

Research on the Business Process Reengineering in the Commercial Bank

【作者】 王晓蕾

【导师】 邓明然;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为国民经济核心的金融业是中国承诺加入WTO之后开放的十大领域之一,商业银行如何迎接加入WTO的挑战,成为人们日益关注的问题。毫无疑问,长期处于高度政策壁垒下的银行业,尤其是商业银行不可避免地受到外资银行涌进的冲击。对于加入WTO之后高度的市场竞争形势,我国商业银行需要一个学习和适应的过程。 在借鉴和分析西方商业银行改革成功的经验时,风靡西方的银行再造成为我国商业银行改革和创新的主要方法。作为服务行业的商业银行由于业务的相似性使业务流程的差别成为商业银行的主要竞争力。处于银行再造核心的业务流程再造成为提高我国商业银行竞争力的有效途径之一。目前,关于业务流程再造的思想和概念的文献不少,但一般性的介绍居多,可操作性不强,而且主要集中在制造型企业。例如:实施银行业务流程再造如何具体展开,实施的步骤是什么,需要哪些方法,工具的支持等重要问题都还处于不明确、不系统的阶段。因此,对商业银行业务流程再造问题进行研究具有很强的理论意义和现实意义。 本文从四个部分阐述该问题。首先从技术、组织和效益入手论述商业银行业务流程再造提出的背景和研究意义,及本文研究角度和方法;然后归纳总结了商业银行业务流程所涉及的概念,其中对我国商业银行和业务流程所处特殊时期的特殊性进行了着重说明,并分析在进行业务流程再造时应该遵循的原则;再次概述适应我国商业银行业务流程再造方法的基本理念,将业务流程再造的方法与实际、简单的银行业务流程相联系对比阐述方法应用基础和应用范围,并以LCM(生命周期法)为例介绍业务流程再造实施的完整步骤;最后结合所得商业银行业务流程再造理论对工商银行综合业务系统中的资金汇划业务进行案例分析。

【Abstract】 As a core of the national economy, Finance has become one of the ten fields that Chinese government promised to open after entering into WTO. Therefore, how to face the challenges in the future for Commercial Bank has been an increasingly focus. Grown up under the political protection of Chinese government for a long time, Chinese banks, especially the commercial bank will face great challenges with foreign bank’s coming. Chinese banks need a studying and adjusted course.With the introduction of successful experiences concerned bank reforms in western countries, business reengineering as an introductive way has been put forward to apply in Commercial bank. Given the fact that the Chinese banks have similar business operation, the difference in practical process is the main competitive factor. Therefore, Business Process Reengineering has been considered as the most efficient way to improve the rival ability. Now, there are some literatures about the concept and thought of the business process reengineering. But they tend to be descriptive, but less operative, and focus more on manufacturing enterprises. Some important issues are still in the ambiguous and fractional phase.This paper is described from four perspectives. In chapter one, it analyzes the BPR’s background and researchable signification with a study of the relationship between technique, organization and profits. In chapter two, concepts on BPR are induced and summarized. Then, a simple practical process used to explain the BPR method and four analyzing tools and methods of BPR are analyzed when they engage in BPR. In the end, combined with the business re-engineering theories, a case study of colligate operation system in ICBC is introduced.

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】542

