

Conformity Study of Enterprise Episteme Capital and Core Competition

【作者】 胡建真

【导师】 康灿华; 徐斌;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 十多年来,学术界和企业家一直试图通过以竞争力为基础的努力(competence based approach)来获得企业可持续竞争优势(sustaining competitive advantage,SCA)。尽管大家对于核心竞争力的功能和作用的认识已趋于一致,但是关于核心竞争力的定义和内涵至今尚无定论。目前来看,国内外的研究者对企业核心竞争力存在着不同的定义。 核心竞争力定义的模糊不清,导致了对其内涵理解上的分歧。本文认为要分析企业核心竞争力的本质,必须以核心竞争力的表现形式和依附载体分析为前提。前者研究一个企业的核心竞争力是以何种形式反映出来的,而后者探究企业核心竞争力存在于何种载体之中。核心竞争力的表现形式有格式化知识、能力、专长、信息、企业价值观等,这些不同形式的核心竞争力,存在于人、组织、环境、资产/设备等不同的载体之中。因此,可以认为企业核心竞争力的本质是企业特有的知识和资源。 知识资本就是指企业所有无形资产的总和,它是现代公司维持正常运转不可或缺的因素。它可以用企业资产的市场价值与账面价值之间的差额来衡量。企业的核心竞争力必须是以其隐形知识为基础,因为隐性知识不公开、内容模糊、无法传授、使用中难以觉察、复杂而又自成体系的缘故,核心竞争力才具有“普遍模糊”的特点。因此“核心竞争力也可以被认为是关于如何协调企业各种资源用途的知识形式”。从系统的观点来看,企业知识资本和核心竞争力作为企业的两个子系统,两者之间存在着复杂而密切的关系,因此,研究两者之间的关系对于企业而言具有重要意义。 本文旨在通过研究企业核心竞争力与知识资本的关系,找出两者整合的办法来,以指导企业尽快培育出有自己特色的核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 Over the past ten years, scholars and entrepreneurs have always been trying to make corporations acquire sustaining competitive advantage through competence based approach. Though most people tend to attain an agreement on the function of core competence, there still many arguments on the definition and connotation of core competence. For the present, there are various definitions on core competence given by researchers of our country or foreign countries.Different definition on core competence lead to a divergence in understanding the connotation of core competence. The author believe that what core competence behave and what it is depended on are the premise in order to analyze the essence of core competence. The former concern in what form a corporation reflect it’s core competence; the latter concern what carrier contains core competence.. The form of expression of core competence include formatting knowledge, ability, specialty, information and corporation attitude of value. These core competence in various forms exists in different carriers including man, organization, environment , assets and equipments. Therefore, the essence of corporation core competence is it’s special knowledge and resource.Knowledge capital is the summation of total intangible assets in a corporation, it is an essential factor to maintain a corporation’s regular operation. Knowledge capital can be measured by the odds between the market value of the corporation’s assets and account value of them . Corporation core competence must based on it’s hidden knowledge. Because hidden knowledge needn’t to be avowed,; it’s contents are blurring and can not be passed on; it is difficult to perceive it’s existence ; it is complicated and systematic. Core competence is provided with common blurring characteristics. Core competence is also taken for knowledge form coordinating various resources of the corporation. From systematic perspectives, as two sub-systems in a corporation, knowledge capital system has complicated and close relations to core competence system, so it is important to probe the relations between the two sub-systems.Researching on the relations between core competence and knowledge capital, the author want to find a way to help corporations developing their core competence through integrating core competence and knowledge capital.

【关键词】 知识资本核心竞争力整合
【Key words】 knowledge capitalcore competenceintegration
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】331

