

Compare and Study on the Economic Development Model of Great Wuhan District and Jing-Jin-Tang District

【作者】 齐志

【导师】 赵玉林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 素有“九省通衢”之称的武汉经过多年的建设和发展,城市功能呈现多极化的趋势。武汉作为华中之“中心”在工业制造、商贸、交通、科教等方面的地位已显示出一定优势,其区域龙头地位日趋凸现,但作为区域中心在聚集与辐射功能方面还存在着许多不足。而京津唐地区作为中国北方的经济中心,近年来经济快速增长,区域合作不断加强,正在成为继长江三角洲、珠江三角洲之后中国经济增长的又一个强力引擎。 本文运用产业经济学、区域经济学的原理和实证分析方法,对大武汉与京津唐两地区的经济总量指标、人均指标、产业结构、主导产业、以及科技投入对经济的促进作用等经济发展的多角度进行了比较分析;在借鉴京津唐地区经济发展模式的基础上对所提出的大武汉地区经济发展模式进行了系统分析,并提出促进大武汉地区经济进一步发展的对策和建议。论文共分五章:第一章首先对经济发展、经济发展模式、区域经济发展模式的基本理论和概念进行了阐述,并重点分析了五种区域经济发展模式的概念、特点和不足,为大武汉与京津唐地区经济发展模式的比较分析奠定了的理论基础;第二章主要研究了京津唐地区的经济发展模式,具体论述了京津唐地区的发展优势、发展定位、京津唐地区发展模式的特点,其中着重指出京津唐地区经济发展模式对大武汉地区发展的借鉴作用;第三章在实证研究的基础上,利用大量的数据对大武汉与京津唐两地区的经济发展进行多角度的比较和分析,指出大武汉在经济发展中的优势与不足;第四章提出大武汉地区经济发展模式,具体阐述了大武汉地区经济发展模式的选择依据、形成特点、优势及其可行性分析;论文最后第五章在借鉴京津唐地区发展模式的基础上,从积极发挥武汉增长中心的功能、运用网状交织区域发展模式构建大武汉经济圈、以及依托区位优势加速大武汉地区产业结构的调整等三方面提出进一步促进大武汉地区经济全面发展的建议。

【Abstract】 Wuhan city is called "the thoroughfare for nine provinces" in China. Being developed and constructed for several years, her city functions have presented multipolar trends. Her foremost position of the region location is also emerged stage by stage. As the heart of Central China, Wuhan shows her advantages in manufacturing, trade, traffic, science and education, etc. But, as the heart of Central China, there are some deficiencies in Wuhan’ conglomeration and radiation function. In recent years, Jing-Jin-Tang District, which is the economic heart of North China, has exhibited her rapid growth in economics and wide enhancement in area cooperation. Subsequent to Zhujiang Delta and Changjiang Delta, she has become the third powerful engine in Chinese economic increasing now.From various starting points, this dissertation has introduced some industrial economics principles, region economics principles and positive analysis methods to compares and analyzes several important economic development indexes of Great Wuhan District and Jing-Jin-Tang District, such as general economic quantity, per capita general economic quantity, industry structure, leading industries and promotion of science and technology input for economy, etc. Then economic development model of Great Wuhan District is put forward when using the development model of Jing-Jin-Tang District for reference. Some existent deficiencies in economic development of Great Wuhan District are also analyzed in detail and some related suggestions are drawn about how to improve her economic development ulteriorly. There are five chapters hi this dissertation. Chapter 1 gives a comprehensive description about theory of economic development model; chapter 2 analyzes and illustrates the economic development model of Jing-Jin-Tang District. In chapter 3, some important economic indexes are taken into account to compare and analyze the economic force between Jing-Jin-Tang District and the great Wuhan District. Chapter 4 illustrates the economic development model of the great Wuhan District. The last chapter indicates the existent deficiencies in the economic development of the great Wuhan District. Then using the developing model of Jing-Jin-Tang District for reference, the conclusion and some suggestions are drawn about how to improve the economicxlevelopment of the great Wuhan District.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】562

