,并着重在混凝土弹性计算及徐变计算方面做了相应的二次开发,采用非线性分析理论并建立了空间结构模型、用考虑剪切作用的梁单元模拟主梁、索塔和桥墩;用可考虑几何非线性的桁元模拟斜拉索、施工挂蓝作为结构单元进行拆装,参与受力计算,整个施工过程按施工循环周期分为若干阶段,每个阶段又分为四个工况,即:空挂蓝就位、浇筑完毕阶段混凝土、张拉预应力钢筋和张拉斜拉索。对该桥进行了施工过程的结构分析计算和研究。同时介绍了针对该桥的结构计算系统、结构测试系统和误差分析系统以及预报系统,得出了有一定价值的结论并分析了具体计算中的一些问题,以便今后做进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 In the paper, construction controlling on long span bridge both domestic and abroad was reviewed and it’s status is analyzed at first, then the theory, method and contributing factor of bridge construction controlling was recommended; at last the analysis and accounting method of structure modeling, to be considered in structure analyzing, function of the software "ANSYS" and the method in which the "ANSYS" was used to analysis and account the bridge construction process were discussed in-details.Aiming at main project of the Xiaoxihu bridge, a low pylon cable-stayed bridge, based on the existing theory and method of the bridge construction controlling theory, using the basic function of "ANSYS", farther exploitation was done on concrete elasticity and creep calculating distinguishingly, nonlinearity analysis theory was used to construct the space model, the main beam, string pylon and abutment were simulated by the beam elements which was considered the shearing effect. Which is worthy of considering that using the geometric non-linear truss elements to simulate the stayed-cable, form traveler is modeled as structure elements and participate in stress analysis. Four stages are used to model the construction stage, which are: (1) the erection of form traveler; (2) placing the segmental concrete; (3) jacking the tendons; (4) tensioning the stay cables. The construction controlling system, consisting of structure analysis system, testing system, error estimation system and results prediction system is induced. Some useful results are get, which can be used to guide the future construction projects. In the end, the problems exists are also given in details, which shall be solved in the future.

  • 【分类号】U445
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1120

