

The Aesthetic Study of City Special District, Architecture and Environment--The Inheritance and Innovation of Shanghai Early-Modern Li-Long Residential Building

【作者】 陈雪

【导师】 武星宽;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,中国城市的居住小区建设正处于一种无序或单一模仿照搬的状态;远不能适应当今世界快速变化的复杂条件;也不能体现出中国自己的文化特点。在世界各国建筑界历经多种风格更替和现代建造技术发展之后;重新审视居住空间模式存在和发展的内在底蕴;越来越主张营造更具“地域形式”和“文化形式”而不是“产品形式”的空间关系的时候;中国建筑界对城市特色居住小区建设发展模式的文化思考也显得必要而已势在必行了。 本论文在众多的城市当中选定上海这座具有浓厚殖民文化历史氛围的城市,而在住宅小区中则选定具有十分鲜明的地域性特色的里弄住宅小区,它是上海小区建筑中独一无二的传统居住类型,具有典型性。然而这种具有上海老城的“历史文脉”的建筑发展到今天已经成为当今整个上海城市风貌的破坏因素,因为历史发展到今天,绝大部份里弄已呈现出准贫民窟趋势。因此,本论文力求运用专业理论和设计方法。融合相关的社会、经济、历史等因素,将其独有的“地域文化”与“人文风情”延续下去,以挽救一种正在上海逐渐消失的居住建筑形态。本论文首先通过对上海现存的里弄住宅进行细致的调查研究工作,从里弄这种居住建筑的形成因素、类型分布、构成要素、空间形态、建筑装饰、历史演变、人文精神等几个方面,深入的进行研究分析。并且通过对北京菊儿胡同、苏州桐芳巷小区和上海新天地等成功现实案例的研究,分析在现实条件下保护与更新的近代上海里弄住宅的可实施性与现实意义。最后在此基础上,提出了既能体现时代特色,又能切合上海地方特色的里弄住宅小区承延与创新的方法,从而达到保留上海老城的“历史文脉”,使其继续在上海建筑史上续写辉煌篇章的目的。 作为当代的设计者,我们有责任有义务在灌注现代建造技术,满足大众居住要求的同时,在现代居住空间模式中进一步沿袭这种文化性。希望所总结出的具体里弄小区设计方法,对今后的上海房地产开发和旧城改造及里弄小区的规划等工作具有一定的借鉴意义与参考价值。

【Abstract】 Now, present condition that Chinese city residential building be placed in and appearance for have nothing the regular pattern or only mimicry moving, and can’t far adapt to the now world quickly complicated term that change, at the same time, it also can’t appear the own culture characteristics in china. After international community construct boundary experience successively the substitute of various styles and the construction of technique development with modern, afresh see the inside potentiality of the space mode that exist and develop, more an more lay claim to construct the more "regional form "and "culture form", not a "product form". The culture consideration of the development of the city residence space mode is also seemed to be the necessary behavior in the building boundary of china.This thesis researched on the Shanghai early-modern Li-Long residential building. Li-Long reflect the traditional regional character, and embody the unique typical example in traditional residence. However, this kind of residentia building which reflect the Shanghai cultural history have become destructiveness fact in whole image of shanghai. With the development of society and history, most of Li-Long has become the tumbledown house. Therefore, I do my best to retain this unique "regional culture" and "humanism feeling" in case of it will disappear in the future. First, I have investigation of the Li-Long residence buildings and collect many data. Then, from several aspectsof form reasons, the type of distribution, space form, decoration of building historical evolution and humanism feelings, etc. to do further research of Li-Long. Furthermore, by analyzing the internal and external reality cases, confirm the realistic meaningful of it and the possibility to put it into practice. Finally, based on above job, I put forward inheritance and innovation method to conservation and renewal of early-modern Li-Long residential building in shanghai which embody the spirit of era and regional characteristics of shanghai.As a contemporary designer, our accountabilities and duties are make useof the modern construction technique and satisfied with the public reside request. At the same time, we try our best to develop this kind of culture in the further residence ’node. At last, I hope inheritance and innovative method have reference value for the development of shanghai building in the future.

  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1057

