

The Studies on the Debt Highway Construction in Hubei Province

【作者】 陈爱早

【导师】 黄长江;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “贷款修路,收费还贷”,自1984年收费公路政策在我国实施以来,我国的公路建设进入了快速发展的时期。收费公路按其管理方式的不同分为经营性收费公路和收费还贷收费公路。在新增公路的投资结构中,银行贷款是最主要的资金来源。收费公路政策在为公路行业带来建设资金的同时,也带来了日益沉重的债务负担。如何利用“贷款修路,收费还贷”政策,发展公路建设,消除收费公路还贷压力可能带来的财务隐患,已成为迫切需要研究并解决的问题。 本论文以湖北省交通厅课题《公路建设债务负担问题研究》为依托,理论联系实际,对湖北省公路建设的债务问题进行研究,目的在于根据湖北省“十五”和“十一五”期公路发展要求和目标,分析研究湖北省收费公路建设过程中:债务结构的合理性,债务规模的适度性,债务风险的潜在性,偿债空间的局限性等,找出湖北省公路负债建设过程中存在的问题,使公路建设保持合理的负债结构与规模,适时控制公路债务风险,使湖北省公路建设在能充分利用收费公路政策的同时,持续健康有序地发展,促进湖北经济的高速发展。 本论文首先分析了湖北省公路建设的现状及问题。由于公路建设、债务的增长与经济环境密切相关,所以,本文从国民生产总值、社会商品总额、汽车保有量、人口总数四个方面对湖北省经济形势进行了分析与预测。湖北经济的快速发展态势对公路建设提出了更高的要求,目前的公路不能满足经济的发展需要,公路仍然是经济发展的“瓶颈”,因此必须加大公路建设的投入。并分析了收费还贷和经营性公路的负债、通行费收支情况,从分析中可以看出湖北省公路建设过程中还存在若干问题,诸如公路需求与建设、收入与支出、分制与集制的矛盾等。 为了更进一步了解公路建设负债情况,本文分别对收费还贷公路和经营性公路设置指标体系来对公路建设的合理债务水平进行分析。并对湖北收费还贷公路和高速经营性公路分别从整体上和典型个例上进行了指标的计算与分析,得出结论:湖北省高速经营公路的偿还债务的能力有盈余,收费还贷公路由于车辆分流等原因,其还本付息的能力不及高速经营公路。 为了及时控制贷款规模,降低债务风险,本论文对湖北省2003—2010 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文年公路建设的债务空间进行了测算。结合湖北省交通“十五”和“十一五”规划,根据收费还贷公路和经营性收费公路 1999年一2002年的历史数据,对各地市、各重点工程项目进行通行费收入和支出的预测,进而汇总出全省至 20 0年各年度的通行费收支水平及债务空间。 最后论文在上述分析研究的基础上对湖北省公路建设债务问题提出对策与建议。为了有效地解决公路建设发展过程中的问题,规避债务风险,本文建议从以下五方面采取措施:l、狠抓增收节支,提高还本付息的能力;2、实行债务移植,减轻收费还贷压力;3、增加财政投入,加快农村路网建设。4、增加其他收入;5、争取社会投资。

【Abstract】 Since the highway constructing policy of constructing with loans and repaying with charges was applied to China in 1984, highway construction in China has entered into a rapidly developing stage. Highways with charges can be classified into two kinds: charging highways on the basis of commercial operating and highways on the basis of borrowing-repaying. Among the financial structural of newly constructed highways, the loans from banks play a key role. The policy of charging highway, on the one hand, provides an essential capital resource for construction, it leads to an increasing loan burden on the other hand. So, how to make full use of the policy of constructing with loans and repaying with charges to develop the highway system and avoid the risks of financial structural has become a focus in many research programs.This article is a part of the research program sponsored by the transportation office of Hubei Province. Holding the principle of integrating theory into practices, the article studied some issues derived from the debt structural in highway construction, and the aim is to analyze the safety level of financial structural, the feasibility of the level of debt and the upper limit of the level of debt and etc.. On this basis, the article tried to confine the problems arose from the highway construction in Hubei Province and feasible debt structural and scale. The policy implication is to control the debt risks and promote the construction of highway in Hubei Province into a orderly and healthy path which can do good to the province’s economy.First, this article discussed the present situation and troubles confronted in the highway construction of Hubei Province. With consideration that the highway construction and debt increase are tightly tied with the macroeconomic environment, the article predicted the province’s economic situation from the following four aspects: GNP, the total amount of products, the amount of motor vehicles and the population. We find that in Hubei Province the highway system is still a bottle-neck for economic development and the construction of the highway system should be promoted. This article also made a comparative studyof financial performances between the two patterns of highway construction: charging highways on the basis of commercial operating and highways on the basis of borrowing-repaying. We find there are some problems such as conflicts between the demand and construction of highways, the input and output in the construction and the concentration and de-concentration in the management system of the highway.In order to examine the debt situation of highway construction in more detail, this article analyzes the reasonable level of debts on highway construction with its own separate ratios system for charging highways on the basis of commercial operating and highways on the basis of borrowing-repaying. Moreover, this article computes and analyzes the ratios under the two systems from the point of total and typical cases. So we can conclude that in Hubei Province the ability of repaying debts of charging highways on the basis of commercial operating is surplus; the same ability of highways on the basis of borrowing-repaying is poorer because of diffluence of vehicles.In order to control the level of loans timely and decrease the debt risk, this article reckons the extent of debts of highway construction from 2003-2010 in Hubei Province. On this basis and with combination of The Tenth Five and The Eleventh Five Plan, we predict the revenues and expenses of traffic charges and summarize its annual level of traffic charges and the extent of debts in the next seven years.Finally, this article proposes some measures to deal with the highway construction’s debts in Hubei Province. In order to handle the questions and avoid the debt risk, we will take three kinds of measures; that is, (l)In order to improve the ability of repayment of principals and interests, increase revenues and cut off expenditures;(2)Transplant the debts to alleviate the pressure of rep

  • 【分类号】F542.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】232

