

The Research Focused on Key Management Chains for Shenzhen Blue Coast Estate Project

【作者】 魏志峰

【导师】 胡扬;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 项目管理引入我国时间并不长,但得到了很广泛的应用。本文通过对深圳蔚蓝海岸房产项目的研究,提出了“全程项目管理”的概念,即从前期的需求研究和市场开发到后期的营运收回投资的全过程管理。随着市场竞争的愈加激烈,传统的“成本—质量—工期”的三要素项目管理已经远远不能适应当今日趋激烈的市场竞争。 项目的核心环节与企业的核心价值链有着密切的关系,论文探讨了如何通过项目的运做提高企业的竞争力以配合公司的战略。 本文用实例论述了在项目的不同阶段如何把握相应的管理重点和方法,指出项目管理是从单一管理方法—基准比较—持续改进永无休止的循环,完善了项目生命周期的概念。 将项目目标进行有效地分解,将其转化为工作授权协议(PWAA)和分包合同(Subcontract),根据项目管理基准,对每项任务进行跟踪和控制,是贯穿本文的主线。本文建立了项目的计划和控制模型,并用实例说明了如何进行及时有效的沟通和建立项目管理信息系统(PMIS)。 本文主要采用案例研究的方法,同时结合文献研究和调查访谈,在现有的项目理论和模式的基础上,提出了房地产项目管理的新理念和模式。对于如何提高我国企业,尤其房地产企业的项目管理水平,具有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 Project Management is not a new concept to all of us, but used widely during these years. Through the study of Shenzhen blue coach real estate Project, this thesis put forward the concept of "Whole Stage Project Management" which refers to the management from the Market Survey, Demands Analysis to Operation and Investment Payback stage. The thesis has listed the key management points of each stage and set up relevant new methods on how to manage a project effectively. Obviously, traditional "Cost-Quality-Schedule" concept can’ t keep up with today’ s rapid changing environment. New management concepts, new models and methods need to be introduced into today’ s project management.The key project elements are related to the Core Value Chain from an organization, the thesis has discussed how to improve an organization’ s competition through project management. Effective project plan need to divide project objectives and deliverables into smaller, manageable components until they can be defined in sufficient details to support Project Work Authorizing Agreement (PWAA) and Subcontract, and then follow up this plan, takes corrective action where necessary. The thesis has set up Project Plan and Control Mode, and discussed how to communicate efficiently and timely, how to set up effective Project Information Management System.The thesis is mainly based on Case study, meanwhile the author has made a lot of investigations to support his theory. In thisthesis, several new concepts and models on project management have been put forwarded.How to improve Chinese enterprises, especially some real estate companies’ project management level? The thesis is very helpful both in theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】166

