

The Research of Human-Machine Interface Design

【作者】 霍发仁

【导师】 陈汗青;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 1、本文研究的背景 随着科技渗透到我们的日常生活中,用户界面的出现日益普遍,其主要形式有:数字产品(信息产品)的使用操作界面,如手机、PDA、mp3播放器;电脑软件界面以及网页界面等。随着电子技术的发展,尤其是科技应用带给人类的愉悦和体验,电子数字产品必将更加深入地影响生活的各个方面和层面。将有越来越多的关于界面的问题出现,使界面设计提上日程。主要表现为: (1)对许多以微电子机制的产品而言,由于功能的执行不再是传统的可感知方式,而是电子的无形运作,造成了产品外观形式无法解释和表达其内部功能及使用状态。于是在使用者与产品之间便构筑了所谓用户界面(User Interface),籍以实现人——机之间的沟通和交流。 (2)软件的设计通常是软件工程师一手包办,实现了软件的功能性,缺乏了可用性。以人为本的设计要求界面友好,也即是界面的认知性、审美性、容错性、个性化、学习性等。这对软件界面设计提出了新要求。 2、当前的研究现状 (1)界面设计成为国际关注的对象。美国将21世纪的基础研究内容分为4项,其中有一项就是人机界面。美国国防的关键技术计划不仅把人机交互界面列为软件技术发展的重要内容之一,而且专门增加了与软件技术并列的人机系统界面这项内容。日本也提出了,FPIEND21计划(Future Personalized Information Environment Development),其目标就是要开发21世纪的计算机界面。同样我国973、S-863、十五计划均将人机交互列入为主要内容。 (2)界面设计的研究正在起步,但缺乏基本理论、设计方法、设计评价等基础性的研究。大多数研究者都在总结当前现有的人机界面类型和设计指南,没有站在界面为人服务的立场上研究基本理论、设计方法、设计评价等。 3、本文研究的主要特色 (1)本文从用户的分析出发来研究人机界面,突出了“以人为本”的设计理念。在硬界面设计中从功能性、认知性、审美性、环境整体性方面对界面进行分析和设计,从而避免了工业设计中的功能与形式之争。在软界面设计中注重对人的认知分析,从而建立以界面设计为中心的软件设计框架。 (2)本文对界面设计的基本理论、设计方法、设计评价进行了系统研究,从而为界面设计的研究提供理论基础,为界面设计提供方法,为界面评价提供依据。 全文的目标是通过界面设计相关学科的交叉探讨,从人性化的角度探索界面(包括硬界面和软界面)设计的理论、方法、程序以及评价标准。

【Abstract】 1, The background of the articleWith the application of science and technology, user interface appears in our lives, whose main form has operation interface of the digital product (such as mobile telephone, PDA, mp3), the software interface of the computer and the interface of net. With the development of electron technology, especially the application of science and technology brings the joviality and experience. The electron digital product will influence deeply every aspect and lay. Because many questions on interface appear, interface design begins to arise.(1) To many products of the micro-electronic mechanism, the function can be no longer apperceived but electronic and invisible operation. The external form of the product can’t explain it’s internal function and usage appearance. User Interface appears between the user and product, which build a communication bridge.(2) The software usually is designed by software engineer, which realizes the function, but lacking the usability. The design of making people Lho center requests the interface amity. This put forward the new request to software interface designs.2. the current status of the study(1) The interface design becomes the focus of the international. The 21 centuries’ foundation research of the United States contents 4 item, which has an item called Human-Computer interface. The key technique plan of the national defense of the United States don’ t only lists the human-machine interaction as the one of the important contents of software technique develop, but also adds the content of human-machine system interface which is juxtaposed with the software technology. Japan also puts forward the FP1END21 plan (Future Personalized Information Environment Development), whose target is to develop the 21 centuries’ computer interface. At the same time, our country 973, S-863 and 15 plans all list the human-machine interaction as the main contents.(2) The research of the interface design is in the start, but lacking the foundation research of the design theories, design method and evaluation method. Most researcher only summarize the current man-machine interface type and the guidebook, who don’ t take the view of making design for human to study basic theories, design method and design evaluation etc..3. the main characteristic of the article(1) The text sets out to study the Human-Computer interface from the analysis of the user, outstanding the design principle of the" make peoplethe center". In matter interface design emphasizing the analysis of the function, cognitive, appreciate beauty and the whole environment aspect, which avoids the bewilderment of function and the form in industry design. It makes the point of the Cognitive analyze in soft interface design, which establishes software design frame which emphasizes the interface designs.(2) This article studies the basic theories, design method, design evaluation, which offers theories foundation for the study of interface, provides the method for the interface design, and offers evaluation standard. The target of the full text study the theories, method, procedure and evaluate standard on interface design from the humanized angle by the crossing of the related course.

  • 【分类号】J504
  • 【被引频次】57
  • 【下载频次】4717

