

Pipeline Design and Construction Competitor Study in the Domestic and International Market

【作者】 邹晓波

【导师】 王友顺; 王广礼;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的,就是通过研究和剖析与中国石油天然气管道局(以下简称CPPLB)在管道设计与施工建设方面业务相近的若干国内相关企业,通过案例分析,从不同角度进行专题研究,“知己知彼,百战不殆”,以便为CPPLB的发展壮大和科学决策提供有效的依据。 本文分为四个章节进行系统的阐述: 第一章节,全面陈述了我国油气管道的发展经历及今后十年我国管道建设的宏伟蓝图,进一步肯定了管道建设将在国民经济建设中所发挥更重要的作用。同时也回顾了在过去的三十年中,作为中国管道建设主力军的CPPLB在为国家能源经济建设中所做出的“丰功伟绩”。 第二章节,简单分析了国内目前在油气管道建中设计与施工方面的竞争格局,在陈述CPPLB行业性质的同时,进一步陈述和分析了在目前机制转换多变和市场竞争日益激烈的背景下,CPPLB在管道设计和施工方面所面临的各路竞争对手的实际情况。 第三章节,比较全面的对国内管道建设的市场进行了分析研究,既看到了随着国家经济建设速度的稳步上升,我们又迎来“经济血脉”即管道建设的新高潮,同时也以诸多案例为证,客观地指出随着国内市场尤其是行业市场的不断开放,培养了一批在管道设计和施工建设方面具有一定实力的竞争对手,对CPPLB在管道设计和施工方面均形成了较大的冲击波。研究分析中,既看到CPPLB以往实力和品牌的优势,同时也指出与各大油田所属的设计院和油建公司的不足之处。 第四章节,根据第一、二、三等三个章节,为CPPLB如何应对这样的复杂局面提出了自己的较为全面和具有一定水准的建设性意见,希望通过这样的研究对企业的发展具有一定的指导作用。 CPPLB作为过去计划体制下的特大型国有企业,既有过去长期“垄断”行业的霸主风范,同时也有对今天市场多变的不相适应之出。但为了企业的长期发展,就要放下“老大哥”的架子,认真分析和研究自己的竞争对手,借助以往的综合技术优势,真正成为国内管道建设大军中一艘永不言败的“航空母舰”。

【Abstract】 The purpose of the article is to provide effective reference for the development and policy-making of China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (i. e. CPPLB) according to study and analyze the similar enterprises to CPPLB in pipeline design and construction.The paper has four chapters:In chapter one, the author makes a comprehensive presentation about the development of the oil & gas pipeline industry in China and its blueprint in the coming 10 years, further confirms that pipelines will play more important role in the development of the country’s economy. The paper also shows that CPPLB, which is the main force of China’s pipeline construction industry, has made great achievement for the nation’s energy development in the past 30 years.In chapter two, the author explains the competitive pattern of the design & construction of oil and gas pipelines in China. The paper also demonstrates the competitive status of CPPLB’s (i.e. China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau) competitors in pipeline design and construction under the background of changeful management mechanism and increasingly severe market.In chapter three, the author makes a comprehensive analyze of the nation’s pipeline construction market. On the one hand, the author points out that we have met the new pinnacle of pipeline construction with the country’s increasingly fast economic development. And on the other hand, there emerge quite a number of strong competitors which have deeply influenced CPPLB because of the more opening market. From the analyze, we can not only see CPPLB’s advantages in respect of its strength and brand, but also its disadvantages compare with the related construction companies in the oil fields.In chapter four, the author brings forward his suggestions for CPPLB’s further development under such complex situation.CPPLB, as the oversize state-owned enterprise under the planned system, still has its hegemonic appearance. And meanwhile, it sometimes does not accommodate to the changeful market well. But the author points out that it has to lay down the attitude of acting as the Big Brother and analyze & study seriously about its competitors. Only by doing these and upon its comprehensive technical advantages, CPPLB can stand as an never sinking aircraft carrier.

【关键词】 竞争对手设计施工案例市场对策
  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】201

