

The Transformation from Traditional Art to Modern Design

【作者】 周应斌

【导师】 潘长学;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 传统与现代是当代设计界思考的中心主题之一。日本工业设计师协会会长黑川雅之说:“人们仿佛只活在今天。事实上人生活在从过去到现在的一个完整的时间里。漫长的人类历史把种种记忆和信息注入人类基因,同时也勾画了人类未来的梦想和愿望。” 追求“现代”,不仅不能拒绝传统,恰恰必须以一个人对传统的独特感受和理解为前提。那么,“传统的”又怎样才能转型成为“现代”的? 假设有这样一个坐标系:以我们的传统文化为横轴,以我们现在的最新文化成就为纵轴。我们不断以人类的最新文化成就“反观”自己的传统,又不断以我们的传统文化“审视”人类最新的文化成就。于是,我们看到了许多过去由于认识水平原因而未看到的东西,这就是“重新发现”;我们又可以在“重新发现”的基础上进行“创新”,并展望其发展趋势。 “传统”的涵义过于空泛,“现代”也过于笼统。在这篇论文里,我不愿空泛笼统地大谈“传统”与“现代”,而是力求具体化地研究它们各自的具有代表性的形式——皮影和当前比较前沿的网络媒体。 在这篇文章中,我将皮影和网络媒体进行类比研究,发现它们共通之处:①表现元素上的一致:静止图像(皮影中是“静止的影子”)、运动的图像(皮影中是“运动的影子”)、声音;②皮影和网络互动媒体都是一种文化的载体。同时还分析了当前网络媒体的诸多弊端:①网络媒体陷入单纯追求技术,忽视文化气氛的营造;②在拓展了人的虚拟交流空间的同时,却缩小了人的社会交流的空间;社会交流空间的割裂加剧了人的显示孤独感。③拘泥于平面,很少有突破平面媒体的限制,未能溶入到人们的日常生活之中。 本文重点着眼于从皮影的演出原理、形态演变、人文社会学意义等多角度探讨了皮影艺术给网络媒体设计的启示,并在其基础上提出网络媒体概念设计方法:①互动皮影网络聊天室;②突破平面屏幕限制的网络媒体;③营造社会交流气氛的网络媒体;④智能互动广告。

【Abstract】 The relation between ’tradition’ and ’modern’ is one of the problems that our designers have been thinking. The chairman of Japanese Industrial Design Council, said, "People appear to be living only in the present ’now’. In fact people live in a continuing time of past and future. People have varied memories and inherit past information programmed in their genes throughout n long history of mankind. People are also drawing hope for future with dreams and desires. Time is captured as a continuous present.’In pursuit of ’modern’, we can’t reject ’tradition’, but must base on the particular comprehension of it. Well then, how can we transform ’tradition’ to ’modern’?Supposing there is a coordinate-our tradition as X axe and our modern culture as Y axe-on the one hand we observe tradition based on the latest cultural achievements, on the other hand we scan the latest achievements continuously based on our traditional culture. Then we can find out many points which are not cognized because of the limits of the level of cognition; we call this method as ’find newly’. Then we can innovate on premise of it, and prospect the developing trends.Tradition’ is too vague and general; ’modern’ is not specific. So I am reluctant to indulge the transform from ’tradition’ to ’modern’ in empty talk, but emphasize on their respective representative forms-shadow play and network multimedia.In this essay, we try to research shadow play and network multimedia by analogy, find out their common points: (1)The consistency of representation elements, (2)Both shadow play and network multimedia are carriers of culture. Then I analyze network multimedia shortcomings: (1)Network multimedia has been getting in the mere pursuit of technology and ignoring the construction of culture; (2)Although it expands virtual communication space, it reduces real space of social communication; (3)It was stickled in two-dimension, and can not application in social living.This article puts emphases on discussing enlightens of traditional shadowplay on current network multi-media design on multi-points of view, such as the performance principles, the evolvement of formats, cultural and social significance. And we bring forward our conceptual media design: (1)interactive network chat-room with shadow play; (2)network multimedia design without 2-dimention limitation; (3)construct network media design with social communication atmosphere; (4)interactive intellectual advertisement.

  • 【分类号】J505
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】480

