

The Study of Anhui Culture and Regional Environment Art

【作者】 汪玥

【导师】 武星宽;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 徽州传统文化底蕴丰富,内涵深广,是我国三大区域文化(藏学、敦煌学、徽学)之一,涵盖了哲、经、史、医、科、艺诸多领域。历经早期江南越文化;山越文化;新安文化;徽州文化四个阶段,从春秋战国至南宋时期随历史的推进,逐渐成形壮大,最终走向成熟。 在具备典型的地域文化特征,而又形成体系的地域文化中,徽州文化是地域文化中的杰出代表。徽州文化在许多方面都有深刻的创造与发展,形成独立的风格与流派,并具有地域性的文化因子。这些因子与徽州独特的自然风情、民风民俗、历史文化、宗教信仰相结合,展现给我们富有文化内涵的徽州地域环境艺术。 当今,人们经历了高科技,现代化的洗礼之后,越来越向往一种人文自然的回归。在传统城区西递,宏村被联合国正式列入世界文化遗产的同时,徽州特有的自然风光和众多的文化遗存也自然成为人们向往的精神家园。笔者生在徽州,长在徽州,作为研究环境艺术的学人,理应把握时代潮流,对徽州传统文化和地域环境艺术进行发掘和研究。 徽州传统建筑艺术、环境空间、装饰艺术、色彩艺术、民间艺术中无不折射出徽州传统文化特有的光彩,进而也形成了徽州地域环境艺术的个性与文化内涵。而徽州传统城区保持了完整的地域风貌,有着精良的建筑艺术和与自然和谐统一的景观设计,构成了独特的人文景观风貌,有着显著的地域文化特征,具有很高的综合价值和整体价值,是具有鲜明特色和风格的文化城区范例,是研究地域文化和环境艺术的活化石。 本文以徽州传统文化与环境艺术结合分析为基础;以徽州传统城区为研究对象,结合创新实例,系统的研究徽州文化的主要特征及其对地域环境艺术的影响。意在揭示徽州地域环境艺术的特质从而说明徽州传统文化与其环境艺术密切相联——文化直接影响了环境艺术,而地域环境艺术中又闪烁出徽州传统文化的光芒。

【Abstract】 Traditional culture of Anhui is abundant, and has a long history. It is one of the culturec (the Zang culture, the Dunhuang culture and the Anhui culture) of our three greatest regional cultures , and covered the philosophy , religion, history, medicion, science and art . The Anhui culture experience successively four stages: the earlier period of Yue culture; The San Yue culture; the Xinan culture; the Anhui culture. Belief of the Anhui and develop. Into a still shape, eventually become mature.Among all the distinctive and systematical regional cultures, Anhui culture is an outstanding representative. Anhui culture made profound development in various aspects; form specific style and have the factors distinctive. These factors combine with the special natural flavor, customs, historical culture, and religious. In a word, they show us the connotational district inventions mental art of the Anhui.Nowadays, the more human beings experience the baptism of high technology and modernization, the more fierce desire to turn back to the humanities nature they have. By the time traditional districts of Anhui , Xidi and Hongcun , had been approved the world heritage by United in 2001, the Anhui had become "the spirit garden" with its characteristic sight and a good many places of interest in the people’s dreams. I was bora and brought up among this area. As a person to research on the environment art, I should follow the situation of the period, research explore the culture of the Anhui culture and environment art.None of the art in the area, such as traditional building, decorating and design, can reflect the rays of light glued off by the culture. Meanwhile these arts constitute the Anhui culture with personality and its intention. The traditional districts of Anhui largely preserved the original types of ancient scene , boasting elaborate architectural style and landscapes harmonious with nature. They make a unique human landscape , having distinct regional cultural features and remarkable comprehensive value . They are most characteristic samples of cultural districts , and living fossils for study on regional culture and environment artThe reading material aims at revealing the characteristic of the art in this area by the forms of setting examples and case analysis as the base, relating the culture of the Anhui with its environment art as basic tune , with the traditional districts as study object. My further aim is to instruct the close relationship between the culture of the Anhui and its environment. The Anhuiculture has a direct effect on the environmental art ; on the other hand, the latter reflects the rays of the former

【关键词】 徽州文化地域特色环境艺术
【Key words】 Anhui culturedistrictcharacteristicThe environmental art
  • 【分类号】TU-86
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】699

