

The Research on Performance Management of Binhai Commercial Bank

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 杨季美;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 结合近几年来国内外有关绩效管理的理论和实务,以及多年来在企业人力资源管理工作特别是绩效管理实践中积累的一些经验,笔者对滨海商业银行的绩效管理进行了深入的分析研究。以此案例分析为线索,形成了这篇关于现代绩效管理的理论与具体实践相结合的实战性的文章。 本文开篇对滨海商业银行这个研究对象进行了简要地介绍,并结合滨海商业银行的历史发展进程及当前国内金融业的形势着重分析其人力资源管理现状,在此基础上引出正题,从实施战略目标、灌输企业文化、设计公平合理的薪酬分配体制、科学有效地选拔调配人才、有的放矢地进行员工培训开发等方面指出了滨海商业银行进行绩效管理的必要性。 为了给滨海商业银行设计系统有效的绩效管理体系,本文从绩效概念出发,循序渐进地对绩效、绩效考评、绩效管理的定义及特点进行了说明,对绩效管理的概念、系统构架、基本程序等基础理论和方法进行分析阐述,就其与人力资源其他环节的关系方面阐明了“绩效管理是人力资源管理的核心”的观点。 在绩效管理基础理论的指导下,笔者将绩效管理的普遍原理与滨海商业银行的企业个体特征有机地结合起来,对滨海商业银行的绩效管理提出了一系列的解决思路和方案,量体裁衣地对其进行绩效管理方案设计。 本文从绩效计划的制定与实施,绩效考评与反馈等方面着手,为滨海商业银行制定了一套体系化的绩效管理系统,着重对关键绩效指标体系的确定,绩效管理中的培训、沟通、信息收集与监督控制,绩效考评方案的设计及反馈面谈等绩效管理的关键环节进行了深刻的剖析和详尽的说明,并对上述重点难点问题的处理提出了笔者的意见。 文末,笔者特别对影响绩效管理实施的一系列因素,如组织文化、组织结构、高层主管的态度、员工的态度、管理者能力和领导方式等进行了分析阐述, 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第n页在此基础上提出滨海商业银行和类似企业在进行绩效管理时应注意规避的几大误区,并结合笔者近几年的人力资源管理实践工作经验,对滨海商业银行及同类企业如何成功进行绩效管理提出了几点具有建设意义的意见。

【Abstract】 Based on principles and practices of performance management both at home and abroad for the past few years, taking advantage of experience accumulated through years of HRM, specially performance management, the writer conducts an in-depth study and analysis on performance management of Binhai Commercial Bank. This practice-oriented paper is established within the framework of BCB case, with a focus on the combination of principles and practices of up-to-date performance management.Brief introduction of the subject, BCB, is given at the first part. Development history of BCB is analyzed together with the current situation of domestic financial industry, with special emphasis attached to the status of HRM. The theme is thus developed that it’s necessary to implement performance management within BCB, taking into consideration the pursuit of strategic target, the nurturing of corporate culture, the design of reasonable remuneration package, the scientific nomination and promotion of talented employees and target-oriented staff training.To have an efficient performance management system up and running within BCB, the paper deliberates on the definition and characteristics of performance, performance evaluation and performance management. Systematic explanation is presented for the fundamental principles and methodologies, including definition of performance management, system architecture and general procedures. The point is made that, due to relations with other sectors of HRM, ’performance management is the core of HRM’.As guided by fundamental principles, the writer associates the general principleswith the detailed characteristics of BCB. A solution package and a customized implementation program are offered for BCB’s performance management.The paper demonstrates a performance management system for BCB covering planning, implementation, evaluation and feedback. Detailed analysis and explanation are given to the such KPI, training, communication, information collection and monitoring & control of performance management, design of evaluation program and feedback interview, etc. The writer also point out her personal opinions for the most challenging points as listed above.The final part specifies on a series of factors influencing the implementation of performance management, including corporate culture, corporate structure, executive approach, staff approach, executive competitiveness and management style. It highlights the major pitfalls BCB and similar enterprises shall try to keep clear of in implementing performance management. Telling from experience with HRM during the past few years, the author offers some constructive proposals on the successful implementation by BCB and similar enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】404

