

The Renovation of Railway Roadbed Disease on Yangan

【作者】 葛如生

【导师】 李成辉; 毛致创;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 土木与建筑, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 膨胀土是一种由膨胀性粘土矿物所组成的、超固结、多裂隙的高塑性粘土,它具有较显著的胀缩性、超固结性和多裂隙性以及具有吸水膨胀软化,失水收缩开裂,反复变形,强度大幅衰减等特征。 阳安铁路修建于70年代初期,全长355公里,其中路基长度230公里。其中又有一半以上的路基是处于膨胀土地段。由于路基土质所特有的不良的工程性质。使阳安线基床病害十分严重,其中基床翻浆及下沉十分突出,它直接影响到轨道的稳定。使轨道几何尺寸难以保持,经常造成晃车,一到雨季轨道面上及道床上全是泥浆以致无法行走,行车安全受到严重威胁。甚至被迫设置病害慢行。同时也是影响铁路大提速和实现养路机械化的重要限制因素之一。因此对于运营铁路来说。如何有效地整治膨胀土地段的基床病害是摆在我们面前的一大难题。 本文通过对从事铁路路基工作近20年的工作实践,通过对阳安线铁路膨胀土地段路基基床变形及其防治的理论研究。对阳安线膨胀土的工程地质性质,基床病害的种类、产生原因,条件及特征进行了综合分析和研究。本文密切结合现场工作实践,采取综合分析,总结和创新的思路,对其病害的整治方法、施工方法、及施工组织进行了系统的研究。本文创造性地提出了“用生石灰桩加三合土封面整治基床下沉”和用铺设塑料排水板整治基床翻浆冒泥的方案,并对施工方法进行了技术创新,研制出用矮型工字钢梁架空线路的方法。本文不仅从理论上论述了本方案的可行性,并且通过对相关施工工艺的控制。从实践上证明了本方案的优越性。 通过对本工程的实践效果来看,本文所研究的方案具有先进性和实用性,解决了关键生产技术上的难题,具有较显著的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The expansion soil on YangAn railway roadbed cause many diseaseses, such as mud pumping, ballast pocket and settlement and extrusion, etc. when being serious there are too mud on sleeper and roadbed to walk on it, it is hard to keep the size of geometry of the track and often cause the car shaking and influence the security of the driving seriously. Sometime it had to set up disease sign to restrict the vehicle velocity.Through investigation and analysis, this thesis put forward that the roadbed disease are caused by the surface water’ s softening of the base soil with bad nature. With the raise of the water containing rate, the shear strength drop, and easy cause ballast pocket. Ballast run into the roadbed’ s top layer, conduce soil liquefaction under the repeated train loading. When the train pass, because of the rise and reduction of the pressure by function of sucking and releasing the hole water pressure of nearby the top layer increases, mud rises from the interstice of the roadbed and rise to the surface of roadbed.This thesis consider that dealing with the roadbed disease should be the improvement in expansionsoil property on one hand, should be isolated the surface water to influence the roadbed on the other hand; Strengthen maintenance work; keep the railway line’ s good state, reduce the stress of the roadbed.There are varied method to deal with the mud pumping problem, I think isolate surface water using plastic board is the most effective method at present. ( use geotechnical cloth in tunnels, playing the role in filtering the groundwater), using lime and mixed soil to improvethe nature soil property, And using the geotechnical form to improve the strength of the roadbed.We put forward the rational renovation according to the reason of the disease characteristic and has renovated the inflation roadbed disease section of the YangAn railway line. The renovate result is obvious. Result indicate that the renovate and measure scheme is correct, the work have sure guidance functions to renovate other railway line disease.

  • 【分类号】U216
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】169

